Moderator attention, please delete thread

Let it go…the Alliance will never get playable highelves.

Let it go…the Horde will never get playable non dead humans.

Who people like on their posts is down to personal preference and should not be an issue. I post on a blood elf yet I don’t believe I am part of any ‘karma farmer gang’ I express my views like everyone else.

Although I do agree that mass flagging posts for no reason has become an issue, it is unfair to label it as one particular group.

Maybe we are in different threads but I am not seeing this mass flagging that you are. I see the odd few posts that are flagged for no reason but overall on reading the flagged post 99% of the time I can see the reason that it was flagged.

Also as I said in one of my previous replies I feel that this is the least worst option. If we left it totally free for all then this place would really turn into a cesspit. As it is as long as the ‘flagged’ post isn’t breaking the ToS then it will be unflagged by a moderator and no action taken. Those that wish to view the flagged post can still do so by clicking on a button. Judging by some of the posts I have seen that have been flagged I wouldn’t want that to remain on view for any longer than necessary.

Maybe that is the case Osangar and we have not seen the same threads, or our perceptions differ. I can only speak as I have seen and hence why I created this topic. I have seen posts mass flagged for no apparent reason and I believe it happens on a regular basis. I know the Forum Moderators do unflag a post if it is seen as not breaking any rules, the point I was making is do they also track who is mass flagging and if it is a group who do this constantly, is there a punishment allocated to this group?

I think what I am asking for is a system that is fair to all, having so much hidden away is a recipe for abuse. But I stress this is just my opinion, I know that not all will agree :slight_smile:

I am not saying I don’t see posts mass flagged that didn’t deserve it, more that it is the exception rather than the norm.

I also think that the system is as fair as it can be with the only thing that is hidden is whether or not those that do false flag have sanctions imposed on their account however I do not feel that we, as the end user, need to know if this has happened or not.

I feel that any system is going to be open to abuse in some way.

I agree, no system is ever perfect and people will always find ways to ‘get round’ or abuse a system :slight_smile:

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i only refered to that particular group because 1)theyre all horde mains 2)theyre all blood elf or void elf 3)they are karma farmers 4)all like each other’s posts and are ‘‘friends’’ 5)mass flagging with their army of alts

And I believe that the ‘group’ as you refer to them could also post and say the same thing about Alliance groups. The thread is not about a horde/alliance split and which does what, it’s more about the general abuse of the mass flagging system, of which I believe could be attributed to both sides.

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I’ve noticed odd posts that are hidden but don’t appear to break the CoC. In one recent thread, someone queried why it had been hidden and another poster replied that the OP had been copied and pasted in several other threads already, so this was reported for spam. I recall someone doing that early in 8.3 with a video that was posted in almost every thread so, while the single post didn’t break the CoC, posting it everywhere did. If you hadn’t seen the other posts, the flagging certainly looked unreasonable.

On the other hand, there are plenty of posts which get flagged and the poster believes that they have been falsely mass flagged due to their opinion, when really they did something like used masked language for swear words which is against the CoC.


Are you implying punyelf has a «blood elf karma farmer gang» that goes around and mass flags you? :thinking:

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I see it too, stupid when people flag because they disagree with the contents of a post.

One thing that I dislike with reddit, if you have an opposing view to the masses you get hit by downvotes which remove people or their opinion (or even facts) from the conversation, even in other communities on there, for example many would downvote any topic discussing pvp on a particular sub due to personal bias despite it being a positive and insightful topic.

It’s not really a forum tho, more a place to read trends and jokes.
This is a forum however, opposing views are a staple to discussion and flagging a post because you are in disagreement is against fundamental purpose of forum and repeated use in this way should lead to removal of that tool if possible.

I don’t really agree that we should know who flags, in-fact I think we are better to not know and just have abusers dealt with swiftly.

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How you doin there pala man :kissing_heart:



mmmm for what though? xD

Well that isnt a bad thing is it :confused:

That happens but not from people i know, im as much anti-flag as it gets. You should see Argent Dawn Forums O.O it’s quite a {redacted}show there xD


I really don’t think anyone is targeting and/or frequently flagging you. While you say a lot of stuff that I personally disagree with, it’s your opinion and a forum is here to discuss opinions.

I usually only flag extremely rude / inappropriate posts and mostly only if they use a kind of language that shouldn’t be used here. I don’t remember a single post of yours that would match this criteria.


Still dont understand why you only go after horde… When are you going to realize you are not a part of the Alliance either? You have been kicked out, we dont want you, you are on your own, now please stop the moaning and go build your own little pityparty

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just spam your popcorn gifs and stop stirring ellek poddle

and yet ive been banned 4 times due to mass flagging by karma farmers.

Not wishing to further derail the topic but I think that the problem the poster you quoted has is that the majority of their posts have nothing to do with the topic in which they are posted. Which is then, rightly, flagged as such. However, as they also seem to have a persecution complex this just exacerbates the situation and then you get more off topic posts full of paranoia about it.

Edit: The two posts above mine just confirm what I have stated.

I agree with Kreymore (I must ask Dottie how she manages to link actual people) that using the flag to disagree with a post is wrong however we do need some means in order to flag those messages which are inappropriate, in whatever form that takes. I think it would be a waste of resources to employ a team of people, as it would have to be a fairly large team just to cover the EU forums, to go through every thread to check every post.


And you are seriously implying that I’m mass flagging you? :sob:

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Ah you mean those timed where you called people “prostitutes”, well in another word but ill get flagged myself so i wont use that.

By the way, what will your new faction be called? Seeing as you’re not alliance anymore

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