My soul didn't heal from 10.1.5 awful changes , Now 10.2 make matter worst

as you remember this post i made from past , now 10.2 make things much much worst than before

1- they removed bloodhound imp that generate cores

2- they nerf demonic knowledge from 15% to 10% only

3- killed synergy between most demons , say if you pve player the demons from neither portal no longer extended

4- if you pvper you can no longer use your tyrant to extend your Call Fel lord and call Observer

5- tyrant nerfed 40% damage

6- limited imps to only 10 imps to buff with tyrant

7- remove extra greater demon you summon flat nerf it entirely from inner demon

8- for pvper and raider single target is most important thing ever , yet with tier set for demo mainly design for aoe and doomguard you summon is less than 10% chance according to kalamazi youtuber lock pro and making rotation awful that you need to spam demon bolt on everything and not focusing on other important stuff in rotation

9- you may ask why not mention vilefiend ? well you see with all insane nerfs to core generation and focus on grind shadowbolt i had no choice but to use soulstrike instead of vilefiend to help making my rotation just a little bit less painful

OH but don’t worry guys you will get shadow bolt 30% and demon bolt 15% damage , you can now enjoy casting more boring fillers , why buff demons when you can play like a scuffed mage ? , why having strong demons that compensate for their bad AI ? , no instead we get a living dots that is bound by stupid AI that feels like scuffed shadow priest.

PS: We seriously need new warlock dev’s its not even funny anymore.


The warlock dev is insane, that’s all i can say at this point.

In general these patch notes were a relentless rain of crap for lock.

The warlock changes are something else… Just the change to grand warlock design is award worthy.

The donkey award that is.

I usually don’t say this, but they need a new dev. This dev is determined to make warlock unfun.

Tyrant was fine, it was the combination of portal+tyrant that was too powerful, they could have changed portal to be more of a sustain cd type ability…

Honestly, iv’e got nothing to say anymore, needless to say, these patch notes made me not wanna play.

Less demonbolts, more shadow bolts, crap changes all around, embarrassing.

Don’t touch dh please. Id rather have a good dh than a “refined” one that is terrible.


That’s actually the only good change…

its a dps loss,as destro you could have 1-1.5 in larg pull scenarios.

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It’s a situational nerf to a small amount of people. Overall it’s better for the game and it should’ve been done sooner TBH.

No it isn’t, you don’t know wtf you are talking about.

This change removes any form of feedback from doing the rotation correctly.

It’s awful for gameplay, might as well make infernal 2 min at this point and just leave it at that.

The reason why cdr is fun is because it’s something you are working towards, and it’s satisfying to get out as many cds as you can.

if the reduction is completely passive, all of this goes away, there is no feedback loop. You just have a slightly shorter cd, and while it does have some benefits, it’s not nearly as interesting as a dynamic cooldown reduction.

If the game was left to people like you, everything would become static and boring with little to no interactions, everything that makes the combat dynamic and fun would be removed for the sake of complete predictability and the perception of maximizing your dps to the last percentage, while ruining all that makes the combat fun and dynamic along the way. Predictability and consistency, you know what it also is? Boring as f.

This is why good player doesn’t necessarily mean good designer.

If you have no idea wtf you are talking about, please be quiet.

This is an AWFUL change. One of the worst i have seen.

Imagine outlaw rogue, but instead of cdr on combo point usage you just have some random flat cooldown reductions, does that sound fun? This is basically what gwd is now.


All the reasons you’ve given are ridiculous. You have 2 seperate builds for the 2 and 3 minute damage profiles. What you choose is determined by the fights need or length. Outside of very heavy AOE, you’ll get that infernal back around the 2 minute mark anyway. If you have to move, then it’ll be even longer. What do you think the chances are of frequent movement? CDR will be slightly worse without Madness of the Azj’Aqir, too.

Destru has much bigger issues right now, rather than how long a pretty mediocre CD is.

i had 2min cd in ST target anyways,its a straight flat out nerf regardles of any situation.

That’s almost exactly what I said above. Another thing… You’ll lose Avatar with the new tier set, so that’s even less shard regen, less Chaosbolts, less CDR.

since you dont know what you’re talkin,you just keep play demo.

