Multiboxers everywhere

Many people seem to like be upset that they can no longer gather resources because they claim that those resources are made scarce by multiboxers, so it makes sense that those people would be glad that there was no demand and no multiboxers and that there are plenty of resources for them to gather so that they can make their potions with the herbs that they gathered.

I meant that it’s pointless to multibox on a dead server to gather ore/herbs, because you can’t actually make gold by doing it.

With regards to multiboxing, making gold is not the only motivation for doing it. People multibox for other reasons. Multiboxing on a dead server does have it’s appeal, in that the amount of abuse you receive from anti multiboxers will be less.

There are those who have expressed that they wish to gather resources to craft things from the resources that they have gathered, so it seems that a dead server is ideal for them, since on a dead server there is less competition for resources.

I believe multiboxing is disruptive to normal players. As someone who plays on Draenor, I’ve had a lot of trouble just trying to level up my Alchemy with herbs I gather, especially in Nazjatar. From dusk till dawn there are at least 3-4 sets of multiboxers there. Spending 2-3 hours farming barely got me enough to gain a few levels in Alchemy. Why? Because any time I saw a herb, a thousand birds dive for it out of nowhere and even if we click on it at the same, I get no loot.

I can give you another example where I consider multiboxing to be a disruptive behavior: world quests. God forbid anyone wants to do a WQ that is in a place where a bunch of druids just sit and spam their abilities, killing anything in range. What could’ve been a 5 minute or less quest turns into a struggle where you can’t find an available mob just to get those 15 kills that are required.

I really cannot imagine how fun it must be to be a multiboxer.

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Actually it seems to be reasonable to multibox on a dead server, gather as much as your inventory/bank can hold, and then transfer to Draenor/Silvermoon to sell the stuff there. Or the crafted legendaries.

Report them all for botting. Each bot gets one report.

Since Legion there’s been such a huge increase in multiboxing it’s actually pretty crazy and becoming more and more of a problem every day. So many bots in classic level via multiboxing, giving them access to 5-15 accounts at once so if a couple get hit by a ban nothing happens. Especially popular 5 man groups for scholo spam runs, killing multiboxing would kill a lot of botting like that.

Except we aren’t talking about your multi-boxing but about the global negative effect of multi-boxing and how it impacts players. So your argument completely missed the point of this thread.

For starters adding an abnormal amount of gold and items into the game economy which combined with other multi-boxers activity have a negative compounding effect on the game economy and player experience.

You keep making this stupid argument where you argue that if I can’t prove that you did something wrong then multi-boxing is somehow good.
It’s as stupid as thief saying that what he does is fine because no one can prove that he hurt someone in the process :laughing:

This is a completely dishonest depiction of what really happens.

People who gather resources don’t want for the demand to disappear and with it multi-boxers. People want to be able to gather resources so they can sell resources or craft and sell items using the existing demand.

The problem isn’t with normal players or the demand but with multi-boxers who are using real money to abuse the system to hog all the resources for themselves.

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The thread is putting all multiboxers into one box. I’ll hav you know that not all multiboxers are the same. Not every multiboxer is doing the things that the OP is complaining about.

Again you assume that every multiboxer is putting an abnormal amount of gold and items into the game economy. Not every multiboxer does this.

Multiboxing is good because it is fun. You think multiboxing is bad because you dont like multiboxers and you dont care what they do, you dont care if they do anything bad or not, because you assume that every multiboxer is doing the same thing, that multiboxing is a bad thing, regardless of what they multiboxer is doing, and you are actually wrong about that.

This is terrible way to throw mud at multiboxers, who are not thieves and do not by hurt people by simply existing, nor do they steal things by simply multiboxing. It’s almost as if a multiboxer hurt you one day, so now you hate all multiboxers and want them all to suffer, for what that multiboxer did, what you fail to see is that the multiboxer that did the bad thing was an individual, and no matter if ten other multiboxers do that same bad thing that hurt you that day, that does not mean that every multiboxer will do the same, and does not mean that you should punish all multiboxers for doing something that another multiboxer did.

