Nerf disgusting mages

I mean its always like this, whenever a class that is well represented and hated by most is doing well u all cry, but when mage is absurdly broken by looking at their tools alone no one bats an eye.

Feels like stockholm syndrome, just because 1800 mages suck just as much as they did 10 years ago doesnt mean mage isnt broken, tried playing vs some of the best mages in the world? Theyll run circles around u like no other class in the game even if its the most insane players on the other classes.

The toolkit is broken and prob wont be fixed due to Pve, who honestly expected a balanced mage rework when no other rework has been balanced so far?

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arms is one of the best and most fun and casual dps to play for shuffles right now, heck its even among best for 3v3

you understand mages dont share your fun when theyre constantly playing 1v5 in random circus where people dont peel or setup gos aka play as a team

just because biased warrior continues cry about mages and rogues just like he did 10 years ago doesnt mean his arms isnt broken, warrior has been one of the best dps in pvp since vanil 2005 and continues as so 2023 idk what you crying about just play your game

i play with an arms, the guy is actually smart guy with brain, never seen him cry about anything, his enjoying his season and his having a blast, his class is broken, and his doing alright, forum warriors confuse me with their cry about demo and mage and rogue

just finished a lfg session with arms actually who had less exp than me, we beat the rog+heal, sv+rdruid and rm all these teams i see wars cry about, we played on +1.9mmr i have no complaints playing with the arms and neither did he, war is fine, stop crying or go play mage yourself in shuffles if you think its so op

yeah, dk is the most countermage melee

but then we have survival… and enha… and dh… and they don’t exactly feel like even matches for a mage either

Mages have massive ability bloat. We could do quite fine with reduced defensive in PvE I’m sure.

I just think there’s something profoundly wrong for mages to be simultaneously among the least played and also the most overpowered classes, while simultaneously being one of the core fantasy classes alongside classics like warriors and rogues and hunters, and being super popular in Classic. That is your claim.

It doesn’t add up. It doesn’t add up at all. Either mages are too hard to play or too weak or no fun. Otherwise they’d be everywhere, surely?

they get deleted by every mm,uhdk,ret,arms,ww,aug,sp lobby which the meta consist atm, only somewhere at 2700 is the raikus and such who are playing with people who play shuffle as a team anyway because they are all good at the game then there is everyone below that who are having a miserable time trying to play mage as 1v5 in lobbys with people where even your own healer is your enemy not to even mention the second dps who does nothing while your setuping cc on healer alone and also kiting 2 melee and soon 3 melee if fistweaver is making an comeback to a degree

so your either raiku or some mage playing on 2700 or your not having a good time as mage playing shuffles, simple as that, i could name dozen melees on other hand that are just good straight from the bottom to top and are not much affected if team dont play together so much

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Just because it looks good on 1900 doesnt mean its good, thats a really delusional take.

Wouldnt it make sense that a more valueable take would be from someone that played from the range of 0-2700? I know how well it performs at different mmrs, doesnt mean its actually any good in shuffle, i know its not compared to most other specs.

Warrior is insanely lobby dependant, which becomes an issue at high mmr because all u face is fotm augs that never reached 2400 in their life but they passively put up a wall that makes u do 30% less dmg all game and then spamm eruption upheaval all game and rescue on cd while having freedom 90% of the game. Then u add mages into that mix which has always had high representation at high mmr and this time theyre actually very good and prob overtuned af imo, then its not a good recipe for warrior. The people that play mage/aug sub 2400 are actually just so bad at the game i cant put it into words, u would have to be insanely bad to be stuck sub 2400 on those two. Ele also has issues with botting and bunch of rng dumb procc sht, while putting up passive earth shield and stoneskin totem on cd. There some pretty good ele scripters with perma frostshock up on u and knocking u 0.1 seconds into ur charge so u get rooted exactly where u charge aswell.

Its pretty cap that u think warrior is good in shuffle and has been good in shuffe previously, its never been good, the only reason u see people climb on it is due the sheer amount of people playing. When a class has 5x the representation of other classes ure bound to see some people climb pretty high but its all the more impressive u see mages and aug climb high consistently with veeeeery low populations.

I mean i could go on all day about the amount of stupid sht in the game but where would it lead. No one will ever change their mind anyways, and changes to aug/mages are prob not gonna happen until the next expansion, aug got some slight nerfs but they didnt touch blistering scales and it seems they never will, then they would actually be killable aswell as their teammates.

Its just dumb, u get aug/mage lobby and u know ure going 0-6 because when u face the mage with aug theyll perma train aug because he can actually die to wizards, when u face aug/mage ull auto lose and mage/warr into aug/x is a coinflip really but ull prob lose most likely anyways unless the mage is really good.


war has more better comps than mage or sub the classes that wars complain most about

warrior is good in shuffle and 3v3, not even among bad in 2v2

doing great everywhere, and in shuffle they have alot of good comps in the meta currently and have had for long time cause retri is good and popular

my mate has 3 of his arms 2.4 in shuffle atm and his duelist like me from sl, he hasnt complaint a single thing about arms entire expansion, all he had said related arms is that its good cause it has so many good comps in shuffle and pairs well with the popular retris, we play arms+rsham in 2s when i play my shaman

Ure smoking smthn

that warr of urs is smoking even more. I also didnt say that warrior is bad at 2400, i literally say high mmr, 2400 is low end of high mmr.

yeah whatever mate, im tired of arms players on forum complain of the game when they play one of the best specs

current meta: arms > mage > lock > sub, if we talk about shuffle of these classes mentioned here

and the data backs it up

U made my day with ur delusion

didnt actually think anyone could be more delusional than boodlock

There isnt a single melee top 20 shuffle but, warrior meta btw

i mean theres the stats, your legally blind if you dont see it yourself

stop the cap yourself and just play the game and be happy ur playing good spec? :dracthyr_shrug:

you could be demo warlock, you see many demos in game?

WHy are u linking me 3s?

3s died when DF launched

im linking you everything to show you arms is doing good everywhere, and you talked of arenas yourself

are you seriously trying to claim that arms is bad?

No i talked mainly about shuffle, because thats the only pvp we have left, 2s and 3s are irrelevant for anyone not practicing for AWC

I mean i dont even like shuffle and i admit anything other than shuffle is dead and shouldnt have any relevance unless they remove shuffle so all those stats are just garbadge, might aswell be skirmish stats.

and arms is doing good in shuffles too, so what is the problem here?

i play with arms warriors in game in arena i have no problem, my friend plays his arms warriors too cause he never liked fury and doesnt touch it, he has no problem with arms either his loving it, nobody i know has problem on their arms dunno whats yours

How is it doing good when the top of the ladder is literally arcane/aug tf u smoking bud

I dont care if ur 1800xp warrior feels warrior is good for him. Its not hard to get 2400, just get a lucky lobby stream and ggs

We are all once again reminded that Solo Shuffle as a metric is utterly meaningless kek.

are you seriously trying to claim that arms is bad?

where do i need to look, do i need to look 5 ppl on 2700?

No its not. Blizzard made it the only relevant metric, like it or not. If shuffle has more than 5x the representation of 3s and 2s the other metrics are irrelevant.

i dont know why he always cry from his arms, been doing this for 2 seasons now and neither seasons have been bad for arms not in shuffle nor 3v3 :dracthyr_shrug: