Most fun Tank?

blood elf = barbie doll :stuck_out_tongue:

Look at me and tell me Paladin isn’t best.

Looks like I’ll be farming Dire Maul a couple of months.

Good mog…my paladin is only level 40 but i already bought glorious plate legs for skimpy gold girl.

Punyelfs is better :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Pfft, imagine not having a tabard.

Hold up…

You’re right, you win

What the most fun tank class is, is probably a personal opinion what you as an individual like and don’t like.

For example I love Death Knight and Paladin tanks because their defensives are built into their rotation in the form of Death Strike and Shield of the Righteous. The opposite to those classes is Warrior, which naturally is something I don’t like due to the various abilities you need to activate to maintain damage reduction, that deals no damage in the rotation.

Tbf i can outheal most healers in m+, (unless its bursting) and i dont even have to press FR for that, just because your dmg meter says u have high healing, doesnt mean it is healing.
Like 20-30% is absorbd from EW, and like next at least 50% is total passive healing.

But yea druids are good at self healing, even tho pasive, likes to overheal when with randoms, and their dmg+utility is also nice.

Prot warrior by far.

So right now im between, DK, Druid and DH ofc my prot warr as i play now.

Clearly you should pick your covenant, then pick what class has a covenant ability you like and neat conduits.

Blood Death Knight all the way.
Great utility, great self-healing. CDs for every purpose. Grips, Gorefiends, stun. SL brings even more. Whats not to like?

They are extremely viable in all content. Apart from pvp though, unless you’re attempting some memebuild I guess.

Oh, and 2 dps specs that wrecks :poop:. Come on,

Go DK.

Blood DK

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I started tanking as druid since WOTLK. My love lays with BDK though.

Both are fun specs.

In fact, I would suggest you try them all.

Each tank has different flavor than the other. What I find fun maybe different for you. Each has his own taste.

Exactly, we have the highest healing/absorb/passive healing/mitigation combined compared to other classes, although a warrior can for example mitigate every single melee attack if played right, besides a few.
But if they screw up they get punished hard.
If Druids screw up, we can fix it with other defensives, that’s why i prefer druids, we have so many options to us.

Well, druid is king of all situations, master of none, its good and also bad.

Bdk/vdh is gina outheal us strong, when we talk about pure healing only. Well vdh maybe less now with their glutony/lr/vop build which imo is realy boring.

To OP, u gotta try them yourself, most people cal druid dull, i enjoy it quite a lot and was realy bored when i played vdh/warr.

Prot warrior is the most fun tank. I felt tanking as pally felt like easy mode. I’d say the second most fun tank was demon hunter. DK is also decently fun, but on it I just die too quickly, I never really learned it. But tanking with a 2H weapon is fun.

Never understood these threads as fun is subjective.

To a degree. Are you gonna have more fun frantically slamming buttons to stay up, stressing hard? Or taking light damage and chillin along. Are you gonna have more fun competing with DPS on the meter? Or always being at the bottom by a mile. Are you gonna have more fun with a varied tool kit where bosses are no stress? Or get huge chunks and panicking you cant survive the next big attack.

Funs subjective, but some tanks are so much easier to play, and far less stressful. Which in turn is more fun no matter how you look at it.

I think it depends on what content you typically do and who you do it with.

If you’re a min/maxer and serious raider then Warrior is probably the way to go.

If you pug a lot then Paladin is better equipped to handle more unpredictable situations.

If I was maining a tank then those are the two I would pick from.