Nerf disgusting mages

i never played 2s with voice, you shouldnt need in 2s imo, u weed out ppl that are not built for this and continue play with the ones that can think on their feet :slight_smile:

its very scripted and sometimes you just adapt on situation, i wish i could play more rm but i gave up on it over year ago like we concluded its not worth trying find partners for this

I’ve pretty much always played it with voice. Not only is it much more easy to make a change of plans when you are losing due to an existing one not working, it is also much easier to time things and, above all else, it’s much cosier. :smiley:

In general, my experience with PuG’ging in PvP has been overwhelmingly negative. In M+ there was a toxic area between +16’s and +20’s or so, but in PvP it’s almost a constant. Solo shuffle has got to be the worst thing ever added to this game, I am yet to play a single lobby where someone doesn’t get flamed or buddied. Every single one. And I always report it, too. I’ve sent more reports for bad behaviour in two weeks of PvP than I have sent for 4 years of M+. It’s INSANE.

So… having such a limited selection of comps and wanting to play mage, plus the above, has really been a major factor in me leaving PvP. I just can’t be bothered sorting through 15 angry nerds before I find the golden goose and then having to go because it’s midnight.

lfg was ok before shuffle, shuffle killed lfg pretty much but its manageable still for a healer, for dps its like i put add up play few games with some rival max healer and then get shuffle pop after 40min que and i go look the game there for funzies and then repeat the cycle with lfg and else, everything is meh at best. games pretty boring right now

It’s just terrible.

And what’s especially frustrating about it for me is that I was screaming “don’t do this!!” from the top of my lungs in the general discussions forums, but it was ignored because Venruki and gang wanted it, and Venruki was of course wrong.

We truly are in a dark place in this game when it is borderline impossible to do something as simple as find ONE player you wish to play with. It’s actually insane. It’s literally easier to get a 2v2 game going in Homeworld and it’s got like 200 people on the servers xD

Soloq was asked by community over 7 years period but instead listen and do it like privas they made their own version of it which not only divided pvp base but also has bad design and killed any participation of healers on it, pretty big mistakes made from blizz. games hardly not even an mmo anymore its just bad n bad

I fail to see a better alternative, at least in the arena space.

Or do you mean your randoms should queue into pre-made teams? Because I imagine that would get very frustrating very fast.

I think the solo queue BG’s are an excellent idea though.

Theres too many topic of it alrdy, but the idea were to make it like skirmish but with real arena yeah, you leave you continue your choise, its flexible and doesnt split community

cc makes the game unfun, difference is when u get chain cced by a dh or dk, you don’t feel it as much as a melee, because you don’t have to go back to them, but if they were ranged ud understand just how painful it is, to be yoinked left and right all the time

also if you were melee and they were rangged with that toolkit

u don’t feel anything from these 2 because you are both melee, so its a slugfiesta of ccs and dmg with both of you 100% uptime

cc make the game insanely frustrating, but hey, at least if mage sheeps u u get heals, dot dispells and it breaks from, any source of dmg …

The nerf to the mage is more than necessary because all his specs are too broken. And I just hope and wish that frost mage becomes unplayable again.

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windwalker is better represented than all 3 specs not because its broken though just cos its fun to play xD

dk shouldve never existed.

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May you be kited in eternity and your fruits spoil.

pve class that is only good when its introduced as the new hero of expansion or when blizzard overtunes it like we saw sl s3 or now, they even overtuned grip range stupid for df cause they are incompetent in making any decisions related pvp

you talking about dks or blizz :3 phrase work for both kekw

paid beta since 2005 :+1:

That would just suck for any class that has a more limited set of good comps. It would be no more balanced than what they did, and it would be no more social, and there would still be a significant amount of games with abuse. At least with the system we have, you get to play against and with the bad player so them being poor isn’t quite as big a problem.

No, I think 10v10 random queue RBG’s is the future and solo arena should be removed, and I think the PvP community should be forced to stay in only a few spots again by doing such awful things as removing the ability to queue from anywhere and putting an NPC outside Orgrimmar and Stormwind, maybe optionally in Valdrakken, where there are queue NPC’s and that’s where you queue, so we all get to see each other and hear about each other.

The PvP community has not been able to survive all this soloing madness, and it will continue to break further and further apart the more it is enhanced. It shouldn’t be made easy to play solo, it should be made easy to play together.

Imagine raiku is the hjghest mage as arcane hes not even playing rhe obvious most broken specc named frost

Every Mage spec is broken in a different way outside of the stupid mobility and CC

Frost doesn’t let you play the game and does 600k dmg with Ray of Frost.

Arcane is literally untouchable as a melee, you have 0 chance of ever catching the guy, permanent 75% movement speed, temporal shield healing your whole healthbar

Fire can sustain 80k dps if let untouched in the back and also does brutal unhealable burst damage

I rather face frost over arcane im not gonna lie to u

we definetely play different games… like, be my guest i can prove you how fun it is to play mage in SS anyday, let me know when. ill stream it for you