Nerf disgusting mages

No need. Got 2k on my mage for the transmog in shuffle in 3 hours, stopped playing it after, would be faster but eh 30 minute queues :sleeping:

You don’t need to prove anything in general, stay in the Battleground section and I’ll stay in the Arena section. If you stream it and post a clip or a vod here, you’ll likely be crucified for making 15 bad globals per minute each round :rofl:

nah, i stay in the pvp section, and mos tpeople ehre int he delusional section.

Look I already told you, and others have as well, you cannot understand why people complain about mages because people complain about good mage players

I understand you probably died 800 times in world pvp or battlegrounds to MM hunters so you think Mages are bad, but go watch some good mage players play and then come back with a real opinion on the subject

Until then, call whoever u want delusional

look i already told you, you cannot understand why you complain about mages because you are bad, i understand you died 800 times from mages … no lets be honest u didn’t die 800 times lmao.

w/e man.
stay delusional

hope that you’re sarcastic lmao.
the moment warriors get another charge is the moment i quit the game.
monks do have a 99% speed reduction during fists of fury which is 1% away from being a literal snare.
dks dont need any grip reduction.
about chaos bolt i really think im responding to a troll comment. xD

dude you are the problem not anyone else

just saw a glad warrior in bg 2x leap + charge + reflect + stormbolt and bladestorm in a 3 seconds span, im assuming he is one of you people saying how hard it is to catch a mage

So first of all, this is still the arena part of the forum where people discuss about balancing and what happens inside arenas.
The only argument you have are all based on BGs.
So you want to talk about catching up.
Arms Warriors:
Charge - 2 charges - 17 sec CD.
Heroic leap - 30 sec CD. (2 charges PvP talent are only for fury.)
Bladestorm - 1.5min CD - 1min if talented. (Avoid CCs) (30% movement speed unless instantly slowed afterwards with Hurricane talent.)
Avatar - 1.5min CD. (Avoid CCs) (30% movement speed unless instantly slowed afterwards with Hurricane talent.)
Storm bolt - 30 sec CD - 20 yards range.
Hamstring if on target for 50% slow or piercing Howl for AoE 70% slow. (30sec cd)

Arcane mage:
Shimmer - 2 charges - 21 sec cd. (20% movement speed with talent which everyone takes)
Displacement - 45 sec cd.
Dragon’s Breath - 45 sec cd.
Ice Nova - 25 sec cd.
Alter Time - 50 sec cd. (40% movement speed with talent which everyone takes)
Slow - Can put up anytime for 50% slow.
Blast wave - 25 sec cd. Knockback + slow.
Arcane Barrage - with talent which everyone uses slows target(s) and increases yours.
Cone of Cold - 12 sec cd. (70% slow)
Frost Nova - 30 sec cd.
Ring of Frost - 45 sec cd.
Polymorph if the target is not the Kill target.

Honor mention Shifting Power since it reduces CDs.

So even if you want to argue, the things mages can do to prevent arms from having uptime on them is quite alot.
But, arms also have pretty much 100% uptime on every other target they want to or atleast close to it.

yeah, but since u talk about arena, we both know warrior is gonna be paired with another melee dps, and adding to eachothers is gonna make me miserable and easy to catch

be it a dh, a dk, a ww, a survival, a enha shaman, u name it.

Then we can also argue based on that with you going to be also paired up with someone that will help you avoid one of them atleast or close to it.

It works both ways, not just everything against you.
I just dislike people arguing the absolute worst situation for what they play vs the best situation for the enemy. Also why arms has nothing to complain about atm since the only ones who rly hold arms in check right now, are basically mages and aug evokers.

I did arena skirmish on my own arms, literally 1v2 a ret + MM who had better gear than me. Arms has insane defensives on short cd.

no it doesn, its INFINITELY easier to chase someone down, than to peel for someone in a match, chasing is literal tunnel vission zugzug bolt grip nonstop chase

peel, not so easy when u have to cc healer, do dmg, dispell and so on, ive very rarely seen any help in those situations, while every single match is being chased to narnia 1v2, 1v3 if ehealer dps just decide to also dps me.

look, im sick of this argument, come, ill prove my point anytime.

100x easyer and efficient to play arms with random people than it is to play mage with anyone who you dont trust to play as team with, its pretty pointless to bring top 3 ppl with 10 alts from 2700 into the table aswell when 2400+ gives the better idea of whats best fotm and most efficient and none of the mage specs aint one

Yes, majority of melees zugzug no questions asked.

But theres also a reason why we enjoy casters more in certain ways since its not just 1-2things you think about.

Im sick of reading extreme bias takes from people.
You can argue anyway you want even when the bias takes shines brightly. Its like arguing with arms warriors before the big buffs and even some of them after the big buffs who still are complaining about other specs.

ill prove it any time, and im reading to have my mind changed if you can prove the same. anytime fr.
it ain’t gonna happen anyway

You already made up everything in your own mind and thats the only thing you will go for. Just the same as you “proving it” means literally nothing for the overall view of it. Just the same as me “proving it” would be the same.

Still holds true. Its impossible to argue with people who are so set in stone with their own belief.
Im not saying mages are broken but they are def strong atm with all their cds and the only spec that can avoid arms having close to 100% uptime. They can still have some uptime on the mage, but not as much as anyone else.

nah, ill hop in a SS anytime to prove my point, and anytime u want you can hop ina SS to prove yours thats what i meant, i can assure you the chances of me being trained by melees (without me be able to kit or cast any spell and falling last dmg on the scoreboard by a solid margin) is infinitely higher than finding another mage and having a warr, dh, dk, any melee that is saying howm impossibly hard to catch mages are go 0-6 or something close

And how would I know you are not misplaying or playing badly just to prove your point?
How would you not know if I am misplaying or playing badly to prove my point?

Like I said, you or me playing would not prove a single thing about the overall view on a spec. You can have a godly lobby for you or you can have the worst. Do we both have to keep queing until we get into the worst ones for both? Should both misplay or play accordingly to whats best for us?

Theres alot of variables in question to “prove” something by just simply “playing and watching”.

oh trust me you would know im trying to win it.

Thats still within the questioning. If you never misplayed, you would be above 2400 rating.
I rarely if ever play arms, I only lvled it to 70 to dabble in it and maybe play abit on it. In what way would that prove anything about it in RSS? If I misplay because of tunnelvision/misuse of my mobility/cds against a mage. What would that prove? That im bad? That the mage are overpowered?
Nothing. It would simply just prove I misplay.