Mogu, the Rajani and Allied Races

It really would be the perfect time. Let’s hope for the best!

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Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t really see what reason the mogu would have for joining either of the factions, and the Rajani even less so. They were tasked by Ra-den to defend the Engine of Nalak’sha, and they seem to be pretty intent on following the original purpose of the mogu: serving the titans and the Highkeeper’s will. They also keep dissing the other mogu for straying from that path and keep speaking about how they’ll be brought under the heel if they don’t join the Rajani.

And even if they supposedly were in disarray over the lack of Ra-den to lead them, why would they seek either of the factions for “leadership”? Why would they not simply pick one of their own to continue their work in Pandaria?

The mogu so far have been portrayed as a very independent race, and bringing them into the factions with shoddy reasons would add to the dumb homogenisation of racial/faction identity where so many races just get lumped in with the Alliance or Horde for no real reason, whereas they’d be more interesting if they kept to their own.

As for how likely I actually think it is Blizzard is intending to give them as an allied race? Pretty low, seeing as the models are nowhere close to the quality of all the allied races we have gotten in BFA when they were introduced: zandalari, mechagnomes, vulpera (etcetera) all had models that were more or less already ready for player use.

The mogu aside, I think hozen and jinyu would make more sense as we have already seen them joining forces with the factions once (although one could argue the results were ultimately pretty horrible for both of them). Throwing a few, adventurous individuals from the Pearlfin jinyu and the forest hozen into the factions would be more suitable, even if I still think the point about races joining factions for no reason being dumb applies.

/rant over


I understand your point. I’m aware that as it stands in 8.3 currently there is likely slim incentive for the Rajani to go out of their way to pick a side, but I think it goes without saying that a reason would undoubtedly be created if Blizzard believe them worthy of becoming a playable race. As far as I’m aware, the Vulpera have more or less joined the Horde simply on the basis that we’ve helped them out in Vol’dun and we’ve “shown them that there is more to life than mere survival” - far strangers things would have happened were the Rajani to join one side or another simply for aiding them in their efforts.

True, but by this logic, that adds the question of why some of the other existing allied races have opted to pick a side on the basis that they could’ve simply continued on their own and pursued goals more specific to their race.

I personally disagree. I think that it’s almost always interesting to see a new race integrate into a new faction and how their people and culture ultimately adapt and mesh with the rest of the races within said faction; I’ve enjoyed it with every allied race thus far, even if I like them to varying degrees.

I think I address this reasonably well in my fourth point. Furthermore, the Zandalari were also a race that hadn’t been updated since MoP, so I’d argue that the validity of this point is questionable.

I’d not mind either of these races being implemented as allied races, the latter of which I’ve previously advocated for earlier in the thread - I think they’d be good additions.

When’re Blizz gonna start doing that? 'cos they’re a bit overdue on all of them.

I’ll clarify that I refer to this more on the basis of roleplay as opposed to legitimate story provided to us - should’ve specified

Players doing Blizzard’s work again

The vulpera are a race of nomadic people with no greater purpose, who were living in a land where they were more or less getting constantly harassed by sethrak and other dangers, so it makes more sense in their case they’d seek safety and like minded people in the Horde. The (Rajani) mogu on the other hand have a very specific purpose they are already dedicated to, and have had no real cooperation with the factions beyond the Hero coming to deal with their issues (just as the Hero does everywhere). In fact, they very specifically stated they want no outsiders in their crib when you first go there and give in once Magni reveals himself to be the Speaker.

Which is sort of what I was speaking about races being crammed into the factions for no reason, which is dumb.

This is just where we disagree. I personally think a race being forcibly shoved into the factions devalues them as a whole. Why do they drop their own aspirations, goals and whatever else just to focus on this big coalition of races that can’t seem to do anything else than war endlessly?

Yeah, they might offer safety in return, but for many of the races the danger they are offering to defend them from comes from the fact that they were dumb enough to join the Alliance/Horde and as a result ended up as a valid target for the other faction (see how that went for the zandalari).

Yeah, but my point was that the models were updated by the time they were announced as an allied race. They didn’t just shove the 5.2 zandalari models into BFA and then update them. The mogu models we have in 8.3 are the same they were back when they were first introduced in Mists of Pandaria, and they are way outdated.

