Multiboxing good or bad?

So i get super tilted and angry every time i see a multiboxer farming up all the herbs/ores everywhere i go. Personally i think that the money blizzard gets from multiboxers is not worth the disruptive gameplay that it brings.
So i thought of making a topic out of this.

Do you guys think that multiboxing is good or do you think its bad? Why do you think as you do? :slight_smile:

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Grey area.

Bad cause its “legally” cheating - Anti-multoxer view
Good cause its allowed by Blizzard and everyone can do it if they want to - pro multiboxer view.

Now each side(both anti and pro guys) will start bashing their heads at each other…

I genuinely do not care about them one way or the other.
They are just people playing the game.
Who cares if they want to pay multiple subs?

I’ve never personally seen a multiboxer, so idc.

Regardless of Blizzard stance, I think that being able to play more than 1 character simultaneously give an unfair reward/playtime advantage.



It’s bad when it impacts on other players, such as voiding the zone of resources with their gathering flock exhausting nodes abusing the whole “multi-tap” system Blizzard introduced back in Legion (Shocked Blizzard have yet to address it tbh)… or in instanced PvP.

I got zero issues with Multiboxers when it came to them just doing their own thing in Dungeons and Raids as well as questing, and to an extent World PvP.

As a new Player in WoW I find them quiet disturbing.
It’s kind of hard to tell if they are multiboxing or BoTing to me.
Saw in Legion 7 Druids the other day in their Moonkin form farming Nightfallen on a bridge.

In pvp obvious a no go for me too.

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What wonderfully unique and new idea for a topic, I was getting bored of seeing the same old topics time and time again.


I litteraly have a multibox topic running.

I get super tilted, when people create a new topic about this every few days instead of just using the search to find and join one of the 3 million other multiboxing discussions.

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Multiboxing bad for everyone but the mbxers themselves

So long as people BUY GOLD in exchange for game time (aka real money), you’ll have both:

  • slackers who spend real money to buy gold
  • ‘busy bees’ who don’t pay a since cent to blizzard because they can just buy game time for ingame currency

These two groups just feed each other.

SInce Blizzard is willingly allowing that to happen, we now have BOTS all over the place multiboxing. Harvesting every crafting node the maximum amount of times, forcing it to despawn INSTANTLY - making the experience for everyone else in the area miserable.

People ONLY do it because it’s not a bannable offense. Otherwise the risk wouldn’t be worth it. Blizzard seems to ignore they’re also BOTTING not just multiboxing (as no human flies in straight lines and defend themselves with a single button only (or not at all) - as that much is apparent when you attack a multiboxer while they are farming).
It would just NOT be worth the time invested into seeing 10-20 accounts through their Pathfinder achievements. After all you need to do a LOT of things to be able to fly - including getting several Revered reps - even doing it just ONCE with all of those characters linked to work as one is a real chore…

In fairness, I really don’t care, you suld try not to get super tlted over a game.

Its good for Activision/Blizzard profits;
Its good for the Multiboxer;
Its bad for everyone else.

Thats my opinion on the issue.

Can’t you post in the 500 other threads about this? This again…

It seems to me that blizz installed a system whereby nodes don’t immediately disappear to make sure all players have a fair chance.
Multi-boxing seems counter to the spirit of that, so…


no ifs or buts, I don’t care if people enjoy multi-boxing or how clever it is, it’s exploitation.

I don’t think it should be bad to have multiple accounts, I have an EU and a US account. I do think that multi-boxing in instanced areas is fine because it doesn’t hurt other players.
I do think though, that the devs should put in a system to detect multiple toons farming the same nodes at the same time, and it should result in a disconnect.

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BIIIIIIG can of worms you’ve opened here. I think the impending fallout in this thread could be weaponised. Ah well…


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It’s good for Blizzard (and people willing to pay multiple subs and have fun controlling them all as one person), but bad in general.

The resource angle doesn’t mean much seeing as multiple people can harvest the exact same node, so the only issue with that is Joe Soap multiboxer is essentially hoovering up more resources per node which can then be used to generate a lot more gold (which they’ll need if they want to continue subs with gold rather than continuously purchase multiple subs with real money).

From a PvP perspective, it only sucks in undermanned situations. I’ve met many a multiboxer in PvP and you can easily abuse the one-controls-all issue. Best to think of it like taking on one person who will only ever be 5x blasting lone targets or spewing AoE and hoping for the best. I’ve got a video as far back as Vanilla of a 5xHorde Shaman multibox spewing Lightning Bolts at people in Alterac Valley. That’s all well and good until the characters get separated or controlled.

In PvE, I remember getting a duo-boxer during Timewalking and another in BFA mythics who didn’t have the capacity to complete things like the Nexus (having to fly multiple dragons). If people want to fork out for more subs and run the risk of any/all possible game-conflicts and their own tech issues just to control more than one character simultaneously, fine, but I still think it shouldn’t be a thing.

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