My vision for the Horde

Alliance biased people everywhere.

My vision of the horde is to paint the map red!

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Careful Gorrgok. Your Garrosh is showing.

“Everybody Biased!” :smiley: Canned Laughter

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I’m sorry, are you under the impression you are a horde or an alliance?
Buddy. Horde and alliance are fictional factions made up by blizzard in a story they made up for a game. They do whatever they want with them.
“You” and really all of us, are no horde or alliance. We are players. Get that RP hat off.
Our characters aren’t even canon in any way and don’t even have permanence across expansions in terms of story.

But yet you Maghar Orcs turned tail and fled from High Exarch Yrel.
Being soundly defeated militarily Maghar was pushed to their Last Stand.
To return could be to face an Orc civil war. Against those that chose to embrace the Light.

He is a Horde loyalists. Some Horde may consider him fanatical but there have always been internal conflicts among the Horde.

:face_exhaling: :face_exhaling: :face_exhaling: :face_exhaling:
The problem with people like you. The ‘it’s just a game bro’ / ‘its just fantasy bro’ / it’s ‘just fictional bro’ is the refusal to engage in escapism.
If you had Motorcycles and Tanks in Lord of the Rings or Game of Thrones setting. There will always be the “it’s just fantasy bro” people that would argue with those about why modern vehicles can be included in the fantasy setting.
You don’t have to be a roleplayer to be invested. It’s just called being a fan.

Lies. Player characters have always been cannon. For example meeting Helya in the Maw (that done absolutely nothing) with Shadowlands. Jaina was talking trash about how people took Helya out. That is the player character.

Not possible as long as all NPCs we talk to are from the alliance. Not sorry.

It makes me laugh that Blood Elf posters pretend that their all about the Horde, yet they’re only here because Sylvanas had the same model as them…

The Horde is the Orcs and everyone else is an additionality. Just like the Alliance is Humans…and everyone else is an additionality.

Lol,Do you want another faction war?It was already proved in Bfa where mind blind faction war goes.
You are wrong in everything,because you are asking for balance in faction.It should bee no balance at all,comparing always to others is just pure ego(selfish blood elves).The Grimtotem taurens and centaurs alike should live on theyre like and not to bee subjugated to horde.
There should bee no more return in Draenor,the Mag’har can make a home in Barrens,still Suramar city and the highmountain taurens city should bee added as horde city.
Thousand needles should bee remade for the nomad taurens not for warmongrels to bath the zone in blood,it should bee a zone of peace,relax,mysthic and for recovering and leave in peace.If you want Stonetalone to bee horde then what should Ne residing in Stonetalone do:leave?If so then Ashenvale should bee only Ne ,no horde outposts at all.
Btw as Ne kalimdor is my home and i don’t intend to leave,no matter the reasons or implications.

That is just your opinion. Let us call the coalition if it makes you see the other races as good too.

It’s laughable that since sylvanas was warchief, now blood elf players delude themselves into thinking they are all about the Horde.

Yet, when Garrosh was in charge, the same blood elf players were all “Hate Horde. Hate Warchief! Hurting ma race!”
To me, it’s just laughable to see and I say this as a blood elf player

All races matter not just Orcs and humans.

The NPC’s are, but you are not. :joy: They are fictional characters that are canon.

Not sure what you are apologising about.

Admit that alliance bias is real.

Orcs and Humans are just the Horde and Alliance.

Everyone else is just an additionality. The game is based on Humans vs Orcs…that’s how it will always be for Team Blue vs Team Red. Nobody else matters and to think otherwise…your an idiot.

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Oh my… did i affect your escapism? It’s reality though. You and erevin in particular are pretending to be something you’re not to play make pretend internet wars. It’s childish.

Also, no you are incorrect. Our characters are just unnamed champions that aren’t recognised from one expansion to the next. The characters don’t know you personally. You are a random champion. But, worst of all your role in the story is not really real.
You think you killed the Lick King? Nah… that was Tyrion. You think you killed N’zoth? Nah that was Wrathion.
In Warcraft, it’s the story characters that do things. Our characters aren’t someone in the story.
To think you are a horde or an alliance when your character is no one is laughable really.

N’Zoth was ultimately destroyed by the Forge of Origination’s destructive energies empowered by the Engine of Nalak’sha, chanelled with the Heart of Azeroth officially… :thinking:
And the the Heart of Azeroth itself was an artifact medallion, a gift from Azeroth herself , given to the hero, the world’s protector by Magni
Or Heros
It is a bit murky, like the whole Maw-Walker situation if there is only one Maw-Walker or Heart of Azeroth or many
But if the end cinematic is any indicator, then it is a singular object and only one hero posessed it
Either way, the Champion / Champions exist canonically

As you say, yes. As this murky uncertain thing that can be easily replaced.
Magni has the heart, wrathion used it. The champions may have been there or not, it’s not really necessary. More observers than anything else. :person_shrugging:
Next expansion they don’t know you anymore cause well… they never did really. :joy:

Actually no
Wrathion only sliced open N’Zoth (who may or may not escaped in to that dagger) but never came “inside” to fight him, he stayed outside :eyes:
I think the reason was because he feared the Old God would claim him if he enters in his body and mind
Anyhow, not really matters

You did not hurt escapism. It is the activists in positions of power that retcon things into oblivion that have the power to do that.

Player characters are directly referenced.
“No questions remain unanswered. No doubts linger. You ARE Azeroths greates champions. You overcame every challenge I laid before you. My mightiest servants have fallen before your relentless onslaught…your unbridled fury. You trained them well. Fordring. You delivered the greatest fighting force this world has ever known…right into my hands - exactly as I intended. You shall be rewarded for your unwitting sacrifice.”
The Lich King’s plan was to form a new force of the Scourge. The player character.

And youa re racist.