Nerf disgusting mages

we had the same problem in wod, when devs reallize, ohhh we have too many micro cc´s

we will nerf the utility from every class with the next xpac legion “oh we nerfed too much” with the next xpac, we will add some cc or deff cds to some classes with bfa

then they buffed the utility from some classes with sl even more, and now with df we are back on a annoying mop level so yeah… i guess This will take another xpac until blizz realize that some classes are overloaded with the broken toolkit.

From a business perspective they have to do it because the xpac is newbie unfriendly
and also an addon that tracks everything is mandatory if you want to play competitively
So my guess is they will nerf class utility with the next expansion

and make it like this, reminds me of the old talent tree.

Idk either man. At this point I farmed out my season goals and now I’m just having fun playing alts. Mage is hilarious when a melee is trying to kill you, it’s like running circles around the fat bully at school

i feel like the bully would be the dh.

Monk has a problem with Mage. XD

a problem? more like a major design flaw lol

Windwalkers have literally 0 chance to ever connect to a Mage. Even Nakamura can probably survive a windwalker

i can post a clip if you want, would need to look it up, im vs ww and dh, and u can tell how much fun im having :wink:

Do it or no balls

In that clip you will be killing clueless spergs most likely. Today’s melee metagame and they struggle with Mages? We are nothing compared to Cata or MoP times…

Every melee complains about mage like every caster complains about warrior.
And every mage complains about hunter…
Peak balance of wow

Ok mr lvl 60

Do you realize it is borderline impossible to die to a melee as a Mage this season? We do not count Survival hunters, every hunter eats mages, but otherwise every other melee is miserable into mages.

I’m still waiting the Nakamura clip.

If he posts a clip I can post a clip of me playing mage into melees too for fun forum content. Had a Windwalker Arms Fire mage lobby, I was the arcane mage. The melees tried to kill me for 2 games, they gave up for the rest of the rounds, it’s just a meme to even try :rofl: I finished 4-2 cause the arms warrior had 0 wins for all his efforts

there you go
now, obviously i haven’t played top, but tell me “mage is 100% winratio vs ww, impossible to lose against?”

https:// www .youtube. com/watch?v=o2AnH6nz100
u had a room with another caster, thats not 3 zugzugs

fyi i surge the priest because that was virtually the only way i could get my 2second cast off and start actually dpsing

you only played bgs in all your wow time this is the arena forum you are at the wrong spot here

this argument sounds very invalid to me, only because most of these post are OMG NERF THIS REMOVE BLINK OMG

meanwhile the guys playing bg know the class is not busted, if u want to fight for fairness people would have to go back to legion pvp templates and not the bfa ones, and work on those, that was a decent system, where classes had literally different hp/stats as soon as they entered instanced pvp

now if those stats and spells could be tuned for the content they are played in, i wouldn’t bother coming on tthe arena forum until i actually played arena

but since i play bg, and i know i will NEVER get an invite for rated bg aside from the no voice groups we occasionally run where we play like its a normal bg, and enemy team often is voice with perfect comp and crush us, i kind of feel like i need to make my point through.

Like the counter argument, would be, mage never gets into rated bg groups, because, sheep is a terrible cc for teamfights, so are db and rings, icewall has almost no hp and gets MD from every priest, and yes, people do have priests in rated bg…
damage only fire can somehow compete, but will still fall behind at least 3 or 4 specs, single target dmg we are not even close to the top, we got no healing reduction or any sort of pressure

now im not asking to get, healing reduction, or god forbid, stuns, id hate to have deepfreeze back, because i rly dislike stuns as a mechanic, i believe every cc should have its up and downs, like, cyclone is a cc, but at the same time, u don’t take dmg in it, so if you miscalculate when to use it, u rr just giving enemies time to get their cd back, same goes for blind, its a cc, but breaks on dmg, in the right situation, aka, stealing bases or cc healer while killing FC is strong, but in the wrong situation is a literal wasted global aka teamfights where there is alot of aoe dmg and dot spread

sheep and ring are very strong under the assumption that nobody will break those, and that im not dispelling my boomie, lock, and sp dots from my targets, but most of the times, games revolve around teamfights, and mage in teamfight is not even getting considered as a viable option

as for defense, same thing, mage is not better than having an extra rogue, an extra boomie, or a hunter, because hunter will have always pet, can sit stealth, rogue can sit in def, OR can ghost the base without anyone knowledge.

so yeah, i shouldn’t make my arguments based solely on bg, the same way people shouldn’t make the argument solely based on raiku winning blizzcon in 3v3, why would i not be concerned when im getting nerfed and im already B tier in the content i enjoy, or A tier is i play a spec i don’t wanna play?

try to understand the point of view, of someone who doens’t play arena, but at the same time, IS playing the class that u want nerfed, fight for pvp templates, get mage nerfed all the way to the ground, if tomorrow blizz nerfed mage IN ARENA for 50% of its dmg, remove sheep, and blink, i still wouldn’t care, its not like im playing arena anyway, and ill let the mages that play arena argue about it, but nerfing it for all content when outside 3s is literal pupu, no thx.

now if anyone wants to argue that mage is top tier in bg, ill take that argument to narnia as thats the content i play.

