[N-RP] The Monthly Storytelling Night 📜

Another month, another selection of stories. Our numbers grow! :clap:

Tonight we got to hear five stories:

  • The One Hundred Percent Real and Accurate Tale of How Lex Saved The Rebellion
  • The Life Story Of Megorn
  • The Story of How Shamanism Discovered Lex
  • The Fox and the Leopard
  • The Tale of Noressa

Thanks to the attendees, and double thanks to our lovely host! :rabbit2:


Today is the… week?

Kagana will return as a host on account of Lex having no leg(s) to stand on.


In some minutes…


What do you get when you mix a rabbit, a Void Elf, a Blood Elf, an Orc, a Dwarf and a Tauren?

A damn good spontaneous theatre troupe, is what. :smirk:


next week guys!

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Two days left to prepare this month’s stories! Friendly reminder that our Alliance friends are more than welcome to join the Storytelling Night. Bring some tales from the other side of the fence!


Sadly i will arrive late today,irl stuff

what happens when a mage, horde group and a joke telling draenei meet in gadgetzen?

a hell of a night,apparently


Updates! The Storytelling Night first post has now been broken up into two posts (so I can still edit the editable part once I unavoidably lose my TL3 again). It also has dates running all the way till the end of the year! Starting from 2021, the main thread will be updated with a list of dates for the full year.

PS. Suggestion for a new immersive event location are welcome! If you think you know a cool neutral place that is relatively easy to get to for both the Horde and the Alliance, please let me know!


I happen to have checked Booty Bay for nice gathering spots, there are none.
Other options are Ratchet, or Moonglade, cause even low-level players seems to have the flightpath.

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havnt thought this is how ill celebrate my birthday,but who knew?
at least i know it will be fun

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Today is the day!


After a night filled with poems,and a laugh about wet owls and moist owletts,
Maradan returned to his research camp,in Terrokar forest,with his beloved notebook.
“need to get ready,don’t know what’s next”

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Gently poking this one back up, for the event is this week. :relieved:


Oh joy! :smiley:

Because of reasons, and stuff
(and assuming nothing comes up),

maybe the immensely popular Void Spice might tell a story which is not about herself,

(and also not about how, logically, every pro-Azeroth Azerothian should be glad to have the Ren’dorei add their (terrifying) powers to the defence of Azeroth :grin: )

this time… :thinking:


Storytelling Night is starting in less than an hour! Unfortunately I will not be able to join tonight due to IRL Things, so for raid invites please poke my two lovely volunteers:
HORDE: /w Sizzy-Moonglade
ALLIANCE: /w Maradan-Moonglade


This antisocial, musing elf made it. What a delightful evening this is turning out to be!


dont you love it when two months in a row the player named “Hoarcewolf” throws away the rp of the story night,causing a bunch of players to leave?

Hoarcewolf,you are a pure scum

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I have to add, if anyone has issues with anyone trolling said events then please report the player. It mutes them for you, and hopefully something will be done. I reported for spam, as his interjections were enough to disrupt the flow of roleplay until he was muted for me. Don’t feed the trolls.

There’s a lot to be said about someone who trolls roleplay on a roleplay realm, if you ask me.


I’m sad to hear that the event was disturbed by a griefer, but I hope everyone had a good time regardless!