Nerf disgusting mages

no more 30minute dead game queues

I had 56 today 2310 mmr only to lose against a ele bot who did nothing rndly 100-0 someone snd going 6-0 twice the same guy.

I never spammt my report button that fast

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56mins lol ffffff that mate. tbh One of my queues was that long but I had a few BGs , it pauses the soloclown queue doesn’t it

Was the guy instant lavalavalava ?
I saw some guy using the cheese crit hardcast build. he literally deleted someone twice

I cmfidnt check him cause he had hidden profile evrrywhere and a russian name so i thought 100% cheater but i dont wanna call ppl out i just lost all my mmr so far and 20 cr not so much just trding to get elite but if it doesnt happen idk really and s3 warrioe will be god tier w these changes haha

oh look an invitation to watch some intentional feed to prove how balanced mages are

  • Loses every single arguement with 5 different people
  • Can’t say anything back to uses the word “delusional” to defend himself
  • Only plays random battlegrounds and posts in arena section anyway

pure forum content right here

but we all know, low skill players will make even overpowered specs seem underpowered :rofl:

It’s a shame you’re using a character name of the #2 best Chess player in the World right now, absolute disgrace for this behavior

Alot talk of mage under thread named mage but almost none are mage or have tried mage, same with the healer threads that i muted when i see ppl spam who dont heal nor even play the game

Lets use this what i once saw in warrior thread before i mute post:

everyone who thinks mage is so best go play one and try for yourself

Funny how no one still plays mage, everyone play arms and ret and then the people who fotm ww, uhdk or aug

U want an OP class enjoyer to admit their class is OP so it gets nerfed? :rofl:

Played mage multiple seasons to like duelist for fun, it has never been this braindead and OP

Have already, 2k in shuffle in 3 hours

Maybe on sewer MMR, now go play some 3v3 or Shuffle on actual high rating and come back. Cause the last time I queued 3v3 on 2400 nearly every game was some Mage team variant - Mage Feral, RMP, RMD, Mage Warrior, Mage Lock, Mage Windwalker, hell there was even one Mage Survival team that was trying to farm Glad wins lol, it was also the most played class when facing all the boosters in 3v3, and the most played caster by a large margin on higher shuffle games. But I do understand your opinion because you are a 2v2 enjoyer and they are rare there because Mage Healer isn’t much of a thing usually so its generally those Rogue Mage enjoyers

This is true but does not negate Mage popularity, it only boosts it. There is literally nothing easier than facing a Warrior, Ret or Windwalker when you play Mage. Literal walk in the park. Mage also farms Aug evokers pretty easily.

To any Mages on this thread who think Warriors are hard, here you go:

Charge #1 > Knock or Shimmer into Alter time
Charge #2 > 1 of the above
Heroic Leap > Displacement

And now the warrior is RP walking in Bladestorm from at least 20 yards away cause theres no mobility left. At this point you probably just wait till he reaches u and u alter time back or shifting power for 1 of ur infinite shimmers to come back.

Oh yeah and trinket whatever stun you receive, that guy ain’t getting even a millisecond chance to touch you

Did I mention DB Sheep Ring or Slow? :rofl:

a warrior shoudl never be able to reach a arcanemage i think

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How tf are people hard defending mage!? It’s not even like this class is rarely good and now the people must come together to pretend like it’s not the most broken thing since dk in wotlk. This class is broken at least a couple of times each expansion but this current meta of mage is truly unbearable to the point which the gameplay actually suffers.

Walking at 30% movement speed or less is not fun, especially as it’s a passive cause and effect.

Being rooted for 6 seconds is not fun.

Multi immunities is not fun.

Absorbs are not fun.

Cc is not fun.

One shots are not fun.

Well aware that these aren’t just mage issues, therefore, blizzard should just prune this over inflated & over complicated PoS game.

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What I don’t understand is why all this brutal mobility and utility, when the game and balancing is supposedly focused around PvE? I’m pretty sure you don’t need 5 blinks to outplay a mob pack in M+ lol

then by your logic, you are all bad and inting. case closed.

ww gets consistently kited by a mage and it has arguably the best mobility out of any melee.

doesnt matter how biased you can be it is dog design and same applies to aug aswell because as ww too you barely can connect to an augmentation. And im exclusively mentioning ww here because it has the best toolkit to connect to someone. Now literally just put any other melee on those shoes and you understand why mages and aug are cancer for the game


+1. It is necessary to reduce the damage considerably or eliminate some CDs from tool kit. The mage has too many utilities and damage

I think people are way too focused on “zugzuging” that they can’t apply any other game strategy to their games.

With my DH, i could usually keep up till a point (stuns, meta jump etc.) with the Mages but if i run out of fel rushes and VRs, i will just go to pillar and wait stun CDs. The moment I touch a Mage they melt down like a candy. So It makes sense for me to just either make them waste a blink on “chasing” or wait for my stuns while pillar hugging.

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Cool story bro, now tell me what you do when the Mage is playing Blink stun on 13s cooldown and uses Dragon’s Breath on every Eye beam?

Hmmm. Idk probly go on the forums to face reality lmfao

I can tell you what you cant do not move your character for about 20 sec :slight_smile:

Then they can’t kite me with just 1 blink? Thats what happens, i don’t do something special rofl.

Because venruki said that Mage is B Tier

Dont forget if the Mage is playing with a hpala, like in fmp, and getting Freedom aswell. good luck trying to catch him

Was it as fast as you swipe the credit card ?

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I got the tinfoil hat theory that mage and warrior are in a perpetual arms race on who has more mobility, making it insufferable for anyone else.

I’m also a bit of a PVE enjoyer, and I can’t think of any content really requiring obscene amounts of mobility, you could beat the content with DKs rpwalking everywhere.

I don’t understand why some stuff is not simply a choice node. DB and knock for example. Shimmer and displacement,maybe. Alter time and temporal shield, maybe.

Same for warrior, maybe double charge and leap on a node, dont know how well that would fare currently, but better than chosing between doublecharge and stormbolt, thats for sure. Stormbolt and Shockwave should deffo share a choicenode tho, imo.

Could be done for multiple other classes, maybe make ret choose between double-steed and undispellable freedom (or something else, currently undispellable freedom would prolly be bonkers.)

There’s so much stuff that kinda shares similar ideas, but you can get both of them. Having DB in the past meant you use it to peel yourself or a teammate, you might not have it in time to secure the poly. Now you peel with knock and get the db poly right after if you want to, ontop of having the flexibility to just use it to peel aswell and just be uncatchable.

Also, frost deffo needs their rootgame checked out. That stuff randomly proccing roots on literally every single blue ability seriously needs to go.