My Feedback for Feral Shadowlands/Dragonflight

Feral does feel kinda off the mark atm, it feels like it have to be a unique melee, but it doesn’t need to be 100% unique.

I honestly just want to dump down our rotation slightly, get trash out of single target rotation and maybe make so the new bloodtalon is more like monks hit-combo, so its not 3 unique combo point generators.

Make it so you just cant repeat the same combo point generator twice in a row.
I think it could play well if Shred - Rake - Shred, could activate the bloodtalons.

Could weave it in when we have to refresh Rake

Improve numbers slightly, if they dont want us to have utility, give us enough dmg to compete for top spots, so we have that attraction.

Otherwise make it so we have a raidwide buff, i have thought of the idea that a raid buff which works similar to bloodlust could be cool, disable it in PVP like lust, since your scared of making us kings in arena again.

I absolutely hate the bloodtalons change. It feels so clunky and awful. Bloodtalons from regrowth just made me feel way more in control and it was also great that rake could benefit from bloodtalons.

I really don’t like Blizzard’s control freak design philosophy they seem to be so into with Shadowlands. So many arbitrary restrictions and stupid changes that nobody asked for because “NO! BAD! YOU NEED TO PLAY THE GAME JUST AS WE INTENDED! :rage:

And with feral, maybe they should just remove feral from the game because it is painfully obvious that nobody in the class design department plays or gives a single sh!t about ferals. This spec is so neglected that it has reached comedic levels.

Feral is my favorite spec, but they obviously don’t care about it. They just make some stupid change if any at all that nobody asked for at the start of an expansion and then they sweep it under the rug and go tend to their usual darlings.


yup thats what i hate about it at the momment , last time i could play any spec and be viable was MoP

it pains me but its sooooo true…

and this is why we are here :confused:

Yea, its not thought out at all.

Not to mention the berserk change, we end up overcapping on combo points and unable to proc BT before we get 5 at some points. 2+2+2=5?

Lemme just refresh this snapshotted rake cos BT.

Let me just thrash this single target mob cos BT.

Let me just break this CC cos BT.


Date for expac is announced feral is dead good job with feedback boys

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Half of the forums is busy whinning about mage tower appearance. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Every week is fashion week in wow


Meanwhile I got them and I’m after the Glory of the legion hero for their cat form since it looks better than captain sparkles.

As a side note, people should really have a look at the legendaries before saying we don’t have any defensives.

Oath of the Elder druid:
Resto affinity - 5.25% heal every 5 seconds.
Also every 10 seconds will give 30% healing boost and 50% energy reduction for healing spells. every minute

Guardian affinity.
10.5% damage reduction
32% heal x 2 every minute

Balance Affinity
12 Yard base mele range and 14 yard aoe
Range damage that hits fairly hard for 10 seconds with armour boost every minute

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“we really take feedback in consideration”
Remember back in bfa prepatch and early launch when we had energy problem even with open world mobs? Buckle up boyz, guardian questing experience is coming back.

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Am on beta, can confirm this is true.

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double bleed damage, halfen FB damage -> done


Totally agree on primal Stalker (teal) appearance - looks amazing! So does Nature’s Fury.

And, just so we’re all clear here: I haven’t seen one streamer - not one - who has tried to argue that Feral gameplay is bad in SL or even underperforming. What’s happening now is that a lot of the other dps specs are being nerfed - hard. We’ll see how we perform when they’re done doing that.

As far as I can see, no changes to feral in this week beta build.

Blizzard: “Ok guys, we aren’t touching feral anymore. It is right where we want it to be; at the bottom”


FIx feral already blizzard… seriously, you keep buffing DH while they are on top of the list for 2 xpacs now… while feral and guardian are on the bottom. we get kicked from groups and raids, because we play a spec that you guys just mess up. so we are not allowed to play what we like and are forced into a different class or spec. well ***** that , i would sooner quit the damm blizz games then to switch to something thats not even as fun for me. i am genually pissed about it and i rarely get angry at something or someone .
blizzard sees they suck. and then they decide… lets remove some major skills or switch them up and make the class utter ****.

THanks blizz for not even listening and just ignoring it all. shadowlands might just be the expac were i can say after 15 years of playing that im done. and i always defended blizzard. i play / played all the blizz games but seriously lacking so much in ‘‘balancing’’ is just terrible…


wait 3 spec class ?

guardian is utter poop, the reason i can play it is because i can play with friends. randoms wont take me knowing im a bear tank. because why bring a low tier when you can bring a s tier.
balance will be bad because we cant instantly go to aoe with the eqlipse states,
feral is just byebye…

Druid is a 1 spec class atm… and resto isnt even good in the raid. because shaman en paladin pull much more and harder then mia khalifa…

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This kind of feedback is the reason why feral is performing so bad in pve. You ever think of the people that actually like the bite build? It’s not just your comment but many others that make stupid suggestion about uncalled nerfs, there’s a bunch of them on the beta forums and it just makes me sick.

The only thing you do is promote your own preference of playstyle while ruining the other, instead of giving constructive feedback that would have both be somewhat viable.

Also I feel like doubling bleed damage and cutting bite dmg in half would just be an overall dps loss.

I do however agree that bleeds and builders in general need a buff.

Like idk, give us wild fleshrending as a baseline ability (like you gave furios gaze to dh),
make lunar inspiration additionally buff bleed dmg by a proper percentage (bleeds still need a flat buff, besides this proposal) on targets afflicted by moonfire

and please, for the love of god, make leader of the pack baseline. I want to have SOMETHING to offer to my raid leader when trying to justify bringing a feral into mythic raiding…


Roll back feral to cata/wotlk :slight_smile:
Feral now days feel like troll spec… havent played it for long time because its just boring and also no one wants to play with feral because feral brings nothing for the team
i used to love feral :frowning:

Feral was good towards the end in eternal place and Nyalotha but in SL it looks worse than it did in BFA

I prefer MoP/WoD feral over all designs of feral. just remmember doing challange mode and i had tranq , huricane the big aoe storm as utility , Ursols vortex , Natures vigil for healing with my burst


To keep this thread alive BUMP! It’s really just sad at this point that there are literally 0 blue posts on the EU forums, like we don’t exist. I saw Sigma posting every now and then in the “FEEDBACK Druid class” thread on NA, but since he got bashed every post he made, that Guardian aswell as Feral are just completly getting ignored aKa are dead on arrival and blizzard be like “we hear you we look into that” probably at the end of the addon where nobody cares about it anymore PogChamp. This is “MY” personal thinking of how “I” would fix Feral/Guardian.

Cyclone castable in Guardian/Feral (PvE only cause otherwise the PvP friends start crying again), innervate baseline (same as cyclone for guardian/feral castable in form), Leader of the Pack 3-5% crit for raid/grp and change Blood Talons or rather remove it and give us something else, also buff ferals dmg by 30% and Guardians aswell. Eh voila you’re not getting kicked out of pugs with the message (whooops sorry thought you were boomy my bad) or sit on your guild bench any longer :slight_smile: .


I understand your issues as I enjoy playing a Feral as well, but saying that Blizzard is buffing DHs after all the gutting the class received is just disingenuous.