More World of Warcraft Experiences to Come

PvE experience = vampire survivors like game mode confirmed

With recent performance then it has to potential to be well below expectations, as season 4 is a lazy season with no new content, at this rate most players will skip it, at least put some pve activity in the actual game.
some actual mini story maybe ?
Separated mini games are useless and nothing to do with warcraft, forgettable and pointless.


Don’t be conditioned to think they don’t have the resources, they have plenty of money and can do both new and existing content no problem they just need to invest a tiny fraction of the income they make.


Are you happy with the following?

  • “Kill 10 boars” style quests
  • The current state of retail PvP
  • 99% of abilities being push-button-and-cast-on-target based
  • Rushed-out game modes like Island Expeditions, Warfronts, and Thorghast
  • The repetitive PvE content cycle, e.g. 1 new open world assault event, 1 new reputation grind, 1 new raid, 8 new dungeons per season?

WoW needs experiments to improve. The chance of designing a product and it being amazing on the 1st try is 0.00001%. Trying out new ideas, getting feedback, and making improvement is necessary. Blizz surely does test internally, but at some point they need the players to test as well.

Island Expeditions, Warfronts, and Thorghast could’ve been good if Blizz had let us test more, rather than rushing those game modes out as expansion features. Actually, Thorghast was pretty good at the end of Shadowlands. But the point it, it takes experimentation to make something good, and it’s good for the game if Blizz does more of this, especially if it’s done independently of an expansion’s project delivery schedule, because then they’re not forced to rush out something half-baked.


news that there are no news

ok then

experiments and development for the actual game, yes.
i mean isnt delves supposed to be that?

raiding needs some desparate improvement and m+ could use a fresh paint and better balance

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I wont be hyped this time…
Plunderstorm was/is a huge disapointment to me… so much that i actually fear future context


The learnings from the Plunderstorm experiment will most probably make it into the actual game. It took a lot of resources to make it, so it’s very unlikely Blizz made it just for a temporary 6 week event.

By doing experiments in a “special lab”, they can work faster and take more risks. That way, if the experiment fails, they don’t have to clean up anything in the real product.

I’m a raider and M+ player, not a PvPer, but I’m happy that Blizz did the Plunderstorm experiment because it might enable them to make retail PvP actually fun. PvE also has lots of room for improvement, but PvP needs help the most.


Still irks me that the size of those islands isn’t correct on that world map.

yes i understand you want new things new customers and more money.

i support your hardcore? , classic? sod? love for minority too.

but there is RETAIL too.

Easiest way to solve this problem with the forced pvp in Plunderstorm is to just have a pure PvE mode, 59 bots and you can choose the difficulty, easy normal or hard, u get 25% bonus to rep on easy, 50% on normal and 100% on hard, it will both train up people who want to learn pvp and give an avenue to earn the same rewards for people who hate pvp (like me). Same rewards, same renown levels but the player can pick his poison.


it is an interestng move

I’m pretty happy yes.

I have no desire to pvp in another game to get rewards in WoW.

at least vampire is fun and not a battle royal. could be fun

Don’t care.
Yes I actually liked all of those game modes.
Yes, it’s alright, though I am very happy at the delve introduction.

Plunderstorm wasn’t in retail, it’s an entirely separate game mode, therefore it doesn’t count as new content. It’s fine for them to experiment, just not hype everyone up only for a load of people to feel like they actually have nothing to do, especially since it doesn’t even use your characters.


well i am a m+ and pvp player and i disliked the pvp we had there. less the pvp aspect itself but the game was so incredible boring as i had to farm pve dummys to level up and find skills.

the implementation was so bad and the whole gamemode was half a**ed and based on something that was fun 5 years ago.
If that is what we can expect from their experiments, then good night. some badly copy pasta.
they have concepts that are working and need desperate improvement, yet they put all their resources to classic and weird experiments. way to kill retail excitement

The only experience i care about is Blizzard reaching out to AMD and work out stability issues with this game, cos their no good experience, their is only bad experience.

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Inspired by Vala above …

  • Yes. Very.
  • I have no opinion on this.
  • Yes, and do not want change.
  • My problem with Island Expeditions, Warfronts, Torghast, and Scenarios is that Blizzard didn’t get enough feedback and act on it.
  • The godawful “Public Events” abomination was Blizzard experimenting with a mode that is never going to work, at last not AFAIAC, and then not abandoning it and going back to what works. The rest, yes.

Do you even realise that Plunderstorn HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WOW? NOTHING. They might as well have put in a game of chess or checkers using the races as pieces (Which is also PvP. btw :stuck_out_tongue: ) or remade SimCity in Durotar. I would have preferred any of these, but they still should not do them BECAUSE THEY HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH WOW.

Plunderstorm is a perfect example of the newly-promoted school principal who doesn’t know what his job is, that was explained in The Peter Principle.

This, I agree with. If Blizzard had made them into separate game modes, and rolled them out as a separate test experience a year before the expansion, and taken feedback and (gasp!) actually acted on it, they could have been, or Blizzard could have seen that they weren’t going to work out. I don’t think Warfronts ever had a chance for the same reasons that “Public Events” are crap.

I actually liked a lot about Torghast, but the dull “reward” and the duller environment - how could they start from an environment modelled on the breathtaking ICC and made it so repugnant? that takes real graphic and sound talent - killed any chance of enjoying it.

But they were all actual parts of WoW, with the rules of the WoW world, with us using our own characters.

Unlike Plunderstorm.

Do you think that Plunderstorm is an experiment for WoW? Do you think that Plunderstorm could be made into a WoW mode? Allowing us to use stealth with Rogues and Druids, and with no abilities to pick up?

I don’t.

Anyway, I just now completed my sentence. It seems this is the time for lots of people. In the lobby of every game this evening, someone was saying “This is my last game” and others were gratsing them. And then it was my turn, and everybody gratsed me, and I need never look back on that experience again! :partying_face: :fireworks:

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Plunderstorm was made by Prolateriat Games, which Blizzard acquired and integrated into the WoW team about one and a half years ago. Before joining Blizz, that team made a game called Spellbreaker. It’s very similar to Plunderstorm. I assume Blizz let them create a WoW version of Spellbreaker as both an onboarding project and also to see whether such a game mode could be fun in WoW.

Giving a newly acquired team a side-project, rather than making them work on the time-critical features immediately, is actually a smart project management move.

So you understand the reason for developing Plunderstorm as a separate game mode, but you’re still angry at Blizzard for doing that?

I guess the thing Blizzard did poorly is expectations management. Maybe they need to clearly label some features as “EXPERIMENTAL” or “BETA”. Holly Longdale’s tweets kinda did that, but maybe it needs to be communicated more explicitly. It would also help if Blizzard explains the experiments’ goals.

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Why do you even play the game if you don’t seem happy with the so called “tab targeting” playstyle?


Mmmhm. Sounds good!