Mogu, the Rajani and Allied Races

thankfully i have an armada of BULLS at my side to help me find things like this.


That’s the mad lad I was talking about!

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Well, i guess i have genius in frotn of me so i thin i will let you talk between verry smart ppl…again f’’'cing cherry picing and dumb ppl i mean for real your lvl of culture mates is abyssale and they thin they are roleplayers hahah without habving any rea history culture lel

Ho and in Rastakhan being stonrg but yet imcpetent you can remove storng from the sentance because i have no idea which good choices he made in his rein =p and he should have been removed since long for being so incompetent

bloody hell what is that typing



you keep saying this but don’t actually point out anything that’s cherry picked

the chaotic keyboard-slamming of someone that is very, very upset.

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My culture level is higher than everyone else’s.


[quote=“Tehya-wildhammer, post:265, topic:122094”]
you keep saying this but don’t actually point out anything that’s cherry picked[/quote]

Well i dont know maybe the verry smart coment that roman empire dosent exist on wowpedia? that one i htin was the biggest cherry picking coment i ever saw like “ho lets be stupid and say soething totally obvious” like really mate i think you should be deleted

Culture level isn’t important here. Need to see your Ahead of the Culture achievement please.


That’s not cherry picking, though.

WTS Culture boosts PM me 4 details!

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I’m sorry that my point with that didn’t quite come through.

The roman empire is irrelevant to my feelings about the Zandalari empire due to there being no feasible relation between the two, making that entire massive paragraph you typed out about it extremely indicative of the fact that you are not an RPer and therefore operate on a lower level

is that better

nah nah don’t tell her, I’m liking this fallacy fallacy thing she has going on

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please i told you earlier no swearing on my christian forum

this never happens to me, sorry.

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Yeah I agree.


Why are you on our forum?

Last i checked, this is the AD forum.


can’t wait for ADexit. AD for ADers only :triumph:

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To partake in a thread relevant to her interests, I assume. Going by her first post on the thread, she’s pretty keen on playable mogu.

Good for her, doesn’t need to be calling the residents names because they disagree with er.

You don’t need to tell me.

to be fair i’m a mean gamer :sunglasses:

Fair enough, but still.

While i don’t advocate the language being used in general, its especially rude seeing how they are on our home terf spewing it.

Especially when its over a difference of opinion.

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Maybe because i want mogu allied race? just maybe but then ppl get trolly and annoying