Multiboxing is breaking the game

The sad part is that they won’t limit the number of accounts because it will hurt their bottom line :wink:
As I said before the only valid solution which works for everyone is to remove the limit of ppl being able to loot node before it despawns.
Also tweaking despawn time could help but I’m not sure of all the implications this kind of change would cause.

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I don’t think that is a good idea xD if you’re concerned about prices that is xD imagine shard hoping then xD
with MB with insane amount of alts xD

Leaving multiboxing as it is, that’s not good. I can understand why people get angry.

If Blizz want to continue to let people play as many as they want then resource nodes need to have the limit set to something higher than 10… but then boxers would increase, because many boxers pay their gametime with gold.

I don’t because I am too lazy to farm hours a day!

Ok, describe to me in detail how it would hurt prices.
Somehow I don’t see how someone whos looting on 8-ish chars would bother to do “shard hopping” since he makes millions of gold anyway and on top of that is not as easy as it was before.

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Multiboxing should have never been allowed, but alas, it sadly is.


hypothetically, lets say a MB has 50 alts, they run them all through, instead of just say 10? The more resources on the AH the less the price. imo

i’m not an expert on this but i dont see how MB is hurting people.

And what Anna said below VV

I think bots are the biggest issue here.


50 alts at the same time?

with the right attitude yes xD

The price maybe goes down with 50%. The normal player gets 50% less, the 10x multiboxer gets still 5x the normal price for the same effort.

40 is the highest active amount played at the same time I have ever seen.

so to speak.
and making a node unlimited x time will cause that

A) Doubt anyone can run 50 alts at once,
B) It’s pointless since you can make millions with less than 10 alts,
C) it takes 3-ish months to make 5 mil gold if you can make a 50k gold per day which is ez to do on one char.

Benefit of the doubt

what about 50 millions!!! :smiley:

i don’'t know how to make gold farming :confused:

I am looking forward to see the guide :slight_smile:


Teach me senpai I suck at making gold and I play 3 at the same time :rofl:

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You need a guide to know how to farm herbs/ore and sell them for profit?

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zin anthid is 15 each on my server. you do the math how many I should pick up daily to get 50k.

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Goodbye life haha

I’m talking about my server not yours and I didn’t say to sell just herbs but also ore which you can farm at the same time with herbs.