Yeah maybe in a future expansion or story or whatever, but killing the dude off in opening story of the expansion he features in is a bit dumbledore.
Mate the whole storyline focus on the fact that the empire was deeply in decline and needed allies because it couldnt handle their problmes alone (totally like actual real empire which existed) and Rastakhan didnt want to make thoses changes he did after too long after he lost Rezan, zul betryed him etc etc
If it was in real life history the ppl would have revolted since long and would have threw him off the pyramide themselves to proclaim her dauther queen even before the alliance came to do it
Almost like perhaps the pride and worship of their God King, despite some of his failings, could be a societal flaw to explore.
I know right and consideribng duirng his rein you had cataclysm striking zandalari you could have ppl putting this on Rastakhan fault like if it was some gods punishement etc but i guess too hard to explore and players wouldnt understand it because again in real history you have verry good leaders who die off like nothing of illiness or off horse accidents and well thats how it is you cant say “ho its bad writtings” if i would be in charge i would ill so many ppl of silly things ike it was actually the case in reality and yet ppl would say im a bad writter for killing my chars too soon? well no its how it is its fate and sometime fate is not clement and dont let ppl go at the end of their story
Truly the darkest timeline …
High fantasy story =/ Reality
We got hints of Zandalari warlocks in Vanilla, in which a warlock quest referred to Zandalari demoniacs.
Plus I forget which but there’s zandalari warlock in BFA that you can kill, iirc.
Anyway Tehya’s point (I think) with this is that there’s more lore for Zandalari warlocks than there is monks. Monk being a class founded by the pandaren, a long-time enemy of the zandalari.
I was genuinely surprised that Zandalari couldn’t be warlocks. It’s not like a class being available to a race means there’s lots of them in lore. It’s entirely plausible a few zandalari warlocks live on the fringes of society, or even in Vol’dun.
IIRC demoniacs are retconned as BfA states that Zandalari have outlawed fel magic much like blood magic. But it would make perfect sense if the Zandalari would scrap that law upon joining the Horde as the latter is much more accepting of the use of darker powers. Think a Zandalari warlock who would finally be able to put an end to his exile in Vol’dun thanks to the Horde would make for a pretty powerful backstory.
From Vanilla you say it yourself and im sorry but the zandalari 'demoniacs" are bascially just demon hunter more than warlocks since if you remember they aborsb their demons to become some ind of demons melee fighters which is a dh
You first might confuse them with blood magics users and you say it youtself “that you can ill” which mean they are outlaw
Times changed since there and pandarens are forgiving since they cant have bad feelings and dont have to prevent the sha to rise stop putting this arguement on the table pandarens are not revenfull of anything like this
Yeah right so where are my draenai warlock then? Or my highmountain tauren warloc isnce there is some in highmountain
sorry i checked wowpedia, the roman empire doesn’t exist in WoW.
Also not sure how empires being defanged in the past suddenly means that the Zandalari didn’t get defanged.
an interesting character with flaws, you say? Awesome. Wish we had that instead of TL-Jaina the Omnipotent
dang really? bc i walked around and all I can find is Rezan’s corpse
don’t care if he comes back in 4 xpacs from now, atm he’s dead as dead can get, and so is Shadra.
I would truly love to say something witty + charming in response to this but I honestly can’t understand what you’re trying to say.
Warlocks aren’t exclusively Fel-users so i sleep on this entire paragraph.
There’s also a Zandi 'lock NPC in-game
(also, Demoniacs)
so Rezan and Shadra didn’t get killed, Rastakhan is still alive and king, Zandalari do have Warlock and they didn’t turn into a cucked shadow of their former glory?
Because I think that all of those things are, in fact, not the case, meaning I am as always 500% totally correct.
no swearing on my christian forum
right on the money
I agree and think those races should also get warlock.
Well, since wow lore is based on real history things you need to learn it to understand it better and yeah all my points are wrong if you come with loooot of cherry picking like you do and say its wrong =) i think no point to answer you i did it already
I must have missed the ‘Demonic titan thrusts sword into planet’ bit in history class.
I’d love draenei warlocks but i think they’re incapable of wielding fel without it completely corrupting them
it’s ok, you’re not an RPer, I know you don’t function on the same level as AD bulls
just gimme a bad boi faction (or restore Horde to its bad boi glory) already
don’t you remember that time we went into space to conquer a green planet, found lost allies, then just straight up abandoned them after killing several gods?
Amusingly, the way in which demoniacs are described more closely resembles Demon Hunters than warlocks.
The Zandalari demoniacs take treading dangerous ground in dealing with demons one step further. Through an ancient and arcane ritual, they allow a demon to enter their being. Rather than let it possess them though, they enslave the demon from the inside, absorbing the power of the beast for their own command. It is a feat few are ever able to master.[1] The demoniac seeks to embody power outright, not just possess it. More than one demoniac has lost a fight with a demon; with the enemies of the Zandalari threatening them, the power that a demoniac is able to unleash on the tribe’s foes is worth the sacrifice.
A demoniac knows that the game they play is much similar to the fall of the Gurubashi Empire, but the power unleashed is often the very thing needed for survival.[2] The ultimate symbol of power amongst the Zandalari is the garb they wear in battle. A demoniac’s robes have fused fine runecloth and devastatingly powerful mojo into a single fabric. The visage of the robe is said to instill fear into the minds of all who see it… especially the demons that the demoniac will eventually dominate.[3]
Recently, the Zandalari gave powerful demoniac clothing to warlock adventurers who were willing to learn their ways.[1]
Remove Zanda Monks.
Give Zanda Demon Hunters.
Alliance dude
Sadly Blizz refuses to acknowledge the evils of the Alliance
Gonna get back into RP just to brainwash some heretic punks with my fellow Lightforged bulls
Do you remember where? I’m interested.