Mythic+ PUG'ing needs some real attention

People like you are why Blizz really need to wake up, There is simply just to many idiots in wow, thats why blizz needs to implement systems so i can be sure i am not in a groups with you.

The way the system is now is you get a key from how good you are, you clear a +4 you get a +5, you invite players and the poor fella that has the key invites you, and when tank pulls bad or there is a mistake, you leave, because you are so good and do not want them to waste your time. You then call players bad and leave dungeon. Do you now see why we need a system so you do not ruin groups/keys?

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No, they’re not. They need to be penalized with a dungeon ban for wasting other peoples time.

I agree. It seems it’s impossible for people to to look up routes before you do a dungeon or press their interrupt ability or walk without pulling packs or at least outdps the healer on bosses. If they can’t do the bare minimum, why should I stay with them?

Ok, so what about the people that just leave because there as 1 mistake at start? is it ok to leave then, and is it ok for the Keyholder to get punished for that? Why can’t you guys see the flaw with geting keys depleted for having people that just don’t care in a group. There is NO punishment for leaving, you can actually troll how much you want, Join a key and give people the middle finger right fter they put the key in.

Do you really feel this is ok???

serious question: aren’t the in game M+ communities a solution for this? don’t they have some reputation system (or at least people getting kicked from the community for being terrible or toxic)?
these groups can have better information about players than blizzard ever could, so looking to them for a solution seems a failed concept

If you want to wait for hours to do a dungeon, sure. I tried several in BFA but then I gave up on them.

Missing tank or healer? None online or available in the community? Welp, no run. They don’t want to pug a tank or healer. They’d rather wait hours to do a dungeon than pug. If I have to play around other people’s schedules to do anything, I might as well just start raiding again.

People screwing up early in the run is just a foreshadowing of what the run is going to be like. Not once have I been in a group where they play perfect or even close to decent after they cause a wipe early in the run. I’ve played enough m+ over the years to know to just bail.

So this gives you the reason to leave and ruin the persons key or even a chance to get loot/vault upgrade at the end? You just give everyone here more proof that we need a system in place to punish or help exclude players like you in M+

It’s ruined by their own bad gameplay. Like earlier today, +12 hoa. Tank just standing there when dogs enrage and got killed, first pull. Starts crying at the dps not stunning. He could’ve legged it the hell out of there when he saw nobody was going to stun but he just stood there trying to facetank them.

I’m not going to stick around trying to heal a tank like that. I don’t care if nobody stunned the mob that enrages the dogs, the tank should’ve legged it the hell out of there before they enraged.

Now i know you are just trolling.

It’s one thing to punish people because they are bad, and another to do so because they are selfish, shameless tryhards with a insurmontable superiority complex.

Anyway, if you’ve managed to do something here besides troll, it is to prove the OP absolutely right.
3 cheers to you!


Ok well how would you punish a “leaver”? as if there is no punishment then people are not bothered by leaving a group that may be struggling or “learning” the routes/pulls etc…

Ok how about theres no deserter debuff if you do not leave the group before the timer is 0:00 this would at least entice people to stay to the end of the timer.

Whats your suggestion?

Ok well the tank facetanked them, Maybe he had been in a group before that DID stun the dogs so he expected the same from the group he was with at the time.

This is what happens when you have 1000,s of groups all running the dungeon slightly differently, Which is why even people with high raider
score can fail hard on low keys if the group is not doing the same things as their usual groups.

Just tell the tank that ok he may usually face-tank them but in general you want to kite when enraged and then move on to complete the dungeon but no this is clearly a waste of your time.

I also find that people with high raider scores are usually suffering from epeen syndrome “My IO is higher then yours so I know better than you” like this is some form of degree of skill on their part, When in fact it means they either have a regular group they run with or they got lucky during pug groups and managed to succeed, Remember raider score is not individual but more to do with how well the group worked.

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correction .

mythic + worked in Legion and BfA solely and only because of TF.

now that its gonna and weaker players being unable to clear easy dififculties (2-5) for the chance of TF out of 3 chests system is broken

those people apply to groups that are beyond their skill level (8-12) and ruin both their own and others exerience.

this alongside with nerf to itlv drops from m+ is killing this mode.

blizzard should have done something weeks ago - they didnt because they dont care due to how many 6 months subs they sold with clown costume before launch of SL.

you will see them doing changes around march/april when those 6 months subs run out. untill they they literaly dont have to do anything because people already paid for those subs and in wow you cannot “freeze” your sub .

technically he should call out dps for not interupting/ stuning the handler mob when he casts - but seeing how 99% of playerbase has no idea how dogs enrage there work its not really surprising :slight_smile:

he was also correct - those dogs shouldnt enrage in first place if people played mechanic correcly .

let me do a wild guess - group required 1200 io but played like 300 io :slight_smile:

this is why io is garbage - it doesnt show skills - it shows only that someone “thrown stone against wall enough times” to get carried to X or Y score.


nah the boosting communities are so widespread because of WoW Tokens.

The token puts a direct price tag on gold. Notice how it was still rather tame in WOD and early Legion, but then exploded once the token could be sold back for 13 euros of blizzard balance. This balance can be used to purchase other products, gift cards for other players etc. It’s basically blizzard-supported RMT.

Mythic+ is a good system, keeps dungeons relevant for longer than 2 weeks after launch. Always hated how quickly dungeons become completely obsolete, up until WOD they didn’t even bothered to bump ilvl in them with new patches - eg MOP heroics were dropping 463 gear, but timeless isle gear was 496 and it was dropping left and right, one hour tour could net you like 5 items like that.

Pug Content does not need love.
Endgame content should not be pugged,
Its called, get a guild, get some friends,

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I wouldn’t.

I pug 15-16 keys and it goes fine most of the time.

One guy left my De other side 16 because we wiped on first boss.
I said to him “Sure dude, this is not gonna be timed anyways.”

You should just say what you want to do with the key.
If you wanna complete it no matter if timed or not, say it and get people who never did that difficulty so they re willing to keep going.

Im only interested in timing the dungeons so if I know its not gonna be timed, I should just leave.
I dont do it unless the leader call it though, but theres no reason to keep going.

Pugs exist since vanilla, 16 years now. Pugs also do endgame since vanilla.
How would 16-20 guild dps players do mythic+ with two guild tanks available? Some of them just have to pug

Not to mention people who cant commit to guild schedule.
Im in a guild myself, but I fully understand why people pug endgame content.

Demanding your guild members to pug is a recipe for disaster. I’m pretty sure that every good guild organizes m+ runs for its members or they won’t keep them.

I actually haven’t experienced someone leaving a group during a M+ yet in Shadowlands (but did in Legion and Battle for Azeroth), but I think personally it’d be better to implement a form of punishment for leaving a M+ group, like a deserter but for M+ and a longer one. I’m not sure about how long though, maybe a static timer of 30 minutes or if it’s possible then it can last as long as the timer for completion is in the dungeon that they left? Or one that starts at a set timer and then gets higher if you leave several M+ within that timer? I think there’s several ways of doing it, something just needs to be done. Same thing with the loot or reward in general for doing a M+ since the drop chance of items are so incredibly low now, but that’s for another topic. :slight_smile: