Removing 1% resist chance that exists for every spell, despite hit cap. This just add a stupid element of RNG to casters.
Remove hit chance reduction based on level differences in pvp. A lvl 1 should only require 5% hit to hit a lvl 60 player.
Change caster hit requiremenets to 5% for same level and 9% for +3 levels. Hit from talents should be halved.
Make pets scale with owner stats.
Remove the ranged & melee AP split.
Make warlocks hit talent affect all spells, not just affliction. (Again at 1% per point instead of 2). Mages hit talents are double per point and are actually impactful.
Merge physical & caster crit & hit chance from gear (not buffs). Currently warriors & rogues need caster hit for shouts, thunderclap, taunt and poisons
Make druids in bear form scale 5x with defense stat towards crit reduction.
Raise anticipation (warrior & paladin 2 defense points per skill to 5 per skill)
Make consecration baseline.
Make thunder clap usable in defensive stance (Really only affects tanking when leveling, same as consecration)
Halve the rage cost of shield slam.
Make swipe hit up to 5 targets.
Nothing here would change the meta, but would make practically all classes more enjoyable.
This is a great start for class changes in vanilla+. Small changes go a long to making the game better and all of this stays in the spirit of vanilla gameplay imo.
No one will start doing large scale modification to the game. ERA and Anniversary are as-is while SoD already has it style defined. What you are describing is TBC just lazy and unfinished.
All of these changes are tiny and mainly affect leveling or remove completely unfun RNG. This would just slightly reduce the insane gap that exists between warriors (the dps and tank class) and the other classes that solely exist to support warriors. All of these changes could easily have been a very minor patch of any version of WoW.
Classic has a lot more issues which would require a more of a classic+ overhaul. Shaman DPS for example. Rogues for instance should probably get battle shout instead of warriors, with sunder armor being as good as imp expose instead. You would still not want more than 1 rogue per melee group, which is still an upgrade from 1 per raid.
While leveling Warrior is behind a lot of classes in terms of speed. Also when leveling you don’t care about nuances. Things like pet scaling aren’t a small change as suddenly you get SoD pets that can solo anyone.
Bears do not really focus on defense in vanilla part as there is very little good defense gear for them - and adding some absurd multiplier to have “free” defense cap from an item or two isn’t really fair design or solution to a bigger problem of vanilla systems.
“Small changes” don’t really provide a fresh experience and don’t solve any end-game hindrances of specs. You either go the full way or you don’t go at all. If Blizzard would want to offer more balanced or more finished vanilla experience then IMHO they should take TBC or WoTLK base.
The main changes here that affect leveling is not pet scaling, if anything (at least hunter pets) they are overtuned when leveling. The tank changes would however make a massive qol change, especially making paladins good tanks without having to spec holy.
The defense multiplier is not absurd as druids don’t have options when it comes to gear, at the same time they recieve no benefit from it when it comes to parry or block, so it’s not absurd at all. I don’t see how a buff to protect against RNG crits for a class that recieves like half the value from nearly non existant defense gear is unfair, on top of being by far the worst out of the two viable tanks at 60.
None of my suggestions were for a fresh experience as in a major patch you could have seen in classic. They were for what could have been a minor balanace patch that blizzard would have done often in the past, especially in later expansions when they didn’t view the game as an extended beta.
consecration will not make paladin tank work in vanilla. They lack taunt, they lack mana regen mechanism, they have bad shield block talent and there is no good spellpower plate set. All of which TBC fixes.
It is absurd as you want to buff bear hard while leaving everyone else left behind. (and I play druid on Anniversary). TBC stats changes solve the problem for bear and all other specs and classes.
In vanilla WAR is the MT in raids. Pala doesn’t exist unless you make some degenerate spell spamming tank for trash. Bear sometimes exist, and buffing it but not Pala would be bad (and Pala tank is severely unfinished in vanilla).
A minor balance patch would alter AP items or multiple talents just to be obsoleted with the release of TBC. And if the would be make such “patch” then next patch would HAVE TO fix boomkins, shadow priests, shamans… the list go on. Classic is alreayd released and there is no global support for “balance patches” like there was before release for things like dual spec.
I never said it would make them work. The main fix it does it allows protection paladins (The actual tank spec) to be better tanks than holy when leveling. It also allows retribution to effectively tank, like warriors already do in arms & fury.