I do not care how strong Mage is in 3v3 scenario. Its not like you don’t have root breaker and 2 X 10 second Felrush and your two other teammates to react when you get “kited” or rooted. In BG’s we Mages just die we are that weak.

Big balls Nakamura, big balls bro. Respect for posting a clip. Wall of text incoming, but it might be useful for you.

So here’s an instant 300 rating boost for you for this game, the good things I say are not sarcastic btw:

0:00: Buff team with Arcane Intellect maybe?
0:07: The zug monk is already on you with all cds up. Trinket, Alter time and blink on the lower part of the map instead of tanking all the dmg by trying to go up
0:11: Very good Temporal shield
0:15: You can start casting a sheep with that Shimmer you did there, you can cast spells during Shimmer
0:20 Good Alter time, but you can jump down to make them chase you, then just Alter back up
0:31 This is a free Blink (Shimmer) into Polymorph on the healer, he is in CC from dispelling already so he can’t avoid it if you press it
0:36 You decide to Sheep now that you feel safe, which is still a good sheep, but if the priest saw it coming he could fade or death it easily
0:43 The Ring of Frost is good, but why are you trying to hit the Monk? Your teammate is clearly trying to kill the DH instead
0:46 Free sheep opportunity on the healer into a free kill on the clueless DH behind you
0:50 Good blast wave
0:52 Ice wall is too late so Monk managed to come back up before it spawned
0:58 Instead of just blinking you could start casting Sheep on Monk, then blink, therefore he wouldn’t be able to play the game once again
1:05 Hitting the Monk again, he has every defensive CD ready, I guess both you and the Shadow priest are confused what to hit at this point
1:12 Good Frost nova
1:20 This is the turning point of the game, most of the reason why your team lost. Here the entire part of the platform in front of you is empty, but behind you is literally everybody stacked. You decide to go melee range into everyone else
1:22 You are forced to Ice block because you went into the melee instead of getting distance, Alter time and Knock and Shimmer are available to just get away from the melee fight but instead you stack where all the dmg is

By running on top of your healer (which is what the clueless Shadow Priest is also doing), you don’t allow your healer to heal anybody cause he tanks melee CC and kicks and dmg and everything

1:37 this is a good Blast Wave but I don’t understand why you’re still in melee range of everyone, you have Shimmer and Alter Time ready

1:45 you realize this is a bad position and you shimmer > ring, this is a good play
1:48 Arcanosphere is a super cool talent, but honestly it does like no damage, I miss when it was OP in Shadowlands honestly
1:54 you finally realize DH should be the kill target and he drops to 50% from 1-2 spells
1:57 very good blink > sheep on Monk, you should’ve been doing this all game ever since the start, as well as on healer
2:03 Your Shadow priest used Void Shift on you, so you lost a big chunk of HP. I don’t think you realized it because you were focused on possibly finishing off the enemy healer
2:05 You’re half HP, Prismatic Barrier is available, Alter time is available, Temporal Shield is available. You’re a little too tunnelvision here to kill the enemy healer
2:07 The Monk realizes you’re half HP and pops everything and just kills you.

Main problems:

1) Your Camera angle is too zoomed in, and you don’t see what’s happening behind you and in general your field of vision is very limited
2) You’re not abusing the basic Mage concept of spam CC healer and hit 1 kill target all game
3) You are not aware where your teammates or enemies are at most times, sort of tied to your camera angle again
4) You are focusing too much on either surviving or killing. You should try to combine those to do them at the same time.
5) Get OmniCD addon to see if your teammates can press anything to help you, or if they have anything left so you can HELP THEM.

That’s all. I’ll try to record something myself if I get a similar matchup, and Mage is like my 11th alt class but I don’t mind showcasing how pathetic melees are against it, especially Arcane.

u rly expect me to read all that ? ive read the first 20 words.

No, I don’t expect much.

Ignorance is bliss.

Read it, it’s free coaching basically…

Nakamura, for you the mage is always bad and everyone else is good. You remind me of Venruki in that way