My vision for the Horde

Dunno how you can say that when for the majority of Warcraft, the only game that was really orcs vs humans was the first Warcraft game which was named that, the second game featured several races as part of both the Alliance and the Horde just like the 3rd. The Horde was orcs for 1 game out of 4.

Because it’s always gone back to them in a Horde vs Alliance. MoP went back to them, BFA went back (albeit they were more on the same side), but the main narrative was still Orcs and Humans with a splash of zombies thrown in.

It’s just the same crap each time they do it…only now the blood elf fans suddenly believe they’re all about the Horde, despite calling out the Horde in 2013. To me…it’s just laughable to see… :woman_shrugging:

Yeah and we died during that speech, we lost. The only reason we are still here is because Tyrion did a “By the light”.

Has it? The MOP expansion wasn’t just about orcs vs humans. I distinctly remember belfs being in it as well, in fact they had a pretty large role in it. Larger than most other races. And BFA? Was that more about orcs or was it more about Forsaken? Is it because there was an orc invovled? Did that orc change the whole narrative? Is that it?

And wait, back in 2013? That was almost a decade ago, whatever that was cause I’m not even sure what we are talking about.

So how long until belf fans can be allowed to be part of the Horde? Another 17 years?

Purists will never allow other races to feel any faction pride. That is how limited their horizon is.

The Light can and does resurrect people. Anduin as a Priest resurrected Varian in game and in the Lore. Even the conversation between Fordring and Bolvar Fordragon mentioned the player characters.
The idea that the player character plays no role in WoW is just foolish and false.

Never because they will never be front+centre for a Horde vs Alliance expansion.

Regardless of whether zombies cosplaying as blood elves are leading or not…they will never be a big part of it.

But in reality they are. Belfs are very popular and they get featured often in the story. I guess we’ll have to learn to live with some forum poster not accepting that, hard as it might be.

Grummz - Mark Kern Team Lead in World of Warcraft.
Openly mentioned how Horde had a low player population until the Blood Elves were introduced. Blood Elves have always played their own role in the Horde since then.

The Horde offensive against Lei Shen the Thunder King.
The Nightborne’s effort to retake Surumar from their kin that literally sold their bodies and souls to the Burning Legion and more.
The Forsaken are initially Undead Blood Elves and Lordaereons. But now a growing with more people and races.

Are you a “they”?

I don’t mean as an identifiable pronoun.
These “they” were the forces of the alliance and horde gathered from the argent tournament.
Not in particular our character. As in singular identifiable character recognised by the other characters. Just the best forces of alliance and horde.

Really our player characters are just loose “champions” plural. Not actual characters in the story. The whole story happens, regardless of wether we are there or not.

Yeah it would’ve been better if alliance characters also had something to do for the alliance when horde characters get things to do for the horde and vice versa I agree.

I dunno. Every Horde player I’ve met, They let me charge into battle, wearing my Honorbound Gear while holding my Horde Banner, shouting ‘For the Horde.’ And I’m a Vulpera, the newest race to join the Horde, and proud to be a Horde!

Funny enough, they add the one scene in Sylvanna’s Book, where you do the quest to bring Sylvanna’s Family Necklace from Silvermoon to her at Undercity.
She mentions the player in the story as a ‘Unnamed Adventurer.’

And G’huun not really died from heart attack either, the Speaker of the Horde and a ragtag band of adventureres killed it who helped Talanji :roll_eyes:
Saying the PC don’t exist and not aknowledged in WoW media is just silly

Oh please we didn’t have anything to do during 2 faction wars, I very much doubt that Blizzard will give us something to do during a Horde reconstruction questline.

You already know my vision of the horde and blood elves :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

I’m just saying horde characters should have things to do that relate to the horde and alliance characters should have things to do that relate to the alliance. I never said that it had to be war, just not to delegate us to being eachothers lackeys, which is cringe
my character has 0 reason to not 360 and moonwalk away when he sees an alliance leader as a questgiver

Lets pretend none of us murderhobos would sell our own grandma for a handfull of copper and some pretty trinkets… :roll_eyes:
An Aliance leander (or any Alliance questgiver) is not even the “top 10 things we wouldn’t to or accept a mission from” list

I go where the adventure and loot is. Horde, Alliance, Old God Questgivers, I’ll accept it.

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My character is imagined to be pro horde and patriotic for quel’thalas by me as I play him and also as I roleplay him
I’d do it on a non rp alt don’t get me wrong, but it feels weird to do on Sylvare, which is my RP main

I the player am the murder hobo, my character is not, if that makes sense

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I don’t really know what he’s talking about. I read the first line then I saw the length of the post, I got scared. Didn’t read, but I know this guy and what he does always talk about.

The soup he’s talking about is more reheated and boring than the soup I’ve done for a year for the Tuskarrs