Mogu, the Rajani and Allied Races

I envy that. But on the other hand I’m pretty pleased with the other allied races, so maybe.

They are not necessary but the addition of friendly Mogu makes sense in the light of Ra’den’s return. Their implementation is in line with Ra’den’s history and it doesn’t seem far-fetched that he brought a group of Mogu under his control after his release from captivity. I don’t get the impression that they are being set up as an allied race in obvious way.

3 and 4 are also true for Gilbins and Ankoans from Nazjatar. 2 could hint at something.

I don’t think that Mogu will be an allied race in the foreseeable future but I would like to be proven wrong. All the cool stuff in Pandaria was made by the Mogu.

Mogu used to enslave Pandaren like the Alliance did in Jade Forest so that would be their faction. :+1:

Absolutely, and I’m glad that a seemingly friendly Mogu clan were implemented; my point in which I stated they weren’t inherently necessary was simply pointing to the fact that our matters with Ra-den could’ve likely been done through several different avenues

With that said, one can argue that anything Blizzard ever do isn’t necessary because there were other feasible options - I realise that, but I still think it’s interesting to consider nonetheless.

Just give me my Mogu

EDIT: Spelling


Playable mogu are the ready player one of allied races

Mogu should be a race like the pandaren. They choose a faction based on the clan which decides to join them.

Y’all wanted cat girls, right? Female tol’vir, baby!

I suppose it’s plausible, though I’m not sure I can see it happening beyond the Pandaren. Perhaps if it were the entirety of the Mogu given their constant split and divide, but I can only forsee the Rajani being the plausible addition.

True, I just don’t see any reasonable addition to the Alliance roster. Jinyu perhaps?
the actual fish men, not the cheap copy catfishes from Nazjatar.

Yeah, that’s what I’ve put forward earlier in the thread

Is already preparing plans for a Mogu guild in dark corners

Ideally Blizzard would just give us loads more customisation for the current races, but given that I don’t think they’ll do more than what they’re promising for Shadowlands now, bring on as many Allied Races as possible, Blizzard.

I won’t play them, but c’mon give us the lot. :pray:

The wildhammer tattoos are pretty nice.

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I want to see mogu and vrykul, but as proper races rather than allied ones, given the kind of dedication our core races have been in regards to starting zones, customisation options, etc. Although given the nature of levelling come Shadowlands, I fear we might never see a new starting zone ever again.

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I would like all Allied Races to be proper races, but don’t dare to dream too big young Val’danyr…

But papa said I could be anything I wanted to be when I grew up, and I’ve decided I want to be a well-made vrykul and mogu!

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Yes, yes I did son

You’ll have your wishes soon


I wouldn’t mind getting the Rajani mogu as a playable race. The only possible issue would be the skin color though, as I’ve noticed that different clans have different skin colors. Perhaps the Rajani could gather or even assimilate the other clans following our triumph over them in 8.3?

Another strong argument for them joining the Horde would be the fact that they’ve been allied with the Zandalari in the past, so perhaps they would want to reforge that ancient alliance.

I only wonder what the Alliance would get in return? As unlikely as it would be, I’d personally love to see sethrak join the Alliance!

I think this is entirely plausible. The Mogu - whilst splintered and divided more often than not - have shown that they can unite when necessary, i.e. serving under Lei Shen; it doesn’t seem unlikely that some of the Mogu from various clans might eventually throw their lot in with the Rajani, seemingly the sole clan that has purpose beyond conquering Pandaria and rebuilding their empire


I’d LOVE to have the mogu but didn’t they already confirm there won’t be further allied races? And shadowlands will focus on customization over new races.

I can’t say for sure as I’ve not seen that, but the point of the thread wasn’t necessarily for them to be specifically added before or during Shadowlands, but instead in the general future; I simply think that it’d be a good point in time to add them as an allied race now