That’s kind of how pvp rewards works no? 1000 = cloak | 1200 = Legs etc
Pretty sure that would be great if they make it that way and much more worth to grind for
Im Only saying that Pvp rewards are much more inneresting than pve (pvp worth grinding for) pretty much what Uda meant to say But also PvP need some adjustments too if they want more people to get into it.
That is one of the minimum things I would do.
The Cutoff brackets per spec is something I would do too.
I would also remove the free tier set we get at 2000 Rio. Its no use to have it when we got the catalist unlocked in week 1.
However, personally I think that M+ needs to be divorced from Raids. This is causing way too many issues in my opinion. And Blizz simply cant get it right.
I would have our own tier sets, separate from the raid ones. And apply an “aura” as the PvP crowd has in order to do targeted balance. And 3 special talents. Like in PvP.
But that is a very long shot. But dreaming is free I guess…
It has a ton of use! as in a non-fated season, catalyst comes out week 2+
Talking from my own perspective, let’s say i clear heroic by the weekend, I will get an extra tier piece for that, 2k rating has no reward then.
But if for example the pugging / clearing is not going well, i can zerg 2k rating and still get a tier piece, to then use to jump into heroic again, harder, to get curve.
From a raid team perspective, it allows us to make more choices on giving out meaningful rewards.
Because we can always somewhat get people specific items via that seasonal achievement.
Even if the catalyst is there week 1, it’s locked to 1 item.
Which means 1/4 tier items you can get, which means that 2k rating will get you the second. That’s 2 set. Then between normal and heroic, you need to be lucky enough with the other 2 pieces.
In almost all early-season circumstances, being able to determine a tier item, is going to be useful.
If i look at the past seasons, like < 15% of people have 2k rating by the end of week 1.
This. Whilst I think there should be a mount for perhaps finishing in not quite the highest %, but well up there too, 2000 is really really not high enough to deserve a mount of such prestige
M+ cant have such a good looking rewards because it doesnt require the same skill as reaching Gladiator.Even reaching “r1” title in M+ is not close to skill for reaching Gladiator.
put a duck mount behind top 1% PvP rating, and we’ll have riots
Im not saying we should get gladiator mount for doing mythic tho…?
3k rating should get us something like “Flying” mount instead of literally nothing
There is nothing beside the mount we getting when reaching the Casual rating “2000” or 2500 that gives us An achievment + visual set
- and Theres just no reason to get 3k rating So i assume it should be the right spot for a mount.
So true!
Your OP was saying that.It looked more about you are entitled and want the same rewards as PvP players or similar(which is the same).When they make content that require same skill level as getting Gladiator,ill be more than fine to give similar reward for it.But i dont think there is any way to make PvE scripted content as hard as fighting real people.
Well for you is easy, on the other side, you can get deleted by doing one mistake on pve and especially undergeared ones, And lets not forget that above 21 you need to play meta so you get accepted in groups on your way to 30+, Im pretty sure you’re aware of that
But i dont think there is any way to make PvE scripted content as hard as fighting real people.
Depending on the season I’d say HoF has been harder than glad. Not CE though.
Pre seed nerf tindral was probably as hard as R1 cutoff has been for some seasons honestly.
While PvE and PvP are pretty incomparable, I’m comfortable saying in an abstract sense WoW has PvE encounters that push players to a degree of required execution similar to that of high end PvP.
Trust me when i tell you that,there have never ever been an PvE encounter in this game close to skill required of getting R1 title in 3s bracket.
I was going by the opinions of R1s I’ve raided with.
Just as we have a keystone master mount, I’d like to see a keystone hero mount. Also a cosmetic keystone hero transmog set to reward people to keep coming back throughout the season once there are no power gains to be made.
Didn’t read full topic, but idk how people compare 2500 rio with 2500 in arena, even 3k it’s not enough to compare, this season such bad players like me can get 3k just reading guide for the class and pressing your rotation properly, without any sweating)
Something like Completing all mythic raids and doing + 25 In all dungeons on all affixes , 5 times .
Yea No, 5 x is excessive. I think just timing +30 Key per dungeon is sufficient. There is already a very small amount who would get that far and in time.
M+ cant have such a good looking rewards because it doesnt require the same skill as reaching Gladiator.Even reaching “r1” title in M+ is not close to skill for reaching Gladiator.
If PvP is martial arts, then m+ is pole vaulting. The bar isn’t going to fight back and the only thing that might make an attempt at clearing a certain height different from the others, from the perspective of what the athlete can control, is the wind. Yet we celebrate accomplished pole vaulters. And discus throwers, long jumpers, etc.
By the same reasoning, I respect people who can push high m+ and applaud their skill. I’d be happy to see more rewards for it. Not at some arbitrary rating, but for the best.
Cliffside Wylderdrake and Windborn Velocidrake still waiting for there transformation skins…
And that is where I fundamentally disagree with you.
But if for example the pugging / clearing is not going well, i can zerg 2k rating and still get a tier piece, to then use to jump into heroic again, harder, to get curve.
From a raid team perspective, it allows us to make more choices on giving out meaningful rewards.
Because we can always somewhat get people specific items via that seasonal achievement.
This is what you are telling me:
People that cant kill the Heroic Bosses that give the tier set want to go to M+, zerg it in 1 week, get that same tier set so they can kill the boss that gives it in the first place?
Long story short: People want easy Mythic/Heroic gear by doing Normal Raid equivalent content…
And meanwhile, you got the raiders complaining that Blizz has to tune the raids assuming people are full Mythic gear… eliminating the classic “gear progression” from raiding and generating problems.
Clearly Blizzard cant balance both out. Its time to divorce raid from M+. Otherwise you will never solve the Raid gearing issues, or the M+ gearing issues. And dont get me started with class balance and Tier set balance. But its the same concept.
However, personally I think that M+ needs to be divorced from Raids. This is causing way too many issues in my opinion. And Blizz simply cant get it right.
I would have our own tier sets, separate from the raid ones. And apply an “aura” as the PvP crowd has in order to do targeted balance. And 3 special talents. Like in PvP.
Its what I meant by this.
So yeah… remove the free tier set.