Multiboxers everywhere

I realize now that discussing any further is a futile battle.

You cant really explain to or convince someone who already doesnt approve of multiboxing. It was a lost battle in 2008. It still is. Its been 12 years now.

Every single month/year a stream of new players keep asking the exact same questions… and thats it… its like talking to a stonewall… people talk till they are blue in the face… every possible argument has been exhausted… and has been for years… zero progress from the haters… and its a waste of everyones time… and then life carries on… like it normally does… and no, they still havent banned multiboxing.

They litterarly gave up to try reason with the haters. And who could blame them. There is no bother anymore to try explain why they allow it. They have tried… and tried. Their extremly short and to the point stance says it all:

/i wave goodbye and leave forumthreads about this topic forever

Good for you being able to do that. I don’t want to get an entire “WoW education” on how to do those things. And have WoW running in the background most of the day so I can flip, snipe, etc.

I played WoW since 2005, and this is the first time ever that herbalism seems utterly worthless.

And you are an idiot if you are defending multiboxing.

And regarding their “Multiboxing, or playing multiple World of Warcraft accounts at once, is not a violation of our Terms of Use. We do not support multiboxing tools.” comment, they might as well admit that they are also fine with people paying real money to get gold, boosts, etc. But they have nothing to do with the gold selling websites… ofcourse.

I am really glad all this is happening, actually. I have almost “dispelled” my sense of nostalgia from WoW Classic and quitting WoW (retail+classic) will be really easy, considering overall state of the game(s) atm. And by quitting I don’t mean like 3 months break and come back to a new patch.

No I mean, literally: deleting all of my characters and my entire Bnet account, which I have been planning for some time. And not because I am mad. But mostly because there is nothing else left for me in this game. Casual herbing was the only thing that could make me occupied once and while. And now there is no point to it.

Poeple Just take stance vs Tell blizzard we are not ok with abusive Multiboxin. In serten country its ok to bad thing X Dus not mean its ok . and blizzard has no morales any more. Activiosion has zero at all They to close to EA in being wat they are. So its up to use to tell blizzard This is not ok

I spent the last day going over as many multiboxing threads i could (here, wowhead and mmo-champ) which were created over the years, and noted down peoples different reasons on why they dislike / want multiboxing removed.
These reasons didnt lead anywhere though and Blizzard still allows it.


State your reason(s) below in a orderly fashion.
I only want to see posts like this:
*i want MB removed because …

*i want MB removed because …

And thats it.

Post your —well argued reasons— below.

  • You are trolling and should feel bad
  • Greedy capitalist trashspeak aka you are a big fat LIAR trying sooo hard to appear like a human being, not disgraceful pile of waste that you really are. Flipping is not “earning” gold, it’s sucking gold out of economy i.e. other players as you did not “create” it. The other players did. You created nothing except drain on their gold balance.
  • You’re a whining crybaby that complains you can’t go AFK while you’re farming herbs on 10+ chars. #1stworldproblems
  • “Trust me ive been multiboxing” = “Trust me, I’m cheating”. 0/10, human recognition test failed.
  • “and then the prices would skyrocket and the world would end, omg!” = “And then other guys could make a profit too! So I, the greedy AH dweller, would not make so much! Unacceptable!”
  • Multiboxing in PvP gives unfair advantage that cannot be countered in any other way than more multiboxing, look up the case of Unholy DK/Resto Shaman multiboxing team that literally lagged the opposition out of play in AV
  • “Blah blah blah I’m sooo rich I can buy my way thru everything… oh crap I cannot! Need more accounts! More tokens! More gold! MY PRECIOUSSS!” So wtf exactly you doing in game except being AFK on gold farm?
  • “I’m rich cuz I cheat and if you’re not it’s your fault, you need to adapt” = Socially unacceptable behavior leads to rejection and ostracism, who would’ve thought? Look up Chinese RMT threads on reddit, the screenshots show exactly what happens when things are allowed to escalate out of control
  • Multiboxing de facto supports the game being P2W in PvP due to multiple characters controlled by 1 player being able to 1shot opposition or lag them to death, see the AV example, and in raw gold/resource farming, this drives people out of game thus losing more money in the long run

This. Blizz won’t outlaw multiboxing because it generates profit short-term. But it causes greater loss in the long run, so it’s gotta change. And if the system isn’t going to change on its own, it’s time to throw it into trash and replace it, as nothing ever in human society changed without pressure. Therefore multiboxing and/or botting farmers SHOULD be ridiculed & treated as acceptable targets, ogre pinata style.

Oh, and one other thing. I don’t give a flying Tortollan about what you want. You get what you deserve. And it just so happens that you behave in absolutely intolerable manner, you get booed, and then you play the poor victim who might not be allowed to get millions of gold/week, oooh my poor baby, how will you ever get those repair bills paid?

If you don’t feel it’s rewarding enough, you don’t have to play and/or post on forum. Sounds familiar?


