Mythic+ leavers need to be tracked

Dont mind me
:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:

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So your saying providing more information about players track records in the finder is a bad thing? I’m sorry, I disagree. Anonymat is exactly the problem in random groups and why people behave so badly. Cause they know they can get away with it and the system refuses to punish them. And they will do it over and over again. Do you guyz even know how many threads have been made about the problem of people leaving keys for no apparent reason? Just fake dc after wipe or just behaving badly so they can find an excuse to get out of doing the key. You say I should play with people I know? yeah sure i agree and i do. But what if u happen to play the game more or at different hours from most of your friends. Or if u happen to like playing higher keys than your friends. Should i resolve myself to watching people burn my key with no justice at all. Knowing full well they will do it again to someone else and the system doesn’t give a damn?
If your not willing to do the key, don’t sign up for it. You can see what your signing up for by seeing people’s raiderio. So their experience is there for all to see. If you sign up for a bad group then YOU are the one responsible for being in the group not the other way around. So, for pete’s sake take resposability for ur actions for once in ur life and man up. When I sign up for a key i always finish it unless it it’s literally impossible gameplay wise because we dont have the dps to actually kill a boss before the healer runs out of mana. Why? Because it’s not my key and i treat others the way i want to be treated. End of story.
So, stop with the childish arguments.

P.S. One more thing since when is it a crime to be nice to strangers? And by that I mean sharing your key with people you don’t even know. It isn’t. I assure you. It’s a sign of open mindedness and a sign of strength. However, it doesn’t take any courage to leave a key when things go bad. It just takes cowardice. Just for the record. And even more cowardice to defend those who do it.

And how many times it is checked at the leaver what the reason was? Like never? 2 sides of the story, and you are only checking 1.

When the group is toxic to me, i am out. Call me a coward. Used to that.


Isn’t that the way you want the system to work ? :slight_smile:
And yes, there are many posts about people leaving keys, doesn’t mean anything should be done.
There are also many posts about people abusing the vote kick function something you know you’ll need some amalgamation of in your new M+ punishment system.
Or that DH or firemage needs a buff, just because peope post about it, doesn’t mean anything should be done.

As you say, you leave keys when YOU deem the key cannot be finished, that seems to be ok. But if someone else thinks “This group cannot finish this key” and leaves, then they need to be punished.

So either, you’re a dirty leaver like (in your mind) everyone else who are against these systems, or you think somehow your judgement is better than everyone elses.

So which is it, are you one of the people you hate so much that leaves keys, or are you simply better than everyone else to judge when it is ok to leave a key?

(p.s. All the things in caps is all the punishment suggestions that come from people insisting this would make the game better, you know, the people you call out in your post)


I think this illustrates why this game is dying. You can’t reason with the people that still play. Sad face. I accept defeat. This thread is a pointless endeavour since everyone is selfish and thinks only of themselves. This is the real epidemic that will wipe out the human race and destroy wow along the way: “Individualisme”.

So the game is dying because people have a different opinion than you?
Or is it because you think i’m selfish and dont care about anyone else?
And isn’t it just as selfish that you want to force a system on everyone because it will help you?

Legit, could you answer my questions instead of coming with a melodramtic post that adds nothing to the topic?

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How wrong you are my friend. I think you will never know. But hey nothing i say will make you understand cause you are fixed in your way of thinking.

Again, you explain nothing, and you’re just as fixed in your way of thinking.
You want to have systems in place to kill all the social aspects of the game, or atleast render them useless (from my perspective).

Where i want it to be a sandbox to encourage social aspects of the game, why? Becuse the greatest times i’ve ever had in this game, has had nothing to do with the content i’m doing, or how hard or easy it is, but with the people i’m doing it with. I want the game to encourage that, because i think it would be better for the game.

My best memories of this game has been 40 nerds, sitting on Ventrillo, lauging our asses off because we were drunk and wiping on Baron Geddon (people didn’t move out with bomb mechanic)

Or 4 mates joing a random low key, to see how fast could we plast through this random persons +4 key or what ever it was.