What are you trying to prove? The timestamp reinforces what I said previously

im tryin to say that what youre sayin is nonsense,you barely have 30% haste yet youre telling us something . get your gem&gear properly.

sure you are, with Crit and vers gems you want to educate us hahaha

It literally isn’t, but i’m not surprised it’s you saying these things, i remember your name, and it’s not a positive thing i remember you for.

So when you say even more garbage it’s not really surprising.

Without any interactions, and dynamics, any spec would feel bad. The new changes are terrible across the board. Even the initial tier set idea is absolutely awful. You seem to be focused completely on “what about movement” Remember what i said before about you people being focused only on the predictability and consistency of something, that’s what i meant.

You people will trade any form of dynamic gameplay for static, boring, trash if you get your hands on a spec.

So yea, i am actually pissed, you and the devs ideas directly go against everything that makes a spec fun to play.


hes the one saying that affliction was at good state in season 1 yet he played it only once in Academy 15.
Sayin destro is getting better yet many saying spec is going in wrong direction
Not to mentio demonology at perfect state for this “guy” that apparently has 2x acc in EU and US ,after people realised what a fraud he is he started to delete his topics/comments
Trying to educate us and calling us porks(thats what you do when u lose argument,call us names)

People like him are the reason why i say that just being a good player is not enough to make you a good developer.

Many of these “good players” ideas, is to remove any form of probabilistic, and dynamic gameplay in favor of static garbage.

A spec needs elements of both in order to make it fun. Deterministic aspects to guarantee certain outcomes, and probabilistic and dynamic ones to spice up the gameplay and make it more fluid, and have those wow moments where everything works well together. Having both of these aspects makes it so you don’t really have moments where nothing works, because you have ways of combating bad rng/procs etc… With static aspects, but you also have moments where everything goes nova and you’re like, wow this is awesome.

Something that these people seem to have trouble understanding.

If the game was left to them all specs would be dumbed down to, no resources, only cds for “predictability” No cdr because “what about mobility” what if i stop attacking the boss for like 2 seconds and lose 0.5 seconds of cdr OMG THAT’S SO BAD!

Also you’re only really losing cdr potential is you waste soul shards. The mobility aspect is not even relevant. You lose a few incinerate casts which result in a bit less soul shards, but not even that many, if you do movement correctly your uptime should be very high.

Also there is no hill small enough to die on when talking about this “issue” Because even if you lose the dynamic cdr, you can still say that by moving you’re still losing damage so honestly, ill just focus on the gameplay aspect, because that’s what’s actually important.

Not this damn “but what about mobilty” Bs.

These people are straight up awful when it comes to design, and it seems that the warlock dev is one of them.

Straight up dogs… changes across the board.

Instead of improving, aside affliction, destro and demo have been getting progressively worse with each patch.

Started off as one of my fav casters in dragon, and if this goes through, id rather play just about any other caster.

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Blizz has ruined the demo - what a surprise.

It is right now clear that no sentient being is charged to work on Warlocks. Instead of using all raw data from the blizz servers, forum/redit feedback, feedback from warlock content creators to draw a line or an average feedback, blizz just pulls some changes right out their butts.

At this point all hate towards them is well justified, it is not the Warlock community being toxic (Well guys we all know how we love to curse blizz), but a result of a long lasting rift between devs and us. The negative reaction on every change to the warlocks is just a result of constant disappointment, at this stage we are basically just programmed ourselves to hate blizz for even touching the class.


They didn’t just ruin it, they buried it underground.

At the same time they removed dynamic aspects to the rotation that actually made warlock fun.

These changes are a complete disaster. There is no redeeming quality about it.

As i said before, generally i don’t say this kind of stuff, but at this point it’s warranted, the lock devs needs to get his/her stuff together, or resign, or blizzard needs to find someone who is actually competent.


Crit and vers are the end game stats when you have too much of the other stats. It’s a thing since the talents got adjusted. Plus I’m not an external simp.

Are you a huuur duuur “wotz bezt stat” kinda guy?