Mythic+ leavers. (Solution?)

I finally decided to push for the Keystone Master achievement today. Having a +15 AD key in my Embroidered Deep Sea Bag, I quickly queued up in the LFG with the title " +15 time/weekly". With the amount of players signing up almost breaking the game, I rushed to pick out the most suited soldiers for this endeavour, putting an emphasis on a party of 2 players that queued up together; a mage and a paladin. A full group. Ready to tackle the dungeon. Before starting the run, I’ve let everyone known that while the timing of the dungeon is the priority objective, we shall still continue the journey upon failing the timer for the weekly chest. Everyone agreed. The friendliness meter of the group has reached an all time maximum. We make our way to the location in the depths of Zuldazar. We’re deep into horde territory. Everyone managed to get inside the instance safely. I chug the strongest flask in the game, I cast the runes of power, I slam down a feast. Now we are ready. I shove the key into the keystand. Everyone hyped up. We rush down to the first boss Rezan the mighty and start sending him into another dimension. Unfortunately enough, we actually sent him into another dimension mid-fight as the boss bugged out and reset. The moral dropped to 0 immediately. Lucky for us, our tank was a warrior who have been through many hardships and did not fear to continue pulling the denizens of the dungeon despite of the mage raging in party chat like no one before. The healer attempts to calm the mage down but with no success. Meanwhile Rezan decided to teleport back. We instantly focused Rezan and took him out. First boss dead. Moral increases by such an insignificant amount that it might as well be 0. Nonetheless, we proceed onto the second boss. With everything going smoothly, we arrive at the second boss. Dead. EASY. On the way to the third boss, out of the nowhere, the mage starts telling the tank to hurry up every 10 seconds. The tank finally giving into the mage’s tantalising whining pulls two groups at a time. Wipe. Tank blames the mage. Mage blames the tank AND the healer. The mage suddenly tells the group that if we don’t make it in time he will leave. The paladin that the mage queued up with was in silence. Probably ashamed of his friend. Everyone else in the group lets the mage know about the fact that we all agreed to finish the key even if for some reason we go overtime. Friendliness got swapped by discomfort, tension and anger. Struggling to keep the group together I pour hope into everyone one last time by saying that we can still do it easily if we don’t make anymore mistakes. With almost everyone hating everyone, we arrived at the third boss. The fight begins. Mage dead. Mage blames the healer. Everyone loses control. Wipe. Mage leaves. Paladin leaves. Mage spamming everyone’s whisper chat with toxic comments.

In 2 dungeons I have lost the will to do more. Why doesn’t blizzard implement a way to filter out toxic players like this? Put a counter into the players stats that shows how many dungeons they’ve left before finishing. Or have a feedback mechanism that lets other people rate the players they have played with, whether they were toxic in any ways or not. This happens so many times and it wastes so many players’ time. Right now the way this is causes more players to suffer than it would if any such anti-toxic/toxic-filter systems were implemented into the game.


Amen brother.

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How do you know this?

You should get into a community for mythic+ rather than playing with randoms.

In communities and guilds players are in general nicer to eachother since they have a reputation to maintain.

Randoms are randoms.

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Maybe because this is how he feels and he is a wow player. LOL.

Weird choice of words for expressing one’s feelings.

Wow, never thought of that. And we are not, or what is this supposed to mean?

:man_shrugging: ok?

I don’t know about that. I am nice to randoms and i have nothing to lose. I don’t see why people should behave only cause they have something to lose if they don’t. Could be wrong though, I guess. Also, this may come as a shock to some but i actually like playing and meeting new people. You don’t need to be restricted to a community. You already have the btag for playing with people you know if u feel like it.

Why is it weird? Did you even read his whole post? I did.

I love how i make a positive statement about someone else and you twist it into something negative about you xD.

Ok, so let me explain. When a person says something it’s called an opinion. Regardless of how they word it unless they provide some kind of proof to back it up, that’s all it is. Also, incidentally, not everyone has english as a mother tongue. So your grammar nitpicking is rather inapropriate.
Zeren is saying that the finder needs a safety net for people who want to use their keys with randoms. Otherwise, they might as well remove the ability to make groups in the finder for mythic+. And i think we agree that is not an option for blizzard.

