People complaining about hunters, have you seen rogues?

Yeah Rets are definitely insane.

Shadowpriests are 100% way better than any class currently. Their dots will kill you, even if they’ve been dead for a minute.

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Those are rookie numbers mate. Gotta pump it up with berserking buff :>

The op is the same person who posted this :rofl:

Everyone overpowered but hunters :rofl:

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nerff to ground lvl

What if it’s because chaos bolt has a 3 sec cast time, so rogues and MM hunters will have killed their target before the first chaos bolt reaches it, thus preventing them from ever seeing what chaos bolt damage is like? :thinking:

Chaos bolt hits (crits) me for 5ish k with 17% versa + trinket set bonus
Between high resource cost, cast time, interruptible, no stealth casts, no instant duplicate damage and everything else i listed on the other thread chaos bolt is not a problem at all.

Aimed shot with the same versa + set bonus:

well… (imgur) /a/1587W8G

Like arcane shots are criting for 4.5k, that’s an instant cast shot doing just 1k less than chaos bolts. Ya hunters are fine.

Rogues are literally 2 shotting me in a 4 sec kidney. Echoing something from kyrian i believe + eviscerate did like 25k dmg on plate char. Nice :stuck_out_tongue:


Hello deathcoil and other such forms of CC.

Yep, even if you trinket the stun, they’ll blind and repeat.

It’s actually very easy to LoS. You just have to press release spirit and you did it!


Rets are just as bad. They deal insane burst and can even do so while immune to damage.

You the same dear hunter, you are the equivalent of a ranged paladin you op sht.

My bad for nor getting it across, but my post up there was an attempt at humor.

Yes MM, Sub and Ret are 100% equally disgusting atm. There will be tuning. But everything else feels pretty okay. So far.


Learn to track hidden & flare

25k health 10%+ resilience, Plate, Devo aura etc. I’m dead too in 2 globals before I have time to hit bubble. They don’t even need to use stun. -_-

Fancy explaining why in every BG levelling up from 10-60 there’s at least 5 hunters, and barely any rogues, if rogues are the broken ones atm?

Sure, rogues are pretty overtuned at max level, but hunters need Aimed Shot and it’s game over. At least rogues have to use a rotation and buttons. Hunters can stealth, aimed shot, dead, repeat.

In trouble? Turtle.

Need to escape? Trap / Disengage.

Need a healer? Jk free heal in kit.

I wouldn’t mind the others, if they couldn’t 1 shot me with a single ability. :slight_smile:


Yes, sub rogues are crazy.
Yes, MM hunters are crazy.

This isnt highlander, there can be more than one overtuned spec…


Well that’s a lie. You can nuke someone down in a single bubble, of course you have time to use it.

Actually I see more Rogues and paladins in my experience lol.

You really can’t say anything about heal kits being a Monk.

Agaggagaga nlo :smiley: But everything else feels pretty okay.Number one clown.