Yeah, they use the same skeleton as draenei do, but that’s about it. The whole model would need to be remade from scratch (including all the customisation options), and they would need many more animations made to give them their own unique flair (as they have done with the rest of the allied races).


:fox_face: :dagger: :elf:


Yeah, yeah. Mogu are cool and all, but I don’t feel like they should be added as an allied race so soon after they are introduced (the rajani).

But then again, we did get Void Elves AND Lightforged instead of the CLEARLY superior Broken Draenei.


The majority of the dangers they previously faced in Vol’dun are now dealt with or lessened to an extent; the Faithless have presumably been quelled and the dangers faced by General Jakra’zet and the Mythrax (and by association, G’huun) have been alleviated. I think it’s reasonable to assume that the Vulpera could’ve led considerably easier lives in Vol’dun if they hadn’t opted to join the Horde.

I recall the Zandalari wanting very little to do with us and were very much hostile during the entirety of MoP given their association with the Mogu, only changing their tune once we - again - strolled along and helped them out in a big way. It seems thus far that all it takes for a race to become an allied race candidate is us helping them one way or another

As you’ve already stated, I think these two points generally just revolve around difference of opinion, and that’s OK

I think this is entirely possible as I’ve stated earlier in the thread that I don’t necessarily believe the Mogu will be given to us soon (though I do hope so), but rather that they’d merely be given to us “some time in the future”. A very vague prediction of time frame, yes, but I can’t exactly provide an accurate one.

Ultimately, it just boils down to difference of opinion; you believe the Mogu would be more interesting if they remained on their own - and that’s fine - and I believe they would be mega BASED if they threw their lot in with a faction. I think that Mogu have a lot of genuinely interesting and cool lore, and I like the idea of them being actively used as a playable race as opposed to occasionally bringing them in every few expansions for a brief role in a patch

While I can see Shuang’s point absolutely, and it’s made me realise that adding mogu isn’t so cut and dry, there’s also this I feel the need to respond to:

I really really hope this does not happen. Rajani, okay, they’re a mogu splinter group that is clearly different from the rest. You can work with them. But leave the other mogu clans be. Them suddenly being okay to subjecting themselves to a foreign king or warchief and dancing around their campfire, after many thousands of years of being a brutal, utterly immoral and independent slaver empire would kill their theme completely.

Let at least those stay antagonists. Let them keep their dignity.

Yeah, I don’t inherently disagree with this, I just believed it to be a plausible - though unlikely, if you ask me - outcome

I think in retrospect I’d actually much prefer it to purely be the Rajani if we were given playable Mogu now

This is why the game would be better if you had the option for a third, neutral faction which just consists of adventurers from various races, so Blizzard wouldn’t have to justify why X is in the Horde/Alliance and instead they just go around helping everyone because they are adventurers/heroes. That way it could even just canonically be one or a handful of them from the race rather than all of them. :weary:


I’m not sure how it would work on a technical basis, but I don’t think that’s the aspect of it we’re discussing either. I think it’s a cool idea regardless of how difficult it would likely be to implement (looking at you, old content)

The thing about a third faction is that, yes, it would be cool, I reckon Blizzard would have to make a bunch of new content just for that specific faction. There’s going to be the point where they’re either going to get their own city or that they can go to any, which instantly makes others all go for the Neutrality because people want to RP in both Org and SW. It’d be hard to make…
And then they’d have to implement it in the story. But enough digressing.

Yeah, it isn’t very viable from a technical point of view unless they make some very big changes to how the game works, since they would either A.) have way less content than the other two factions, or B.) be the objectively superior faction by having access to everything.

It’s all theoretical anyway. The A-H model will never be altered, simply because of marketing.

Could have you just pick one faction to level with* once you get out of the starting experience, until you hit current content when it branches back into third party, since it’s all framed as Chromie showing you past events anyway. There’d still be technical issues no doubt but it’d sort the content amount issue.

*Maybe give you the option to switch over expacs (eg. Horde for Cata, Alliance for MoP) rather than locked in for good, but that might mess up reputations.

the best? im uncertain if you’re dissing it :dagger:

I absolutely am.

If you want to play Ready Player One, just play VRChat.