Multiboxers everywhere

Any solution which allows people to gather from more than 1 char at once is bad because it will drag economy into the mud.
Multi-boxing shouldn’t be allowed and that the best solution.

no it is not, try learn what discrimination means.
you can still play with every account you have you just need to not using any 3rd party software periode.
that is my opinion about it, if you use 2 keyboards to move 2 toons on 2 different machines then fair be my guest
but one push on the keyboard should do one action for one toon ingame.

those numbers are pulled from your bip and that makes them worthless.

they would lose some subs we don’t know how many you the same goes for you, blizzard might have an idea of how many they would loss, but that would just be an idea, heck i know people that have 2 accounts but don’t multibox that would then mean some would still pay for 2 accounts even if they don’t multibox.

I used to admire multiboxers. It was fun to pvp them and watch them go totally nuts in bg’s, (a certain death knight who had like 20 of them with gouls and army, loved to see that)
I usually don’t complain, but i have to jump on the train here and complain about all the druid mb’s.
Fine, they do their thing and all but how it ruins/prevents casual gameplay for others is crossing the line.
In nazjatar. I was aware of them, think there was atleast 3 different mb’s.
I just needed enough herbs for 2 potions and that took me an hour.
When i found a node but got hit with mobs a druid mb just came in and took all of the herbs, could of atleast help me with the mobs but no.

All in all, part of me isn’t against it but limitations should be added in some way.

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I recently spent 1 hour flying through nazjatar, doing nothing but herbing, and got a total of 37 Zinanthid. I’ve met at least 3 different flocks of multiboxers during my visit. Several of them were despawning herbs right in front of my eyes. I don’t think that’s solely the multiboxers fault, but rather Blizzards, for making a certain number of taps a herb / node can have rather than making them be available for like 5 minutes after being picked for the first time, as well as putting the most important herb you need for literally anything in one zone only.

I mean I’m pretty sure there’s been as many multiboxers during early BFA as they are now, if not even more. But they’ve never bothered me as much as in Nazjatar.

This is why I gave up on herbalism and crafting.

Anyone who wants to make gold by gathering/crafting and trading is screwed.
Item cost is so low that it’s more profitable to sell raw mats but then selling raw mats is also crap because you make much more gold per hour by farming instance.

There is no point to be a traded who makes gold on gathering and crafting and it’s because of multi-boxers.

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price is low alweys end of a xpac.

The price drop right now isn’t caused by end of expansion but because of over hundreds of thousands of mats being dumped on AH by multi-boxers.

It’s basic economy: The more something there is the cheaper it gets.

Right now on my server, there are over 160,000 pieces of Zin’anthid while only over 16,000 of Osmenite ore, and those two are our main resources right now.
The massive difference between those two resources is that Osmenite Ore isn’t mined by multi-boxers and Zin’anthid is farmed by all multi-boxers.

Edit: Correction Zin’anthid just jumped to over 221,000 pieces while Osmenite is still at a bit over 16,000 :laughing: :rofl:

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u self sed:
Money making trough crafting is petty much useless because you will gain much more gold per hour if you just AoE farm dungeons for raw gold or mats to craft items which then you can vendor. The economy is just broken right now.

so what what u meen farmed by all multi-boxers.
not all multiboxers ruens economy.

Except what I said was about solo farming for skinning and leatherworking and it doesn’t work for multi-boxing.

When it comes to multi-boxing the best way of making gold is resource gathering and this is what happens with e.g. herbalism. Single players post hundreds of stack of Zin’anthid and the only way to obtain so much of it is trough multi-boxing. Since Zin is used for most relevant consumables it’s low prices completely ruin the price of those consumable and it doesn’t pay off to craft them.

profffesions gets awsome change in shadowlands willbe easy to make money :smiley:

What? :expressionless:

Seriously gold is so rediclus easy to make. Economy is fine at moment. :slight_smile:

No, it’s not fine because the MMORPG economy isn’t designed to have an abnormal overflow on specific resources which then causes in-game systems such as crafting to be obsolete which then causes a cascade of problems for many players.

You keep taking part in a discussion about the economy but you clearly fail to understand how the economy in MMORPG should work and when you fail to understand something you keep making those silly posts where you either change the subject, downplay the problem, or flat out ignore the problem.

There is literally no point in having a discussion with you.

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If you want to make gold just do some legacy raids. Queue in random group finder. Do current raids. World quests. Zone quests. Just play the game. Pretty much everything you do will generate gold. After you’ve done all of that you’ll have lots of gold. If that’s not enough for you then buy a wow token and sell it on the auction house.

It’s so cringe to watch people complaining about other players reaching a herb node before they do. Are you serious?

If you think that multiboxing is automation what would you say about addons? Is smelting ore into bars automation too?

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Bnet has auto update thats automation feature ?

I used /follow once, Don’t report me for automation. I used a macro to auto target someone removing the need to press tab or click on them, Removing an extra action being needed in game, Don’t report me.


well gold has never been a issue in game for me never been poor. i alweys cod have efforde everything i wanted. So yes i dont understand you.

What you can do in the game is not the point. Besides, you made gold by abusing the system with multi-boxing so you are literally being a hypocrite by saying that everything is fine when many people struggle to make gold in the game because of people like you.

You may as well be a CEO making 40 mil dollars a year who says that everything is fine when there are people working in the same company as you who struggle to pay their rent and don’t have food on the table.

Yes, you don’t understand anything. You keep joining discussions that you don’t understand and you keep making narrow-minded and ignorant comments which are a waste of space and time to answer.


If you’re struggling with your herb gather efforts I recommend an addon called gathermate2, it remembers where the herbs are and lets you see them on the map, so if you see someone beating you to it consistently you can move away from where they are and gather herbs on a different part of the map.

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Remembering where herbs spawn is not a problem.
The problem is that they are almost always despawned by a bunch of multi-boxers to the point where some people struggle to farm a stack in 2h.

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