My ideal launch date for fresh classic

That’s totally irrelelvent, as the realms are merged. You do NOT play on that individual low-pop realm, you play on the cluster - excepting the RP realms.

I covered that. And not all realms are merged, are they, at least not all to each other. I don’t just mean PvE, PvP etc.

You say

But they are added at least almost. All 3 EU-English PvE are merged. English PvE merged in 2 clusters, RP-PvE and RP-PvP not merged = in effect 5 EU English realms. You just can’t see this on the loading screen, as that still counts the individual realm-pop.
The only thing missing: the 2 PvP clusters could very well be merged giving EU English 4 realms.

Yes , you are right that the release date is a very important matter . I personaly play tbc now , but i am very interested in fresh classic aswell . My main game will still be tbc but i’d really love to experience the whole thing again as Alliance PvE server this time and in a much more casual - relaxed way
2 safe assumptions :
1)There are 2 types of Classic players . Those who min max and play for the personal progression and tho who play for the love of the game , for nostalgia
2)Most of the people interested in fresh classic are the nostalgic type . Also most of us are grown ups . Bloody hell , in my guild i am the youngest person and i am 34 years old , i never thought that i’d experience that in an mmo
So…here comes nothing and apologies for the tone and the choice of words , but i can’t help it
There are 3 types of adults . Those who take their summer days off on June ,those who take their summer days off on July and those who take their summer days off on August . Let’s also not talk about certain fields of expertise , certain companies or even whole countries where you don’t get to choose when you take your time off
I know people who were waiting for the opening of the Dark portal for so many years . They didn’t get to experience that because of the June 6th release . I know people who are begging for fresh since February . If it gets released on let’s say August 1st , they won’t get to experience that .
The ideal release of ANY online game/product is when the majority of the fanbase/playerbase is rested , ready and available . Which means either right after summer or right after new year’s . New year’s is so far away so late August it is . Needless to say that an August 26th to celebrate 2nd classic anniversary would be perfect .
So here comes the apology for the tone and choice of words …Sorry not sorry your logic is not just flawed . It’s dangerous. You will be able play/burnout during early August . I’d rather not plan my life around wow , spend my summer holidays with family and have wow as my main hobby after work for the whole year , from early September till summer 22 , with a small break on December
Case closed and hope to see you in fresh . Soon . But not before August 26th :slight_smile:

I missed the boat on the true classic experience, would love to give this a go. But I am currently busy playing TBC, so I would prefer fresh on a specific cycle so I can jump in on a fresh experience later down the line.

should launch it now


You realise fresh probably won’t be full fresh, I really do wish people would say what they mean by fresh, believe it or not there is more than one.

I estimate some 800-1200 ppl on the whole of EU have a serious interest in a fresh server. Therefore it is also unlikely to happen.

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Where do you pull this number from lmao? Your rectum?


Pinkie-based stats are the best stats.

Ideal launch date? Never.


I think you mixed it up there. You meant the opposite (?)
Those who just enjoy the game don’t need fresh. They find lots of things to do anyway. But those who need constant progression want fresh.


Totally agree, I wondered about the same thing, got confused, and wrote it down to me not being a native speaker.
Nostalgia-players (I’m one as well) need no fresh. There’s enough to do, and alts enough to level for a long time yet.

Yes you are right . No i don’t care about progression . What i really wanted to say is that ,
sadly , online gaming communities have become jumping from one hypetrain to the other
I am a victim of my own making because of this mentality to be honest
But on the other hand it is only natural to want to experience classic again where the majority of the classic population is .
Long story short i believe the best solution is somewhere in the middle . Release fresh servers for those who want them but also MERGE them with the era servers after some months . Everyone should be happy . But sadly i don’t see that happening .

Well that’s a fresh idea :smiley:

I kinda like it. You are right, most should be happy.

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Orc no happy orc wantsie classic+

That’s what TBC is.

Not at all : TBC changed the gameplay of vanilla (not same rythm, exp, leveling, etc) AND casted away the playerbase in a tiny playground outside of Azeroth. TBC is a failure in design. Less balanced than vanilla, less end content than vanilla, less exploration, less immersion, less everything. TBC is the train that launched wow on its way to garbageland : all the design errors of retail are there, but tiny as it was early in their error.
Orc sad.


Then ask for WoW 2 with original Azeroth expanded. There is room for 4x the amount of content, and more. However that is so much it would be a different game.

WoW 2 would be based on retail design. Not vanilla. Orc wants WoW OSRS. No change to systems and gameplay, change to content.

And you know what ? I am sure it would be the most profitable and hypable project for the WoW team right now. Nobody cares anymore about the next retail expansion (all gârbâge), TBC is a wet fart. Only vanilla was a success. Twice.