Some people actually want to gather resources so that they can craft things with what they gather, not every player is obsessed with gold and selling things on the auction house. Those that are obsessed with such activities need to try harder, all I’m seeing in this thread is people complaining about another player reaching a herb faster than they do. If you get to the herb first it doesn’t matter if the other person going for it is a multiboxer or not, you will get it. Next time another player grabs a herb before you do, stop for a moment and ask yourself why that happened. Just think about it for a moment, instead of getting upset that someone got the herb before you did and on top of that was multiboxing. Move away from they and go to a different part of the map, switch to warmode, switch out of warmode. There are a few things you can try. Do some research.

This is probably the only statement that comes close to describing the reality, although it should be reworded in such a way to make clear that not all multiboxers take part in this these activities.

I suggest you reword that this as follows

The problem isn’t with normal players or the demand but with those multi-boxers who are using real money to abuse the system to hog all the resources for themselves.

The only reason Blizzard allows it is because they pay extra. Sad joke.


I don’t think that’s the only reason, in fact I think it’s an oversimplification of something quite complicated, and is likely to not be one of the many reasons at all.

I imagine that it isn’t a problem for most people and for those that is, there numbers are so small that it’s not worth the effort required, couple that with the potential for anything done to stop it having the very a real possibility of being detrimental to all players, regardless of whether they multibox or not, and regardless of whether they care that multiboxers exist or not.

Of course I could be wrong about all of this and you could be right,

multiboxers provide too much money to be banned

That’s easy to understand and makes sense on a superficial level. I find it hard to believe though.

I guess we may never know the truth.

I think the one tap thing should come back.

First to arrive wins. No train of druids getting 30 herbs a node anymore.

We all know those mass farmers are likely paying their subs with tokens as they call it a full time job and still make a huge profit after spending all day everyday depleting every zone of herbs.

The oversaturation of herbs generated when a multi boxer clicks his shiny herb is causing zone wide depletion and then crashing the prices of the items created by herding and mining. It’s mostly herbing though.

They should just give us personal nodes, that will take care of multiboxing completely since everyone has their own nodes.


I feel like you are completely missing the point here. You are trying to be the devil’s advocate and it’s not working very well.

I don’t anyone believes that multiboxers are evil beings, but I am saying that they are exploiting a loophole with which they disrupt the game for normal players.

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I’m not being devils advocate, I’m defending myself.

I am a multiboxer and I do not ruin the gameplay experience with my activities.

I have been on the receiving end of abuse in game from complete strangers who have been brainwashed by anti multiboxer propaganda into hating all multiboxers for simply existing.

Defending yourself from what? This topic is not solely made about you or about the 1% of multiboxers. I feel like you have kinda taken over it with your crusade, though.

You keep saying you are not like everyone else, not a generic multiboxer, well, what are you? What do you do with your flock of toons?

At no point did I say that I was not a generic multiboxer, at no point did I say that I was not like everybody else.

I am saying that not all multiboxers are the same, that’s it.

I play world of warcraft with my “flock of toons”.

But “muh scarcity! Muh economy!”

Yes, you did not use those exact words, my bad. Not trying to put words in your mouth.

You do, as you mentioned, keep saying that “not all multiboxers are the same”, but you haven’t given any examples to support your stance here. I get that you want to advocate for the very small % of multiboxers who play like you do (whatever that means), but that makes no difference to the bigger picture and I think it might never will. It will never be considered “good” to be a multiboxer. I don’t think it’s evil, but as I already said, I think it’s disruptive to the general player base.

I am not into roleplaying but I like my char to be part of a “world” Seeing groups of not real chars rushing about just spoils the ethos of the game for me, I wish Blizz would ban it. The original idea of mats was for a char to make stuff to use or sell, not to spend all their time filling the AH