Blizzard Please do sumthing abuot the Multiboxin abuse. Dont be we dont care and listen. This multiboxin stuff is leadin to issus for me atleast. It pisses me off alot. And gettin herbs is hell Aswel warmode multiboxers are a hell. I know ur big COE is greedy. But Please as blizzard do sumthing abuot this Multiboxin abuse.



…nothing new to see here + people cant even reply as requested.


I am fed up with defens of its with the code of conduct. I am with many who realy are anoyed by multiboxers. I feel unheard. Its frustration atm for me to farm herbs i need. I have to warmode chase em off to see later again. Thats not ok Blizzard. Its uotright nasty . Farmin a serten herb u have to go warmode in order to get a few after u chase them off. If this ok From now i wont report cheaters or and help from me towards blizzard . I tired of the protection of multiboxers get real Sort em uot.


No one will do what you want them to do because it’s boring to destroy people over and over using basic logic and facts. Every time I’m going over multi-boxing threads there are always people with flawed logic and silly semantics trying to defend multi-boxing as if it was something good when it’s clearly isn’t.
If you want to take part in a discussion maybe come back when it’s starting but then I don’t think you will succeed at anything since your idea of discussion is to drop hyperbolic statement as a counterargument and sit there thinking you did something good :laughing:

Oh, and maybe stop hiding behind alt :thinking:


Did the same a few days ago in nazjatar on my guardian druid, the multiboxer whispered me he wanted to show me stuff, then he wanted to give an item, then he tried to bargain only to end with a whisper that said: “my young mother blah blah blah”

When i told him where he could stick him, he then turned nasty in text but i had so much fun keeping him down, i think i cost him money or at least i really hope so that the 1,5 hour chase down did.

We as a community should hunt and take down these parasites and make them lose a lot of money / gold.


I multibox a lot these days.

I control five characters using isboxer. I have all five screens visible at the same time, one big one at the top and four small ones at the bottom.

I have hot keys to swap out the smaller ones with the big one, so I can drive from any of the characters.

So many times I’ve noticed that one of the smaller ones wont follow, or appears to be stuck somewhere on the map from the viewpoint of the others. Other times I’ve had them start running off randomly into mobs in dungeons. the worst time for this kind of thing to happen is during a boss fight when I need them to be doing what I want them to be doing.

It’s so annoying, it must be a gm messing with me. :frowning:

I’ve got it set up so that I can put my mouse pointer into one of the smaller windows and control them, but it’s so small that it’s hard to see things and I don’t think that the gm shenanigans usually stop until I switch the misbehaving smaller window to the larger window position. I’m thinking about changing my window layout so that the smaller ones aren’t so small, that way it will be easier to notice when they start doing weird things. Sometimes I’ll find them running in circles or moving backwards for no reason.

I must admit that maybe not all of those strange things should be blamed on gm interference. I’ve got vfx set up so that the action bar of each of the smaller ones is placed on the larger one, which means that as I put the mouse into each action bar it’s as if my mouse was in that other window. So my suspicion is that sometimes in the heat of battle, I put the mouse into the action bar of the the smaller window and press a key and then move the mouse back into the main window but the smaller window still has the key registered as held down. That would explain running backwards and running in circles and even running off into random mobs and pulling them.

I guess the best way to avoid these kinds of problems is to stay alert and keep careful watch over what I press on the keyboard and what the mouse is doing and where it is, and to keep an eye on all five windows as much as possible.

I will have to get myself over to the practice dummies and practice more.


Mulitboxers pay real money for each account they use.
So there’s your answer.

I was wondering, have you considered that during a battleground there might be one character who puts focus or target on an enemy and then all other damage dealers agree to attack that enemy? Sorry to deviate from your anti multiboxer points, it’s just that as I was reading them I was reminded of a suspicion that I have long held.

Do you think that this is what goes on when you are in a battle ground against a premade and you notice that they all seem to attack you at the same time and you die?

Does multiboxing actually work in war mode? I thought that /follow was disabled in pvp, or is that only for battlegrounds?

I think the main reason that multboxing is good is because I enjoy it. I don’t hurt anyone or ruin anyones game while doing it.

I saw you posted this in another thread about multiboxing and I watched it. It was interesting.

I’m trying to figure out if this guy is a member of the anti multiboxing movement.

Do anti multiboxers have a manifesto, a badge or armband, uniforms etc?

never understand why peoples make so meny Multiboxing treads this days.
They will just get deleted anyway.

If you can’t beat them, join them :smiley:

What is this the answer to?

What is the significance of a multiboxer paying for an account that they use? I was multiboxing the other day and someone asked me if I used gold to pay for my subscriptions, which I don’t do by they way.

I must say, I only have shadowlands on one of my accounts, so when shadowlands is released I will have to have a good hard think about whether I want to dish out for shadowlands four times so that I can continue to play all five in shadowlands. I’ve tried the beta recently and I’m actually quite tempted to do it.