Nerf disgusting mages

Dont mind the debate masters, she has zero played in the game for whole expansion, just likes to act cute on forum or annoy someone with her useless arguments coming from zero exp. Some ppl just like to pay sub you know and then play 30 games for the whole expansion and tell everyone their experiensed opinions of everything or just argue for the sake of trying act know it all without actually knowing anything

I just tell them to be quiet if i see they dont even play the game, its pointless

i know, all argument crumbles when im ready to go at any minute but we go around in circles bla bla bla

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Still remains as fact of the matter here and if we look at 3v3 its not mage either, its the arms,ret,fw or feral,aug,x and whatever that zug you

Pointless to complain about caster when we should ask instead why the game is made so zug friendly now that most comps just hug each other at top of coffin

Nah, because you and Aly is the exact same kind of person who cant even understand simple things.
If Aly could prove anything it would be by being one of the most idiotic ppl around that cant defend anything and always keep being a hypocrit.

You dont seem to understand, you playing, will not prove anything between arms vs mage. I even tried to make my post readable by a beginner in WoW.

I can go into RSS as Arms, misplay even on purpose while defending im not and it would prove nothing.
You can play RSS as Mage, misplay even on purpose while saying you are playing your outmost to win and it would prove nothing. So how do you prove it most effectively? You look at higher players vs said matchups. If everyone would believe, like Aly who keeps saying “sub is trash” because he/she cant climb because of low representation… No comments. Like minded ppl usually band together.

I thought you were more clever, but I guess I were just wrong. Ill just stop arguing/discussing with another narrow minded person. Goodluck though.

Who is aly ?

Alythena with over 4500 rounds in RSS but keeps saying its trash and should be deleted.
Someone who believes they are insanely good while proving to be just plain arrogance fed by illusions of grandeur.

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You could come back in a year and they’ll be calling someone else bad rating shaming and flaming them lol

yeah see, you are delusional, not gonna waste more time on this, as usual, you preach as im the stubborn one yet ud rather say i misplay on purpose when presented with facts.

u can answer more, but i wont read it, gl.

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I never said you would do it on purpose, but I can see you have issues reading. Thats quite common with a few individuals on the forum.
You do not have any kind of facts, its your personal view and even if you play badly you will call that as facts. And if you play extremely good you will call that as “outplaying the impossible”.

If you never misplayed while playing you would already be 2400 or above in rating, no questions asked. And that comes to every single person here on the forum and even those ppl can misplay.
The issue comes when ppl refuse to understand they are misplaying and instead blame everything else.

But goodluck with your journey and weirdly claimed facts.

I stopped caring when idiots try to do some rating shaming. And you should be quite aware that its not rly something I care about xd
But its the kind of people like Aly who says “you dont even play the game” when its quite clear I do that the entire thing just becomes comedy. Its almost like a mantra of self defence and its hilarious. ^^
“Sub rogues are strong”
links representation and claims “You dont even play the game!!!” :rofl:

Ah alythena haha man for a sec i thought who in the world is aly

I dont play the game much either i just played like 4 rounds on this guy to get enchant when i came back thursday but idk i think we should all chill more and i flamed alot of ppl myself only thing i do now is defend myself etc but yea we should have fun maybe alythena has fun playing it even tho he just wants to q instead of waitinf for his 2s or 3s mate its nothing wrong w that i think

Nothing wrong with not playing the game more than others. Everyone on their own.

Whats in the past still matters even moving forward. Atleast when it comes to forums, but as long as you keep changing to not trashing everywhere, rating shaming, being arrogant it will slowly go down even if it will never disappear.

There is nothing wrong with playing RSS and theres nothing wrong with even liking it.
There is however something wrong when you keep writing that you want it gone and deleted and keep talking how they want to do 2s/3s over and over while having 4500+ rounds played in RSS over the season. If you hate something so much, you avoid it and majority spend time on 2s/3s.

Try being a lock getting trained by melee - not even sure why we have CoE or Fear. I get to blink once then it’s back to getting my little backside invaded 100%, one melee on one leg and the other on the other until I’m dead.

Though I’m open to tips!

you’ll never get it through to them tbh. the 4.5k games and not able to break 2k let alone 2.1 says everything. He flamed Jenovas and bloodmyst. Both have hit 2.1 in shuffle before him


the reason why someone plays 4.5k and then says it’s trash is because they aren’t good enough to get 2.1k for the illusion
plain and simple

I’m not good enough myself to get it atm, been 2k x3 times on warlock and get slapped back down but it is what it is

Btw i lost to a ele doing no casts and he won 6 rounds i hopr they atleast ban those ppl

Ngl the enchant is one if the best they made so far.
I didnt see the New one yet i hope its similar

someone made a post showing it. it’s a minty green I think it’s quite cool
doubt i’ll be playing in 10.2 tho

Slinks get that enchant its worth it gl man.

Trust me thex will announce season enfing in 1 month soon there will be alot ppl coming back to ginish there elite legend glad etc or enchant then is a good time to push

I’ll try, might do late push on dh

When they announce season end ppl come back mostly

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