Mythic+ leavers need to be tracked

Insult? I just suggest you start communicating when forming M+ groups. Oh #triggered.

Oh lordy, once you stop asking Blizzard to fix something which you can solve yourself by typing a handful of words per M+ group you form. You do not seem to be that shy, so that shouldn’t be an issue.

Or was that another insult?

Clearly your one of those. Well if you feel you need to keep getting the last word in, I suppose Ill see some more bump fluff after this.

Ill spell it out for you.

I don’t agree with you, I already made it clear your not changing opinions, acting like a snide little child because I refuse to agree with you is hilarious.


So you admit you’re a clown who has to insult people who disagree with you … klkl

You do not agree with me? Communication is the key point (your words, we agree here already), but you disagree with replacing non-communicating members (that is where it practically got stuck)? Just to shout on the forums that Blizzard has to fix it (lord knows how, you never got to that point).

Last word, it is never about the last word. Bringing that up says more about you than me. Anyways, if someone replies to me then I get a notification…obviously I read it and then I may respond. Sue me.

The thing to know about Ciri is that anyone who disagrees with it is a troll or a griefer who leaves keys.

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Dont forget it’s ok for him to to start insulting us, if we then return the favour, then we started it… cause … reasons …

Magiola, you need to stop trying so hard.

Your not winning anything by pretending you have something new to say whilst just mindlessly repeating things already covered.

Btw there are a few gnats buzzing around, they enjoyed their last posting holiday, but are apparently trying to be heard again. Clearly didn’t learn anything. :smiley:

Yes, the forums have been boring this last week, you didn’t say any silly things from what i could see …

Please don’t confuse constructive criticisme with paranoia. You clearly are protecting a system that puts the guy with keystone in a very vulnberable position. Do you even run your own keys with pugs? Or do you only join other peoples keys or alternatively play with a closed group of friends? Either way you pretend to care about the system not getting worse but i don’t think that’s your true intention here. :slight_smile:

This system is not about punishment that is your interpretation. It’s about tracking and using the finder to give more information about the people who sign up for your key. More information is never a bad thing. Specially, when it is not based on some automatic system but on a voting system putting people’s experience with said player to the benefit of all.

Actually, having high raider io score doesnt mean your a good player at all. But then maybe we have a different definition of what a good player is. A good player in my book is a player that is patient, helpful and has a positive effect on other players and the community as a whole. Not someone who just happens to be competitive in the game and thinks he can do whatever he wants as a result. Therefore, being a good player is about attitude and nothing else. And raiderio doesnt show that. I’ve played with people that had 1.8k raider io and they behaved really badly and then with people with literally no raiderio and they were really good (i.e. they didn’t rage, respected mechanics, gave good advice to people struggling and stayed untill the end even though it wasnt in time). And the opposite is also true.

Everyone one of your posts maliky reaks of arrogance and condescendance.

P.S. Grendiser If you feel a system that tracks people who behave badly in mythic+ is a punishing system then logic dictates that you are bad boy.

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I thought we established we do not want to give the players the responsibility. Group toxix to tank. Tank leaves. Tank get reported and punished while already having toxic group. Everything is bad about this. No players voting ever.

Who established we dont want to give the players the responsability? Maybe you established that on your own. 99% of the time when there is toxicity in a group it is one guy causing trouble for everyone. Simply because the majority of people who sign up for a key actually want to do the key. But when there is bad behaviour in a group it is almost always isolated to one guy.
The problem with mythic+ leavers is heavily due to inaction by blizzard and the inability to act by players. What I am suggesting is that that stops and that we do give the power to players to do something about people who behave badly in mythic+.
There is a serious laxisme in this society. People see others doing things that are wrong and they just don’t even care anymore. This has to stop and we can do our part here in wow.

There are definitely more players not wanting this because every leaver is a story with 2 sides. You just dont want to look at the leavers one.

What we need to stop is start blaming the healer when the tank gets 1 shotted and then get all over toxic towards him till the healer leaves.

That’s an assumption. You personally cant say there are more player not wanting something, just as someone else cant say there are more players wanting it.

You like to keep going on about 2 sides, but there are a lot of runs where no one has a go at the person who quits and they quit for what ever reason they want at the time.

So either Blizzard starts tracking the habitual leavers or they introduce something new, where the timer stops and you get a chance to replace the people ruining the key.

I responded on that it was only me. I ment there are more than only me.

I responded directly on the message above me. Like i also now do.

Another impossible to implement idea.

4 people kick the 5th before the last boss and invite a friend.

You’ve replaced one problem with another.


And every single one of yours and Ciris posts reek of entitlement and desperation for blizzard to force the rest of us to boost you guys :slight_smile: But how is this relevent to the topic ?

But you can say that 90% of leavers are children throwing temper tantrum :thinking: So to clarify, you can make up numbers, but the other side can’t … That’s some Trump logic right there mate.

Explain what you mean by entitlement? I don’t understand what you mean.
Now for the next part your post. I don’t see why i would want anyone to boost me. I earned my raider io and i spend way more time helping others than getting helped. If that is indeed what you mean by boosting. It’s just a less arrogant term i guess :).
But regardless Maliky, you seem like a very humble and kind fellow. And I’m sure you go out of your way to help people when they need it. This is all just a simple misundersrtanding. Keep playing wow man, the community needs players like you to be such a shining example.

P.S. There are two kinds of players in wow. Those who care about the game and those who dont. So my question to you is which category do u fit into?

I do care about the game, we just have very different ideas what would make it better.
Where you want blizzard to hold everyones hand, i want it to be a sandbox. Every time blizzard has added systems to “help and control” what players do, the game has imho gotten worse.

That is indeed how these topics work :stuck_out_tongue:

Your system doesn’t take into account the evenutality of you joining an very very bad group. Maybe the tank is utterly clueless and keeps making mistakes, refusing to listen to anyone. Maybe the healer is semi afk. Maybe some of the dps have 0 situational awareness and keep making the same mistakes again and again. Bottom line is, maybe you spot early on that the run is never going to be completed, timer or no timer. I have been in such groups, and the prospect of having to suffer through for nothing at all is just cruel.

Also, what would happen if a group agreed to give up? Would that flag people as leavers, because they left an unfinished dungeon?

There is really only one viable solution to this problem. Be better at making groups. Raider IO can help, but mostly its better to team up with people you know have the right attitude and a skill level close to your own.

The bottom line is that its a social game. There are systems in place to help us circumvent the need to be social and make friends to play with, but those systems cannot vet people according to your personal criteria. You can only do that yourself.

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