Or the relief, and happiness we had on discord the first time we completed a +15 key, and later the +20 key.

The fun with 2 mates doing dailies attacking a group of 5 alliance just because, sure we might die, but we had fun!

Experiences i 100% believe is being slowly killed everytime blizzard implements a system so people dont have to make friends, or be social.

So you tell me, how is it i’m a selfish A hole when i want everyone to experience this?

The game is dying because people like you want systems to replace interaction. Some magic AI bot to do your job to make your life easier so that you are not inconvenienced.

Get over yourself.

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It is sort of hypocrit to leave yourself, because you are yourself able to judge to be allowed to leave, but others are not allowed to leave by their own judgement. And then you can not reason with people who play the game? Maybe it is more a you problem.

So now your blaming blizzard for destroying the social aspect of the game?
People change. People move on. This isn’t blizzard’s fault.
I think your mixing alot of things up.

Your just taking my words and throwing them back at me. I don’t see what point your trying to make. And don’t call making other players feel bad a social aspect of the game. Cause that’s what your doing when u leave a key mid run. Just because of one guy in the group you don’t like.
Most people that still play this game use this game as an escapisme. They want to get away from their everyday life and escape into a fantasy world where they can spend time with nice and likeminded people.
But unfortunately, WoW has become such a race for who has the better gear, raiderio or rating that they don’t even take the time to enjoy the game or the community.
Justs read all your previous posts.
It’s all about your time not being wasted, my time is more important than this guyz key, “It won’t be in time so why bother?”, and won’t get raiderio so i’ll leave or even this guy in the group said to me something that upset me so i’m gonna ragequit and dump the entire group. The list goes on.
But gaming in it’s truest sense is not about competition or the ego. This is especially true in the case of an mmo. Where it’s just about playing. Having fun. And in this case having fun with other people.
Sure I can understand people having bad runs. Don’t we all. But since when did that justify abandoning people? Just cause you have the ability to do something doesn’t mean you should do it. The game is made by people and therefore is flawed. It’s up to the players to go that step further and be responsible players and show blizzard we can handle freedom. If you abuse your freedom it will always be taken away from you.

Actually, that’s not what i suggested at all. Gotta love those people that don’t even bother to read the whole thread before posting. GG.

P.S. I’m a pvp player. I don’t really pve much. And next expansion pvp and pve will be separate. So I prob won’t be pveing, most likely. But i do hope blizzard finds a way to fix this problem because i do happen to care about this issue regardless.

So then you maybe need to know the problem is almost non existent :slight_smile:

It’s a problem that shouldn’t exist at all.

well you are the one who leaves.

Ignoring your messages since your just trolling now.

Sure. But i am the one with 100+ minute of dungeon runs. You could also have talked to your team how to avoid damage and how to do more damage, so you would not have to leave because of an OOM healer.

You are the hypocrit toxic troll here.

ouch turning to name calling now?

Right and not looking at that you just called me trolling. Because again, only judging others and not yourself. Different standards. I think we get close to the definition of hypocrit.

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Yes and no, i blame blizzard for adding systems that takes the need to socialize away.
And i’d say it’s of a “people take the way with least resistance” and in many ways that was no need to communicate, then came M+, and there you HAVE to communicate when you reach a certain level, which i think is great, and i dont want anything that could reduce that need.

You mean the 100 of posts that goes like “Find a guild and make friends”

something that would be solved with finding a guild, making friends. When i play with my guild and friends, no one asks what ilvl anyone is, or what their RIO is, why? Because we know each other.
And getting to actually know each other, get’s harder every time blizzard adds a system reducing the necessity.

Something even you have admitted you do, you just think you’re the only one with the ability to judge when it’s “ok” to abandon 4 other people, in fact, could you answer my earlier post, i’ll quote it here

And this should be done by the players, not some automated system. This is why we have guilds, and discord communities.

Well, at least i don’t get off by insulting people. Oh and btw your off topic <3.