Yes, i am shocked by your first reply. It made me laugh out loud.
I guess you don’t care about the guy with the key.
But then again why should you its not your key right.

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Dude. “Situation X would cause less players to suffer than situation Y”, iT iS jUsT aN oPiNiOn. Yea well; situation Y would cause less players to suffer than situation X. Now what?

Mhm? I am not afraid of finishing an untimed key, what are you on about?

I asked a simple question to the OP and you seem to go all Karen, enjoy.

I have every right to leave as a tank if dps players ignore mechanics and are dead in first 10 sec of every boss fight even in +15 keys. Just a waste of time to stay in groups like that.

His point is you’re confusing “feel” with “know”

They aren’t the same thing. One is subjective, one is objective.

“I felt like the healer was toxic because he left”. In the real world of facts the healer left because he got abusive whispers.

See how what you feel and what other people know can differ?


I’m not interested in wether you are afraid of finishing a key that isn’t in time. The point is would you bother if it wasn’t your key or the key of someone you know. The question is simple do you have respect for people when you know full well you will probably never see them again? Some people do cause they have something called “an education”. Some people dont cause they only behave when they are obliged to. And that’s why a system needs to be implemented that forces the latter to behave. If you don’t understand that then i can’t help you and any further discourse is a waste of time.

I’d put more faith in someone who presents something as an opinion rather than a guy that presents it as fact by saying “he knows”. Here in the forums, unless you link some actual proof (and i mean reliable evidence) everything is heresay. Outside of that, the only thing that is reliable is how people feel because that’s something that is subjective by default. You can question the validity of persons facts but not his feelings.
And some people in these forums just spam posts for the joy of creating confusiong and stopping people from sparking any positive changes in the game.
Yeah, you know who you are :stuck_out_tongue:. Unhappy people, who just want to stop others from achieving stuff they gave up on doing themselves long ago.

:man_shrugging: you manage to connect education with respecting keys. How did you manage to do that?

You are just making up something for the sake of … of …, I honestly do not know actually.

And yes, I respect other’s keys as much as my own. So unless we have 28 deaths around the first boss due to ignoring basic mechanics - I stay and finish the run.

Since the “my experience is fact” rule usually counts in these topics; i have done over 220 runs in s3 and s4 on 1 char - the amount of times I have faced these so called misbehavers is perhaps a time or 5 - maybe 10.

Do we really need a system with all it’s flaws and side-effects to catch those players in 2-5% of the runs? Then the cure is most likely worse than the problem.

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You facts are presented in a way that is misleading. How many of those 220 runs did u actually do with a full pug group? And how many of those did u do with your own key? I think now those 220 suddenly dwindle down to like what a fraction of that?
And one last question you say you don’t have problems in your runs but what qualifies as misbehaviour in your book. I mean if you tend to misbehave yourself alot then it stands to reason you would have low standards and not expect others to behave. Right? The real question is not how many of your runs have people misbehaved in but rather how many of other people’s runs have you misbehaved in? And there suddenly, conveniently, we have a lack of information. :smiley:

Those are not even facts (duh), just my experience (said it pretty clearly). But as you perfectly manage to point out; that does not count for much. But somehow it only does not count if it does not help the “punish leavers”-movement.

Correct. It is not even conviniently since it goes both ways :man_shrugging:

Sorry i don’t understand what u wrote.

I doubt there will ever be a function like that, because it will either get abused or wont work in the way you think.
Just find some reliable player you enjoy playing with, problem solved.

I also did hundreds and hundreds full pug runs in BFA, and the problem almost does not exists. And i left myself 2 because of a very toxic group. 1 towards me, 1 towards someone else where i tried to calm it down, sh i t happens.

With all these thousands people playing the number of leavers is obviously getting higher than only my experience/groups. But it is like people make a topic here about it when it happened for the 2nd time to them. And then we need a system that has more flaws and hurts the good playerbase more than it punishes the leaver. Please no.


As always. If you find that people commonly leave your keys then it is very likely that you are the problem.

Yeah man, People leave my keys cause i am a bad player. Spot on bro. Nice to get personal about something that isn’t at all xD.