Ok. So it was a “grapes too sour anyway” thing all along.
The most efficient way is definitly not LFR… Normal is way more efficient. I can make a group with all the HARD logistics and clear it in less than 1,5 hours (hard logistics included). Thats about half the time an average player spends in queue for all 4 wings of LFR… How long does it take to clear nyalotha lfr? Its 3 hours just to do nzoth… imagine it takes way more than 5 hours to clear LFR… Thats efficient for you?
Maybe heroic is even more efficient than normal as it will attract better players… Not sure…
I find it absolutely hilarious that you are basically complaining about yourself. You too fall into the category of “licking their screen”.
Then either do guild raiding, or take your time when creating a run and checking whether they have multikills or not. Or other stuff to make certain they know what to do.
Driven by hunger, a fox tried to reach some grapes hanging high on the vine but was unable to, although he leaped with all his strength. As he went away, the fox remarked ‘Oh, you aren’t even ripe yet! I don’t need any sour grapes.’
As told by Aesop, 2500 years ago. And human nature hasn’t changed one bit. Timeless.
Perhaps, you will recognize the fox in the tale, and perhaps you wont.
You’re conflating “time taken” with “skill”. It taking however long to assemble a raid isn’t hard lol. There’s nothing hard about whispering players and waiting in GF. It takes time, that’s not hard tho.
Should it give better gear because this part takes long? I dunno, it’s a wierd precedent to set. If my mythic plus group takes 4 hours to form should I get better gear too?
Fact is raiding is generally binary difficulty. It’s hard until you know it, then In theory it’s easy. Nothing changes and generally it’s assumed that your roster doesn’t change much either. Remember raiding is intended as organised content, it is not built with PUGs in mind.
And arguing it’s “hard” because In a given PUG X players won’t know what they’re doing is pointless. It’s very rare you’ll finish a mythic plus if you have the same as at the higher keys once it becomes clear you won’t time, people will leave. You ain’t getting that end of dungeon chest solo.
“But they’ll continue for the welfare weekly chest” I hear you say. Assuming we’ll have bads in our group this may take a couple of hours for the chest. So your entire complaint is based around “it’s not fair that a bad group can throw themselves at content until they suceed and get loot”? Can’t raids do the same? It’s not like the first wing bosses are reported to be hard from what I’ve heard. People pug mythic wing 1 for crying out loud.
No they won’t do anything about it because it’s popular and the number one source of gearing for nearly EVERY single high end player.
The consequence? It killed gear rarity, resulting in a cluster of overleveled gear in everybody’s hands, making most contents apart from mythic+ or heroic and above raid redundant after a week or two tops.
So we basically gear up to max in a month tops, and then for the next 3~4 months of the patch, people have basically NOTHING to do. Because every other activity that was supposed to be what you would do early on, became redundant very fast.
So blizzard compensates, by adding rep grind garbage contents. Dailies of terrible quests. Find boars to kill. Find chests to loot and other annoying dailies.
dude you literally cant get pvp rank as assa rogue with bis mythic raid gear
how can you trashtalk when you are the trash?
it takes too long, cause the boosted apes like you started 2 month ago or smth and can inv best players cause you bought progression or got carried by your guild.
i get to spend half an hour just to collect the curved squad which wont kill wrathion cause of 1 new slow mechanic. cba
Oh yes i cant get a rank in a content that i dont even touch other than helping a mate once for cap. Oh noes. Whatever shall i do.
You tried to trashtalk others (on a general level even) despite the fact that you fall into the very SAME category as the people you are judging. While the only thing i did was pointing our this utmost irony of yours. So how about you grow up a little and accept that you are not as high as you think you are?
God this is absolutely rich want any more cheese to that whine of yours? Dont talk about boosted when you are even worse than boosted people okay?
And oh my oh my having to spend a full 30 minutes to form a group. The horror.
Oh and before i forget it: You hiding your logs is meaningless. I have already seen them. Making this even more hilarious. This includes your 4k dps log on shadhar (making the “get carried by your guild” accusation of yours also ironic).
Yeye mate. I full enjoy how you have put every single one of your profiles on hidden now. Be it bnet or warcraftlogs. Heck you even hid WoWProgress or namechanged. This is better than watching a movie jesus. But please continue, i enjoy reading your attempts to defend your futile attempts to bash others, calling them crap/boosted and whatnot and making yourself look better than you are.
I mean you could just make your logs visible again to prove me wrong eh?
The loot of raider: 20% per boss to get a piece of exquisite loot; trinkets, 485 weapons, 490 azerites… you bonus roll on stuff you want out of a few items loot table… 3-4 475-485 pieces per week, out of small loot tables, easy targetable loot.
The loot of mythic+15: 60% to get a piece of some 465 trash, and 1 weekly containing a 475 random piece from a 100+ item loot table. 1x 475 piece per week, completely random from HUGE loot table. Oh yeah, and titan residium to buy “mythic” azerite gear every 3 weeks… more like every 10 weeks… as you need 20k for a good one, meanwhile mythic raiders run around in 490 pieces you will NEVER buy with your titan residium…
Its not about quantity, its about quality.
And why compare heroic raid and +11? Whats next? Comparing LFR and +2?
Compare the best you can get from each, makes the most sense.
I realize most of us can’t get those sweet mythic items i mentioned… but hey, thats what makes them exclusive and some actually can get them…
May I ask you… Lets say we have two persons, person A does only mythic raid, person B does only m+ (+15s and up). After 1 month, which person has better gear?
If you listened to recent interviews with Ion its pretty apparent that the loot model that they were going for in BFA was more akin to PoE or Diablo, where there drops A LOT as in A LOT A LOT of loot, but far from everything is desireable and there is a huge margin for error within a certain item.
I’ve had days where i run 20 M+, there drops a lot of loot, but all of it is undesireable because of secondaries or that a slot is occupied by corruptions or whatnot.
They said already that they are going back to a more MMORPG loot distribution model in shadowlands where loot is more sparse but has less diversity within 1 item.
So it’s not a Mythic+ problem, it’s a BFA problem.
Mithic + system isn’t independent of raiding in my opinion.
I don’t see if you want the best items in game, why would you restric yourself to raiding, only.
It’s not like guilds can only read guides and bum start clearing everything, from normal to Mithic.
Having been part of two failed guilds in vanilla, one that was bleeding players for higher guilds in TBC and another one that was struggling in normal in MoP, I can tell that guilds want their members to have the best items they can bring to the raid.
It doesn’t matter if they come from Mithics or PVP.
I see Mithics as a alternative solution if your guild is struggling to clear that raid.
Why would one system compete with other, when it’s clear that finding alternative ways of gearing has more advantages ?
Raids will always be end game content.
But it’s not like you are meant to raid only.
Good luck with that.