Multiboxers everywhere

I farm or try to do it to collect some materials before shadowlands . Multiboxing have existed for a long time, yes, but they were never so visible. They used to farm secretly where there were few people. There are multibox druids everywhere but everywhere right now. Popular or not, we see lined up one after another, making the same moves of 2x4 druids raising their hands in all crowded farm locations. BFA, Legion, Draenor does not matter. I make nearly 100 reports every day. I keep seeing the same bots every day in the same places. Why is no one doing anything? Multibox farm is free but we don’t know?
Because of these guys, we can’t collect a single material, we waste our time, as if that’s not enough, we go to AH and buy the materials we couldn’t collect from these guys and make money for them. This has been the case since Shadowlands was announced. Sometimes I feel nervous crying seriously. What is Blizzard waiting to take action? Do all the players in the game open 7 more accounts and play one after the other?

Because Blizzard don’t have to do anything. That is exactly why they wrote into rules that multiboxing is not illegal, so they would not have to deal with these “cheaters”.

You know what I dislike more than multiboxers :stuck_out_tongue:, that people repeatedly make the same thread over and over and can’t just add to existing discussions.

Just consider multiboxers as monkeys what do a boring work for you.

Use your brain for interesting and versatile tasks like making gold, and then buy all the materials since they are cheap because of multiboxing.

Like what? Auction house flipping? That only works if you already have a capital of 10-20 million gold to do so with. Or selling useless battle pets that no one wants? Or useless transmog that no one wants?

Get over yourself, this isn’t the wolf of wallstreet where you ‘‘outsmart the system’’, the rich get richer, the multiboxers that is, and the rest of us are forced to farm raw gold from raids weekly to be able to buy their mafia materials.

They are the ultimate cancer and professions will never matter again unless they are prohibited.


Funny thing is that these threads will automagically stop when Blizzard finally steps up and protects their customers interest (and their own in the end) to finally just change the stance on multiboxing and ban it from the game?

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I have found these gangs of Moonkins on several servers. One favoured place seem to be Koramar in Zuldazar where there is a good cloth farming place.

Two or three gangs of Moonkins often seem to be active at once. After a while I’ve seen other players log in sitting on Acution house mounts in the middle of the farming groups so there is no need for moving.

Obviously there is a lot of profit in doing this - the question is how this will affect the economy of the game.

In any case it’s not any fun to do any kind of farming when you bump in to multiboxers - I have almost stopped doing professions, and I refuse to buy maths from the Auction house and feed these players.

Maybe that’s the solution to the problem - stop buying their materials at the auction house. No income no farmers.

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