TBC Does not fully fix prot paladins. Paladin tank is mainly alive because of the value of blessings, not that they are on par with protection or feral.
The buff to anticipation from 10 → 25 defense for warriors allows for more variation in gear. Even with crit immune druids they’d still remain the worst viable tank, far behind warriors.
Regards to the TBC talent druids get, i deliberately didn’t want to suggest adding talents in this thread and the TBC one affects all specs and not just bear form.
War is both the MT and OT in raids. I’ve never considered protection paladins viable at 60. I agree that protection needs buffs, but you’d need a whole lot more including gear sets and major talent overhaul to make them viable, very much outside the scope of this thread.
This is a minor patch when it comes to class changes.
There was never global support for dual spec, nor for removing batching. A vocal minority for sure, but the majority do not voice their opinions.
What is your issue with blizzard having to fix specs they left in the dust throughout 2004-2006? It’s obvious blizzard didn’t have enough time for classic, so much content had to be cut, most classes were not in a finished state.
so you want to upset people that want to play without changes and upset paladin players that they still will have problems having fun from playing Prot Pala, and definitely not at endgame. You either make all the changes or none of them.
It’s very strong, often preferred. My guild had TF WAR MT in Classic but in TBC we got a new Prot Pala tank and we quickly cleared the content. I has holy and prot while leveling. The difference is “huge”
11.1 is retail.
I seen a lot on reddit, twitter, then they added - reddit, twitter, wowhead commends - all positive. Only few salty people on the forums. If people would be upset they would be first to post that on social media.
You either make ALL the changes needed or NONE. You either follow TBC+ spec changes to make them work or for some reasons - you make a new design that make it work.
There is no point launching Classic Vanilla with-changes for people that don’t want changes and to people that finally want to progress a Prot Pala, boomkin or shadow priest just to find out “changes” are trash and they still are meme specs and nothing really changed.
Making a massive changed is more likely to contain flaws or overtune things. These are changes that could be implemented in a day. They do basically improve life for everyone, including prot paladins at 60, just not inside 40 man raids, paladin is good enough to tank AQ and ZG, which I’ve done myself. They’d stil not be desirable at all in 60 man (mainly due to mana & poor threat, secondarily due to taunt), but 11 more free talent points would make it more enjoyable.
I was in the best speedrun guild outside china in tbc, we ran 2 prot paladins. A big reason was because retribution is straight up bad, but 3 blessings are amazing. Feral is better, but doesn’t provide anywhere near the same utility.
Indeed it is, retail is the continuation of classic, in a lot of ways more similar to TBC and Wotlk than they are to classic.
There is no need to completely overhaul every single class at once. Even in original classic they did about 1-2 major class changes per patch. I think it’s obvious warlocks and hybrids would need the most love from such patches, but this is just minor changes that could have been applied at any point.
Old vehicles - get repaired when there broken. that doesnt work here. if they dont run they use value
classic is broken down old vehicle that need repairs so it can run again but we have wow classic useless puriest that dont understand even small changes are good
should seen ppl when they added duel-spec classic wow
good god ppl were pissed like stupidly so
no one likes retail no one likes mythic + or stupid complex raids that retail has. no one askins classic wow be like retail and sod was a joke they made way to many mistakes in classic game meant to be easy shut up go play classic era stay out anniversy edition and sod cause types dont belong here
They failed. so askin blizzard go back and fix there failures make classic + and vanilla + server for people who want just classic + with nothing retarded in it not far fetched
blizzards game devs have brain damage thats fact doesn’t matter if retail sod or classic need stop fulling around do something also whats worse is player base every single one had brain damage from start no matter game type
Who the hell! invented ninja looting, by players degenrate world boss pvp by players GDKP by players botting by players buying gold by players ur-goro devilsaur farming black lotus farming who invented this toxic crap
@ no changes player base thats who
You @ no changes players really suck cause when ppl ask for better spams for devilsaurs its not classic enough or when players ask for instances for world bosses cause those bosses constantly camped by degenerate assos or people abusing mechanics in game cheat other ppl from gear like gdkp . classic andy @ no changes is most cancerious player base we have
like seriously screw you guys for messing up the game over the years no one wants play classic era cause full of gold buyers bots and gdkps screw you for ruining the game for everyone else
if was for me i made sure NO player degenaracy would be allowed on classic era or classic server. screw you and toxic behavior