Multiboxers everywhere

I think that there is a growing group of people who have banded together with a common cause, they feel strongly about it and want people to know.

It’s a movement.

I think it’s quite fascinating really.

Well cant understand what bad itis in mutiboxing if u spam dungons.

are you a troll? why edit your post in reponse to my reply?

Troll how ?
i have to traslate what i type i am not english

Significance is that, they give blizz CEO more money than non mulitboxers.
Normal player leaves It’s -1x sub money.
Muliboxer leaves It’s -4x sub money.

I replied to your previous message, then you edit that message to be something completely different, thus making my reply nonsensical.

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I was told to use Edit instead of remakeing new posts .

I have addressed that here:

Yes you do hurt other people experience in the game because you and other people like you are causing economy breakdown and in-game systems like crafting to be pointless in many ways.

You are just another selfish person who doesn’t give a damn about anyone else besides yourself even tho you play a multiplayer game which is built on community and player-player interactions.

Hey aren’t You that guy that like to troll on others posts and wach Asmongold?
I sow You in topic about breast sliders.

i am axualy a girl IRL the female chacthers are so ugly when they have plank flat Breast even male models has bigger breast then females thast why i have to play male chacthers.

Seriously? Ok, I understand, but you should not do that though.

Do you think it makes sense to edit your original post in reply to a reply to that post?

Think it through.

I will break this down for you@

Step 1
You make a post

Step 2
Someone replies to your post

Step 3
You edit the post that you made in step 1

Step 4
The post made in step 2 was a reply to the post that you made in step 1 but because you changed that post it is now a reply to the post that you made in step 3 and will not make sense. You have succeeded in making the reply made in step 2 into nonsense, which is the kind of thing trolls like to do.

You are blaming me for the actions of others. For things that I have not done, simply because of what I am. Not what I do.

You are basically saying that every multiboxer is responsible for the actions of all other multiboxers, specifically the bad things that you attribute to them.

itis that not blackmailing ? whats again IRL crime ?

we all know in shadowlands there will be 4 ranks on shadowlands legenderyes u need totaly of 4000 ore to get rank 4 unlocked ur going to mine all 4000 ore with 1 charcther ?

No, I’m saying that your actions and actions of other people who are also multi-boxing are causing a serious problem in the game.

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I’ll give you 100 gold if you can find one person who has been hurt by my multiboxing behaviour.

Also I would be curious to know exactly what harm I am doing by simply multiboxing? Are you referring to the presence of multiple characters standing on the same spot? Is that it?

Which specific things have I done that caused a serious problem in the game?

My dead server is good to farm on i like only person mineing the ore haveing hole server for myself. :stuck_out_tongue: feel like beeing VIP haveing a own offisonal blizzard server.

Are there any multiboxers on your server? Do they cause problems for you in game?

Kind of pointless though if there’s no demand for it.