Nerf disgusting mages

mage is extremely fun to play, at least outside of toxic arena enviroment it is.

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Yes. If you’re going to complain that mages are OP, perhaps it might be a good idea to explain why, if they are so OP, why aren’t they being played like the other OP specs are or have been in the past? Why is mage the odd one out. That is my question to you.

So was mine, incidentally. Or it would’ve been had Druids existed at the time, but I did as soon as I could.

Back then mages and for over a decade mages were WAAAAY more popular than Druids. So what changed?

And the factual truth is the game isn’t full of mages even though they’re apparently OP. So are they? When we know FotM rerolling is rampant.



Yes, for every class. You can’t add EU and NA and compare its percentage to only EU or NA. What are you even talking about?

Well… finally! This is all I asked.

You know… I doubt it’s that simple.

I want what you want - I want a balanced mage that’s fun and popular, and whatever this is ain’t it, and just calling for nerfs on mages certainly ain’t it, either.

Breaking news: the class with 2 healing specialisations and 1 DPS specs with an S tier healer and S tier DPS is played more than a pure DPS class. Good observation man.

There is no objective truth to whether something is ‘fun’. You either have fun with it or you don’t. You do. I don’t.

  1. I’m not complaining 2) They are OP, it’s a statistical fact.

Like what? S1 Ret which is the biggest abomination the game has ever seen?

Because it’s an extremely boring class to play.

Why are you asking me as if I know why every player that isn’t a Mage isn’t playing Mage? Why aren’t you playing Shadow Priest? Why aren’t you playing Augmentation? Why aren’t you playing WW? Why aren’t you playing Holy Paladin? Is the short answer: you don’t want to?

Yes they are, because they’re not a popular class yet they’re still performing excellently.

:skull: Yes.

https ://

Like I said, stop denying factual statistics that are freely available to you. Mages are more represented in EU arenas than Hunters are. Factually true.

Hey buddy there’s more than 1 site for you to use that gives representation statistics.

i mean, ive noticed who u r i know all discussions will be pointless now

still, hujnter is not more prevalant than mage IN ARENA because there is not many mages in arena either, hunter is storng vs mage, not vs the other zugzug classes that dominate the arena for the most part.

still, im ignoring this topic from now on, talks about stats, ignore most of them kinda seals the argument for me. cya

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Said the guy that comes into arena threads and starts talking about battlegrounds and 1v1s :skull:

Mages are what classes should be.

Powerful, but you need to play well to unlock that power.


This doesn’t add up.

Oh sorry, I forgot to add ‘in my opinion’ one time so your brain can comprehend my points. Try to contribute something relevant instead of scanning for 1 slight error in wording.

You don’t even play arenas, lol?

ppl dont like mage cos the current meta make it not fun to play in shuffles if ppl dont play as team which i guess happen only 2700+ range where the 3 top mage and their 10 alts show mages among top

theres quite many ww,ret,uhdk,arms,aug,boomy,sp on the between before that tho so i look the 2400+ range shuffles

weirdly as unrelated note arms seem to be the most played dps in 3v3 on 2400+

Yea I just had a 2v2 against Mage and Druid and trying to CC the Mage for more than 0.2 of a second was nigh impossible, it felt like he always had another utility spell waiting. I actually lost count and by the time you got through them all the CDs were off and you’re back to the start of the cycle. I feel like what is the point of having any utility if your opponent just negates it all?

The duel was an absolute chore. There was no answer and I didn’t want to continue … Mage was like ‘yea give me more stuff to get out of…’.

I just wanted to afk. Not fun or challenging.

So tired of classes that just remove everything and every expansion it just seems to increase.

…and yes Warriors are so overplayed it hurts. They have always been at the top of the PvP food chain since day one and it’s funny how Blizz have never touched that.

sorry, im failing to understand the dynamic… how was mage getting out of warlock ccs…? like, fear, coil, multiple stuns and so on?

Same here and i would never touch arena again.

There’s something deeply wrong with mage tbh. I played a bit of 2’s the last few days and reached 2.1 MMR several times which, when my CR catches up, would make top 30 frost mage in EU.

I am nowhere near good enough to consider myself a top 30 player. And of course it’s just duelist range. Imagine that, 30 frost mage duelists from 2’sin Europe. The game feels straight up dead. This is ridiculous.

Yet a handful of them is destroying the top.

And then I come in here wah wah mages OP climbing impossible. Lol, even if we are you’re not gonna run into enough of them for it to matter much.

both mages and rogues is just making the game unfun at this point

Mage has never been good in 2s outside of rogue/mage such as in SL.

Theres too many hunters and ferals for it to ever be good.

Some classes are just way better designed for 2s over others.

its the same with warriors in 2s, theyve always been horrendous in that bracket outside of wotlk. Its just just a root simulator, where no 3rd party breaks them ever.

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But surely that is a balance issue in itself?

I definitely experienced the pain of meeting hunters though I had no problems with ferals. Perhaps that comes at higher rating.

Ah u played frost

I think feral used to be more oppressive into mages in 2s but combined with more mobillity on mages and frost having an insane amount of roots, half ur gcds go towards shapeshfting and sitting a full second on gcd to get rerooted again.

I tried playing feral in 2s, and its not as good as it used to be into mages mainly down to the utillity creep to mages and the lack of in ferals.

But it was dominant for about 10 years previously so yh

also idk when they added the gcd and removed power shifting that also helped making it way worse. it feels awful shapeshifting. A think an honor talent for it would be a good thing so ud lose smthn, but also get more quality of life because it felt really nice, but it wouldnt be that insane considering they recived no extra mobillity compared to what they used to have.

Exactly. I think it was WoD or Legion, but can’t be sure.

You can just spam slow on them endlessly and they’ll eventually go absolutely ballistic.

Ferals used to be the highest movement class in the game back 10 years ago. That has changed a lot. Frankly they feel like they’re near the slowest now, only beat by rets and DK’s. And DK’s have grips, so…

I think that the right approach is to tone down this arms race. I think it’s also one of the reasons mage has gotten that skill floor. You can’t tank anything so you need to use a metric ton of mobility and CC CD’s to keep enemies under control. With 43 abilities to manage (for me at least) things get very hectic, but it’s possible.

Either you can do it, and the enemies will cry themselves to sleep or you can’t and you will. It’s very binary and very punishing - which is fine if it weren’t so over complicated. I mean do mages really need 3 spells for teleporting and a 4th one to reduce the CD)s of them all?

fire with sub is where the fun is, sadly its the only comp, sub can play with hpri but mage+hpri is meh at best pun unintended

also its not worth to main either of them unless you know somebody as its multiple times more efficient to go lfg as healer and pick any of the dps you could comp with, but if one tries to find fire as sub example its like looking for needle in haystack, not many play mage and even less of them look 2s when they only have 1 comp, also when looking for sub as fire trying to find one that can play rm is almost impossible so i dont even suggest going that route unless already have somebody to play this comp, obviously this is big factor on why there is so few of them :slight_smile:

i like rm when get to play it, its fun change to the usual dps+heal, wouldnt play any same comp for too long, i need variety with multiple spec and comps

I know exactly what you mean.

I should add that I’m playing frost+disc. Every time I try RM it becomes incredibly frustrating. The coordination required is very high but the rogues don’t want to use voice chat, and I end up getting rolled over in short order whenever I try to go in for virtually anything. I actually genuinely don’t like that comp. I don’t mind fighting it though.

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