Nerf disgusting mages

U dont know why i cry? Because arms design is horse sht thats why i cry, the rework was literally only adding ignore pain and moving some points around to then nerf all modifiers into the ground, and u ask why i dont think arms is good.

Ur best dmg build is sitting in bladestorm half the game. No its not good, its horse sht because as soon as u face someone with half a brain, u shouldnt win. Because u dont have the tools to win, ure a glorified dmg bot

It may be relevant from a participation standpoint, but it speaks absolutely nothing of game balance.

Nah I can agree with him that Arms may be underperforming in Shuffle. Arms is like Sub in that it thrives in environments where communication allows it to fully capitalise on its kit.

Where I draw issue is that attempting to use Shuffle as a metric for anything other than finding out which spec can zug the hardest on any given patch will be the actual death of PvP.

Not that there’s much left of it to die.

i just told u his duelist from sl like me and 3x 2.4 in shuffle and 2k in 2v2, even yourself you have 2x 2.5 arms in shuffle and few 1.5-1.8 in 2v2

whats wrong with you seriously? why are you this delusional trying claim always that arms is bad when its not

but if you start making this personal i will reply with same manner, drop with the smokes and caps

rofl arms is definitely not underperforming in shuffle nor anywhere, you can agree and be wrong then

I was 2629 on one warrior, im 2670mmr on my other warrior, cr doesnt matter only mmr. Theres a big difference bwteen 2670mmr and 2400 thats my issue.

2v2?? I literally played 2s to cap, u dont think i can climb out of 1800 in 2s when i have 70%wr on my alts there

W/e u go on thinking what u want i dont care, the game is dead, pvp died when DF launched what does it matter.


I mean sure. I’m only here to giggle at people fighting over a fundamentally flawed bracket.

okay now ive read it all, i see arms being compared to sub, have good night gents :joy:

yeah bro the setup based arms warriors doing coordinated plays with their teams in shuffle, both just went to ignore with this

his talking about shuffle and trying claim arms is bad in the game so im showing him it is not

now do you play the game yourself or did u just stop by to compare arms gameplay into sub and say they are both the setup ninjas with coordinated gameplay and complete same spec

and ppl accusing me of smoking something, absolute mental takes from both of you, but start with the insults and i lost interest being civil ill return with same

Naw I haven’t played since DF S1, as I’ve said in previous posts.

I guess the Arms defensive toolkit doesn’t exist to be used properly in conjunction with its partners cooldowns rumao.

I said no such thing, I just used Sub as an example of another spec that has an above average skill cap.

I don’t recall ever insulting you, especially not given the way that you’ve followed me around in the past liking my posts.

If you want to be insulted though, I’ll happily call you an idiot for screaming into the void on the EU forum over an irrelevant bracket in a game mode that Blizzard hasn’t cared about since Wrath.

Sleep well, King.

i suggest both of you go try mage in shuffles if you think its so op and do it yourself

and as for the takes trying claim war being bad? no, it is not and have not been for long time, its doing great in every bracket in the game, also it has many good comps in shuffle

Literally quote me anywhere saying that I think Mages are an easy class to pilot full stop. Much less in Shuffle.

I even came to blows with Immørtálx over Warriors (and Arms specifically) in his Chaos Bolt thread kekw.

I suggest you stop being angy and read, especially when I’m seemingly one of the few people left on this forum that don’t immediately dismiss you.

nobody follows you around bro, your delusional, if you think someone follows you if they happen to like your post sometime thats delusional or you have some god complex which your record dont support as your basically duelist like me but currently you dont even play the game

what the actual is wrong with you both trying claim arms is bad spec or doing bad in the game? absolute mental

Mate I literally get a little notification on the top right of the web page when someone likes one of my comments, including who they’re from. :smirk:

I called Solo Shuffle irrelevant, not your post specifically.

When you’re done editing your post, go back and find where I called Arms a setup spec.

I didn’t claim it was a bad spec. I said I could see how it could be struggling in Shuffle. Not that it was. You just saw the slightest inkling of someone not blindly following whatever your narrative is and assumed that I was against you when in reality I’m just sitting on the fence laughing to myself.

Weren’t you adding me to ignore anyhoo?

i suggest you stop come post nonsense to me when you dont even play the game or stop meddle in other people conversations defend a delusional arms saying his spec is bad when it clearly is not

it is not, its one of the best dps in shuffle and in 3v3

arms is nothing like sub and they are not comparable as specs

so far everything u have said has been stupid, so ill call it right back at you

dont see reason to continue conversation with someone who pays sub only to write forum but havent touched the entire expansion

I dunno if you’ve forgotten already but you actually addressed me first.

Okay. If it is then that’s great. Lmao at Immørtálx I guess. :joy:

I won’t correct this again since I’ve already told you that I was referring to their elevated skill caps.

I’m paying sub to play Wrath my friend, which is debatably even more irrelevant than Solo Shuffle. Definitely more enjoyable tho.

I’m 2.4k on Wrath btw, am I cool yet.

this forum is for people who participate in pvp not for people with fried claims as arms being some sub like spec ninja which both sharing this setup based coordinated gameplay, it clearly shows you have no clue what you are talking about if you even call them the same

and for the record arms is doing better than mages or sub in this shuffle and 3v3, not that it matters to you as you have zero in anywhere as you havent played the entire expansion and your just a bystander spewing your flawed takes on top of that.

absolute mental from both of you, but alteast the other plays the game even tho he is delusional too trying claim arms being bad spec in the game but your the bigger fool when you dont play the game and come meddle on it support these claims and spam more nonsense on it

hope you get good value for your subscribtion writing on forums and not putting cent of it into actual play in the game, and your calling me an idiot. please

No it’s not. It’s where people come to argue and belittle eachother over the number of games they’ve played or whether or not they’re “qualified” to speak on balance.

But, but my 1800 or whatever it was that I got to on my MW in the first season of Shuffle for the sake of getting a decent weapon for PvE. :scream:

I dunno what they were thinking with that season 1 Monk mog, it was hideous.

How dare you my dude, I’m a Duelist, you know? And not just in Shadowlands either.

Admittedly I usually just pop on to post memes or see what the latest balance situation is, but occasionally I really get engrossed in a thread and get to have witty back and forth with people such as yourself.

I’m grateful for that, honestly.

ICC should be pretty fun, tho.

arms is one of the best dps in the game both in shuffle and 3v3, they are doing good. period

3v3 arms being the top dps +2400

shuffle arms being the #4 dps of melees

anyone who claim it being bad is delusional

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Kek, just checked my own checkpvp. I think my Shadowlands Warrior just about sums up my take on modern Arms.


btw, since someone said that above 2.8 its only mages and thereforce should be nerfed

i wanna point out that 3-4 of those mages is literally Raiku

and 3 is Avizura, and im assuming another mage has 2… so yeah… there is actually half of the 12 WHOLE MAGES you see at that top, still would say its wrong to balance the game around that 50 top players, but w/e i know its like talking with brickwalls.

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No comments on Mage also being the most represented class in the game above 2700 even in solo shuffle in both EU and NA?