Name change in the barber shop in SL?

If you can now change your character’s gender in SL why not their name? I’m not saying every service should be free but come on, we never even get a discount for them.
It should cost like 10k gold and would only be allowed every 6 months.


I definitely choose what I feel is a male or female sounding name for my characters. I do not know how they are going to handle this with gender change considering it’s a paid for service normally.

If they allow a name change with the gender change then people will just use that to get free renames, so the service will become obsolete.

I guess we will see what they decide.

Yeah, like we want trolls to name change at the drop of a hat for free…

You can already change your name for gold purchasing a WoW Token and converting that to balance.

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I present you Juliette, a male orc… with a twist.


If it was a free service it would probably have a cooldown

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I don’t think it will be, they have to make money somehow.

I know only this from all your chars, but isnt “punyelf” kinda gender neutral? If i heard that name without avatar i wouldnt know if its male, female, apache helicopter, toaster, or what not.

Puny isn’t really gender specific no. Neither are the puny variations but the rest are.

Ye it’s very insensitive and money baiting tactics to not allow to change the dead name of post- barber gender change character.

There is few more gender neutral but i get your point.
Also its looks like you realy like colecting alts, and u are kind of obsessed with paladins :smiley:

A feel like a name change has way more subtle but annoying “back end” implications than a gender change.

I don’t see them offering free name changes, personally.

At least not on launch. I think the gender change will actually lead to a surge of name change purchases.

Maybe in your opinion but most names are male or female to me.

I only enjoy playing Paladin, the alts are mostly there for achies :grinning:

I think the cost of gender change will be equivalent to gold price in token for the service.

For me, both Zanzhi or Jellix could fit both, but i respect your pov :slight_smile:

Do you play all those paladins or just this one?

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This could also be the case.

People can justify spending money on gold easier than spending it on a gender / name change. Which will lead to more sales of the WoW token.

So in a roundabout way making a paid service free will net Blizz more cash.

Name change should become free with this barber shop change.

But not free to do all the time. You should get free name change when changing gender but it has like 4-6month cooldown before you can change the name again for free.

The paid name change would still be available in case you wanted to change before that 4-6 cooldown.

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I have what I call my bubble army that do all my professions, and I only raid on one.

If an Allied Race can paladin I tended to do those first. Most of my AR that couldn’t pally ended up being Hunters but I did vary a bit at the end.

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Each name for each gender


That’s an interesting solution!

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I would gladly work for blizzard as an intern hehe