Nerf guardian druids

Stop whining all of you dps classes out there and just accept the facts. You can’t expect to be able to easily kill all classes easily and it’s about time to know that some classes excel at some stuff more than others. Guardian excels at durability and pvp tankiness cuz of passive dmg reduction/ hp/ self heal. The fact you can’t kill one means nothing cuz almost every single class that has a self heal (most classes) can easily survive vs guardian as their killing potential is super low and ret paly throwing flash of light every now and then easily makes it survive too. Also keep in mind with your Guardian talk you are adressing 2% or less of the actual pvp playerbase.

Keep this up and you’ll officially be the Arena forum clown for 2020

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Serious do you even play guardian? I play it since 8.0

8.2 made them unkillable.

Give up man, you’re still not going to hit that coveted 1800. You’re the forever 1550 dude.


2019 Whisperer
2020 Atahalnl
man who was actually trolling the forums in 2k18 cant remember was jito already around?


They dont pvp much and they are not in the situations we experience. I play war , dru and dh right now. Dodgecharger also said guardian is very strong right now last time I talked to him.

Thats not the point. I even admitted earlier that guardian could MAYBE use a small nerf.

What I dont get it that most of you would simply rather have them completely gone (like all tank specs) than viabke in any way.

Ok I dislike playing against mages and rogues and dh’s and monks but I can’t exactly demand that they simply be deleted from the pvp scene if I want to.

Tanks should be playable in pvp just like all other specs. They have their own strengths and weaknesses, as all specs do.

Cos theyre only viable when their broken?

They do as much damage as a dps, then they do healing equal to their dps whilst making their team immortal.


…Except, as said, they don’t deal more damage than dps. They just take less damage and mitigate more damage -> other team deals less damage but still take normal damage -> it appears as if they deal more damage.

If you put them against dps dummies obviously the dps will desl more damage, as we both know.

The problem as I see it is that either a) the tank needs to mitigate less damage for its team and deal more damage to create more kill opportunities for both teams or b) the tank deals redundant damage but offers disruption and utility for his team that allows them to survive into deep dampening.

They are perfectly balanceable solutions.

XD lost track bro

If tanks want to play pvp they can do rbgs or skirmishes and what exactly is their weakness?

What is tank weakness??? Seriously? Their weakness is having 3 times less damage than a dps

When you compare damage they make , getting full hp in few seconds etc , they are stronger than most dps which makes unbalanced games.

They are more than fine.

Because you are druid?

This is from german forums btw. They talk about guardian defeated them.


Ofcourse not. Tanks should be more durable than a dps or a healer - but not immortal like they are atm. They should be more durable not do as much damage as dps class sometimes even more since they almost cannot be ccd and dont habe to run away. They should be more durable …not provide insane damage reduction for whole team permanently… They should be more durable and not have twice the healing of healers in arena… They cannot be rooted, polyed, incaped …

This was already an issue in legion(or early bfa o cant remeber) where even devs admited that they wannt tanks to be viable in arena, but it get to the point where they decided whole meta and staled games to dampening which was incridibly unhealty for pvp as a whole. On top of that tanks have insane cc and utility which make them insanely obnoxious in any pvp scenario…

And while we are bashing guardians, dont forget about Vengeance DH because they are insane immortal zigzag ferarri jumping jacks of all trades.

Is this your way of saying i play guardian in arena and i like not having to use my brain.


Nice comp man

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