My vision for the Horde

There is where the Schism comes to play. Void Elves are seen by some among the Alliance as Purple Blood Elves.
The High Elves is whom the Alliance has a deep history and kinship with. The High Elves however small their numbers. Still have their role to play, Still have their value not just militarily but trade and more.

Blood Elves turned their back on everything that made them High Elves. Blood Elves then turned their back on Void Elves. Seems to be an ongoing cycle.

The alliance is the single greatest evil on the world. They must be snuffed out especially the humans. And all of the half breeds too.

The blood elves preserved their actuel heritage while female high elves made husbands of male human paladins. Our legacy is the House of Sunstrider, Magic and Sylvanas. Not any alignment towards Stormwind.

Just ignore her human boytoy

kael’thas saw the error of his ways which started his redemption. Umbric still meddles with a danger more threatening then anything else of the WOW universe.

No he hasn’t!
Not in Castle Nathria, not in the Venthry’s care and rehabilitation
His sinstone is so huge and heavy you could build a new Orgrimar out of it and still enough would remain for a double front gate

That makes zero sense. What “evils” have the Alliance inflicted on the world?
Be specific.

As for the Half Breeds…Seems like there might be a lot more “half-elves” playing a bigger role in upcoming expansions.

You speak of the Windrunner Sisters. Sylvannas died without having any offspring. There are many pure blood High Elves around. Some lived in Theramore - Others in Arathi - Others in Northrend and more.

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In all fairness, Sylvanas is an undead and so is her boytoy. I don’t see them making ugly babies given they are, you know, corpses. No circulation. No, well you know. So it does not really matter. Bightcaller could have been a tauren or an orc or even a goblin and the result would have been the same. So bad comparison.

They did WAY WORSE!
They together forced undeath to people already resting in peace, dragging them back from their deserved afterlife, rising them as Forsaken
The whole disgusting damned “race” is their lovechild

Still less disgusting than what you chose to play as.

Have you heard of Frankenstein’s monster?
An entire faction that animates corpses. There is even a vial of Sylvannas blood when she was still alive.
Technically that could make 3 out of 3 Windrunner sisters with hybrids. Except Undead babies just does not work. Will take WoW to a very strange place.

It is very strange. Thought between Forsaken leadership and Zandalari Trolls. The Horde has embraced forcing Undeath to others.
ONLY Baine Bloodhoof spoke out against it. The rest of the Horde leadership was silent. What the Horde done to Derek Proudmoore they will do to others. What the Lich King done to Dranosh Saurfang he will have done to everyone else.

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Nah, too complicated. Well maybe build up to something like that, but my suggestion is to start simple. Establish a basis for a developing story. But not a bad idea.

Yeah, that would have been nice, but so far the Velfs and Alleria are seen as entities that are perfectly synchronized with the Alliance morality, respectively the human morality.

Now that would be cool to see. The Forsaken religion is non-existent almost. Would be nice if they focused on that for a while.

Horde bias, you mean? :laughing:

Not Horde bias. More Horde history.
Where was the Horde that objected to the Forsaken killing Horde soldiers at Lordaeron then forcing Horde dead into Undeath?
Anduin Wrynn and Genn Greymane was stopped for a moment by what was happening “She is killing her own troops”.
Where was the Horde that objected to Bwonsamedi raising Zandalari Trolls into Undeath? Having died trying to protect their people and country?
Where was the Horde that objected to grave robbing before led to Derek Proudmoore?
Where was the Forsaken that saw Sylvannas doing the EXACT same thing that the Lich King once done to them?

It is not just complicit in their silence. But Horde actively participated in forcing Undeath on others.

The current Horde seem to be walking down the path of the original Lich King.
The Blood Hoof Tauren chose a different path.

Not really, Rastakhan only took the deal with Bobsalmi out of desperation and Talanji seems to be fairly disgusted by idea of him.

So. As the Loa of Death. Does Bwonsamedi have a prominent role in Zandalari society under the reign of Talanji?
The Deal Rhastakhan made is one thing. But worship and sacrifice, not being forgotten is something else.
Can the Zandalari Trolls be able to rest in death? or like with the Zandalari Troll civil war and the death of Rhastakhan. Will they be forced to continue to serve.

Will Bwonsamedi create more Undead? Then this Loa itself becomes a threat to be taken out.

As of a deal made between Bwonsamdi and King Rastakhan, Bwonsamdi is currently the highest loa in the Zandalari pantheon and the patron loa of the royal family, taking the place of the deceased Rezan not to mention it seems h secured a place hismelf within the Winter Queen’s court - he is quite entrenched, like a tick, I do’t think we fight aganst him any time soon!

Bwonsamdi sees undead as abominations and cannot stand their “unbearable taint” in his temple.
But despite this, he himself raised undead, in the form of Restless Zombies and Tiki Warriors, to test Vol’jin and fight Zalazane, so when he does it, then it is okay

A midnest that align nicely with the Horde’s - when we do it, it is okay

Yes and they are only doing so because of the deal, they don’t seem to really like him all that much and as far as I cn remember Talanji did say something about trying to get out of that deal.

You seem to be misunderstanding Bobsalami’s character, he can create undead but he has no interest in doing so, he is more of a hoarder of souls if anything.

To get out of a deal with a Loa.
:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:
The Bilgewater Goblins will have to work their Goblin shenanigans to get around that however an angry Loa could be a problem.

Well she could always bring up what happened in the De Other Side, I’m sure at least one zandalari troll ran that dungeon. Other than that my best bet will be that whole Vol’jin becoming the Loa of kings ploth that Blizzard are taking forever to decide what to do with.