Multiboxers everywhere

If you know where the herbs spawn you can go there and get the herb, if the herb is not there then go to the other places where the herbs might be. I have done this myself and can guarantee that it works. You would have to be very unlucky to find that the entire zone has zero herbs at any given moment. I think that you simply need to try harder, think outside the box. If you can see a multiboxer hoovering up all the herbs, relax, calm down, think for a moment. Follow them. Recognise the pattern of their movements and once you can see where they are about to go next, jump a few steps ahead of them.

Don’t give up.

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Except when few multi-boxers are around there is no “other place” because everything is despawned or get’s despawned really fast.
Sure you can get lucky and be farming at a time when multi-boxers aren’t around but this situation gets rarer and rarer because more and more people use multi-boxing to make gold.

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My bf just sent an email to the blizzardhacks section because he saw multiboxing bots in stormsong valley.
Probably farming the mount, but they always had the same pathway and predictable macros.

I think people are taking advantage of this dead game (every end of a bad expansion is always empty) by multiboxing using botting software and people think its just multiboxers.

I know when its a multiboxer or when its a multiboxing bots. But I dear hope its just multiboxers. Buts its becoming more and more apprent that there are more bots lately.

Multiboxing is not a good way to make gold. you would be better off spending your money on wow tokens.

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I think end of next expansion will be very different, multiboxing will be banned and everything will be great.

If they felt it wasnt fair / shouldnt be allowed etc, they surely would have went out and told everyone?

They havent.

Infact they updated their support article just a few days ago:

Common Problems

  • Is multiboxing allowed?
  • I want to report a player for multiboxing

Multiboxing, or playing multiple World of Warcraft accounts at once, is not a violation of our Terms of Use. We do not support multiboxing tools.


If you are more curious, here is a ooooold collection of some of their posts on the matter, 2008–>

Well, we could always go back to when a herb node was only lootable by 1 person… and then it despawned… and then the prices would skyrocket… to like “10 times what they are today”.

And then the number of single bots would skyrocket aswell.

How would this be any better.

Multiboxers have moved on to farming mounts now!

fixed that for you

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it was right first time

I will give you a advice: spending money to increase the odds of getting mounts, is extremely stupid. The odds are so low to begin with, its like a lottery. Its not worth the few “+ 0,x%” chance. Trust me ive been multiboxing many accounts for years. The very low % mountdrops out there are still as elusive as they were many many years ago.

I was recently doing druid order hall Defense of Aviana quest on my alt and as soon as I spawned in to the quest area what did I see? That’s right! A whole group of druid bots farming hyper-spawning quest mobs… Nice!

Took me a while to tag necessary number of mobs to complete the quest. I did report them though.

Good boy takes action against Multiboxers:

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Tons of multiboxers are using bots and they will swear on their parents graves that they aren’t.

They won’t get caught though. They make sure they are near the computer in case they get a whisper and have an audio alert set up so they know when they get one.

They are happily watching TV or playing on their ‘real’ game account on another computer while their multibox set up automatically makes bank for them.


Regarding multiboxers who are farming:

you cant leave your pc anymore (f.ex using a looong cable and press the keyboard keys sitting somewhere else in the house, or watch a video on another screen): if a gm manually (or automatic tests are started, based on reports, i assume) runs varies “bot tests” on you, you need to be there and respond like a normal player would. Or else they will have no choice but to assume you are using f.ex an external setup warden doesnt detect + is “away from screen” (but keypresses continues) (even if you were indeed sitting right infront of the screen).

They then ban you right there and then. This entire process can take as little as 10 min or so.

And yes, it doesnt matter if your accounts are 2 weeks old or you have played since the game came out. Are you sending keypresses and neglect to the tests = you are considered “away from the screen” =
most likely using a bot = banned.

You need to be veeeeery attentive on each and every gamewindow these days. I wouldnt dare to do any standstill mobfarming, unless you can watch each game extremely closely.

Lastly: you wont ever be contacted by a gm or sent a /whisper (you arent forced to reply to tells from random strangers anyway): its impossible to know if you are being tested or not… unless you are actually watching the screen. They can be quite subtle in fact, especially if you have several games you need to keep a look at.

Ive personally experienced around 7 different kinds of “tests” to see if im actually behind the keyboard. If you detect them in time, its ok, if not, the game in question closes and when you try to relog, its banned. And trust me, if you all of a sudden get busy watching the highlight of a movie, you too could be banned. The reason im able to say this, is that i detected the tests, tried to react, but few secs later got banned.
Have to be very carefull and fully awake. Cant slack.


It wouldn’t and no one said that we should do it.

They took our jobs.

No, but seriously - they ruined my most enjoyable thing in WoW Retail: Herb+Alch. The prices are ridiculous, the amount on AH is insane.

I am losing hope in this game.

The forum exists so people can express their opinions and convey complaints. Complaining about multi-boxing on the forum is a part of the complaint to the dev’s because they are the ones who arbitrarily decided that multi-boxing is allowed even tho it brings the same problems into the game as mass farming done via botting.

FYI, just because Blizzard doesn’t agree or w/e it doesn’t mean that people can’t keep disagreeing with them especially when Blizzard’s decision is constantly damaging the game.

Except botting will be replaced with multi-boxing and the game will be screwed in the same way but this time you can’t do anything about it so in the end we will be screwed even more.

I got this one multiboxer that plays 10 guardian druids in world PvP. He hits Crucible of Flame 2 times and then tells whoever he one shots they’re thrash at PvP lol.

Contrary to popular belief, botting is not determined by whether or not a person responds to a whisper, whether it’s a blue or another player.

Do report people you suspect of botting, Blizzard want reports of botters, they want to remove them from the game. Multiboxers are not by default botters, it’ is a playstyle tolerated by Blizzard.