My prediction for DF M+ (A disaster)

Interesting discussion I was on the beta and here are my takeaways:

Someone said the THundering Affix felt arcady and dumb and should not be in an MMORPG. I could not agree more, the affix also just sucks and is awful. Remove it.

I am even more afraid now if the skillgap in DF. Every spec I play has increased in complexity. This will increase the gap between the worst and best players significantly. Get ready to watch DPS players doing 50 % less than some other DPS players. This will also lead to more problems in the M+ season. It will also be a problem in raids. Honestly BFA adding mindless dps procs was a good way to avoid this getting out of control. At least ppl who cried about this will be happy that they can rock an engorged epeen, because the DPS meters really will make the difference in skill clear.

Secondly. Spec balance will be a huge issue. Yes, the ´´tuning´´ has not finished yet. But some specs simply do not have the utility to match others. The increase in difficulty to get max loot will really screw over these specs a lot. Because unless you get caried by a group of friends / guldies or you are a god gamer, it will be difficult to progress. Also lets be real, M+ balance has always sucked. Big problem with more competitive season.

Blizzard have always been honest about the fact that the game is NOT designed around M+, which is why making acquiring the best loot from M+ even harder is a nonsense change in my eyes.

New dungeon difficulty? Hard to tell but bringing utility like AoE disables seems incredibly important.

True… I had one single +20 I did, which I managed to time, but… it’s really exhausting imo. 15s should stay the top level for gearing and KSM imo, as those are still a challenge for most but are doable without minmaxing.


Nobody asked for this though . Literaly nobody . Instead making raids easier and more accesible they as always tune everything harder making IT as not fun experience for masses as raiding is in last couple of years.

Cant wait for you to be back Here on voupel of months hwoning that you waste hours upon hours and all pugs sucks because Tommy and Johnny the baddie hot carried to +18-20 and are tuning your keys . Or you have to leave 30 groups because in each is at least 1 person with liek 500-1000 score looking for carry in +20 because its natural that is jest rewards are there they feel obliged to be there

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Anyone playing anything outside of absolute top of meta will have horrible time in season 1. We all know IT. All those peopel WHO joke about tuning will be playing meta in meta comps . Dont think about anything else even for a moment . Dont belive their Words. They will Play meta and liekly wont Play alts in season 1 .

Honestly people shoudl get ready for really brutal tier . And i feel that SL made people lazy and way overconfident in their skills. Esoecially season 3 and 4 . If you are barely timing 20/21s now im S1 of SL you woudl be liekly barely timing 15/16s .

Same will happen most liekly in S1 of DF. Be ready . And be warned

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We’ll see what happens with the scaling in season 1 of DF. Historical s1 is harder than next seasons. But this is a thing blizzard can tune.

Honestly for the M+ player it is not really a bad change. Realistically you still get a weekly vault of mythic raid ilvl (the lowest) from M+15. It is a mindset-problem to only look at the +20 rewards.

Alts/off-roles will be a problem every season we get new dungeons since we want to learn the dungeons and get comfortable first. But for alts i would be totally fine getting a weekly ~15. Historical i personally play almost no alts/other-role-than-healer in s1’s (and now in s4 SL because of this).

And i am not sure what this has to do with meta.

That damage you got is bcos ur healer was 100% braindead or in flightmode.

(+ little overtune compared with what other previous mobs do to you in the dung)

Not blaming it if was the 1st try to the mob, but if u face that drake for 3th time and u still die to the same thing, is not a gear problem.

Where you see a gear problem i see a general knowledge problem, and that follow:

I got damage (or problem) > i died > Check combatlog > improve.

That is afaik the best procedure to apply to any content in the game, but it seems by the comments in the post there are ppl they want to obviate the challenge of learn to deal with the “minigames” that combats offers and roll over them with gear.

I have a bad feeling that this change is going to bring out the worst in people .

Alot of people are already super impatient and unforgiving, but usually they still complete a less than ideal +15 for the vault.

Now I fear the same people will just leave, since +15 wont be the highest anymore.


If nobody asked for this why is it celebrated amongst M+players?

It is? Where? Did I miss the party? :face_holding_back_tears:


Yeah, no. This is you not understanding how the debuff works.

It doesn’t matter what I as the healer do when people are using iceblock, cloak of shadows or are simply standing in stuff and dying when it’s up and thus the 2nd one triggers before I have time to heal people up.

“OH, HURR, I GOT A DEBUFF ON ME AND HEALER DIDN’T DISPEL, BETTER ICEBLOCK!11” - every mage I tried the dungeon with.


Flame wreathe should never have been added to the game and this ability shouldn’t have been added either, it’s really bad design to wipe the group because of one person.

WHO celebrates IT ? I dont know even a single person happy about this change

Worse most people are not avare of IT because they dont track forums.

IT will hit them like sledgehammer on launch

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I did the dung more than 4 times this weekend, and i know bout the inmune trigger.

and i will say again that that dmg is a little overtunned compared with the other mobs in the dung, like the cynderblast from the mages after that one when they are NOT buffed.

(or problem) > i died > Check combatlog > improve.

You tell your dps in party to do as healers required

Still a problem NOT solved by gear

Well there you hav, the explain why most ppl dont get how some dungs work and still complains about not timming them.

People still can’t refrain from moving during flame wreathe. People are going to wipe keys out on this mob due to removing the debuff themselves. It’s bad design to have group wipe abilities like this.

Oh no, a dragon is gonna BREATH me in the face… i will stand here, the healer gets it. :monkey:

100% gear issue.

Rio never guarantees anything. It only increases your odds and thats it.
Maybe the guy was good but decided to clown around for “lols”. Its a pug key so what do I care? We may never know what was in his head to act like that.

I have always said that in a pug world, pugging is like shooting in the range.
Without rio, you shoot in the dark, completely blind, hitting the mark is just “luck”.
With rio = you turn on the lights and can see the target, you can still miss it ofc…but at least you can try to aim at it.


It’s 100% design issue when you can have a group wipe because one person does something wrong like removing a debuff or moving. These “one person mess up and you wipe” kind of designs is getting really tiresome.

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you mean like the bomb in goblin boss in DoS?, the puzzle in Myst, or the knockback in the mobs in the way to the last boss? the use of the shield in halls of valor?.

There will be allways mechanics like that, that ppl will hav to learn. Thats it.

As i said before, i did the run at least 4-5 times and in those runs i got ppl that WANTED to learn the mob despite the dmg is wrong tunned, and others that leaved after the 1st try.

Just get over it, try > fail > learn

No, I mean abilities like this or flame wreathe.

again ---->

I understand them just fine. Others don’t.

Group success shouldn’t be down to one single person messing up or not knowing something. All you do is wait around for the last person to get it before you can make any progress. This is bad design.

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