My ideal launch date for fresh classic

And what makes you think they would get a classic+ any more right than a wow2?

Like you say yourself. Classic IS a success. No need to change it.

Classic+ (with new content and more) is probably only a wish by a lot of people. What blizzard suggest (based on their survey) is fresh realms with different settings, thats all :no_mouth:
A fresh start from first phase, with increased difficulty, removed world buffs (in raid) and summon stones, thatd be awsome.

Not a fan of the season/restarts. If they decide to go with such idea, i definitely hope we can save those toons somehow, theres absolutely ZERO fuel to do anything if you already know a wipe is straight ahead.
Im a completionist and i wanna clear zones, and no offense but doing all that for nothing?
Then i can spend my time doing other enjoyable things :sweat_smile:


So you want your progress reset and start over a completion playthrough so you can spend your time doing other things?


It won’t be as successful trice, because the hype was generated for 15 years. Most people got what they wanted from Vanilla and progressed further into TBC. Others jumped at other hype waves, that are currently led by FF14, New World, AoC.

If you were referring to my last message then no? That’s opposite of what i said :sweat_smile:

Nothing. :slight_smile: They bad and classic+ would be full of boosts, store mounts and stupid transactions. Orc double sad.

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So a fresh start wouldn’t be awesome?

Yet you want it?

Yeah my reasoning is this : nothing else would make me pay again for WoW sub (I prefer p-serv as long as blizz doesn’t give a competent service), so at least let them do it. If it sucks, no care I don’t pay, if it is OK, I’ll pay for it.

How about you come try out this home of ours that I’m sure you would enjoy? Both red and blue is in a warm mood with virtually fresh ground, that we have much to ourselves ;p Unfortunately it doesn’t seem like you have an active sub.

My sub is still active for some time, as blizz did me a 6 months against my will before I cancelled it. :slight_smile:
Do you know of an active era community ? I am ready to change my mind if era is alive, as it is vanilla after all.

Yes. Depend what type you are after though and if you can live without certain things like AV.

This BG is also rare on p-serv anyway.

If you look past the server tag and pop in to snoop around I see no reason why you wouldn’t like it there, besides the things that most realms suffer from anyway. If you want something bigger there is that also, but I cannot really speak for them.

I specifically said ; Not a fan of the season/restarts.
Based on how i play, which is clearing all quests.
It would feel completely pointless to spend time clearing each zone, and without fuel if you already know that a wipe lies ahead.

Not sure why you mixed my words, now that’s Mindboggling :sweat_smile:


Fresh and seasonal servers reward one kind of players : speedrunners, hardcore sweaty M+ players.
The challenge of this format is : “how fast can you clear the content this time ? See you in 6 months for the next trial.”

I think it would fail from a business standpoint because of this. It formats players into only 1 playstyle that doesn’t suit all the playerbase. It is the exact same error retail did : SL is only designed for the 1% elite M+ players. They are the only part of the playerbase who are currently having fun in SL. It would quickly be the same for a fresh seasonal server.

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Fully correct, exactly why i dislike it, regular fresh realms with changes except season is what im hoping for.

I agree with the statement that seasonal servers (with out without ‘affixes’ like increased xp or harder content) will only attract people that want to speedrun. I do think it can be fun to experience a ‘heroic’ vanilla server but the min-max meta attitude will be x100.

The simple truth is that for Classic- Vanilla to survive it needs fresh servers. Right now people who have cleared Naxx have no incentive to log on, aside to play alts. Realms are empty and groups for low to mid lvl dungeons are very rare, so leveling an alt on these servers is a bit pointless, unless you don’t wanna raid or gear up that char.

I know Blizz promised Classic era to be around forever, you can’t expect them to solve the current problem. Even if they end up merging every server together you won’t even have medium pop. It’s just natural and for the community to revive you need a few fresh servers.

The fact that they sent out surveys means they are aware of this.

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