Nerf Mythic + spiteful

As a melee player i 100% agree. They are nasty. I have to start backtracking before the mobs are dead just incase i get targeted because you really dont have time to run away from them fast enough as a melee player.
Also they have some range in them. They will still hit you even if you are further away from them and while im running away from it i cant help out the team with dps which is ridiculous.
Make them give % or at least nerf the damage they do. On high keys you can easily die to them and usually its the melee players that suffer. We already have the freaking hurricanes why do we have to have the ghosts too? Oh and explosives which usually melee deal with as well… How about you balance out the afflixes and make them fair for both melee and ranged.

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Yeah it is but still in spriteful weeks i get plenty invites.
Im almost done with 13’s this week, if you dont get many invites better push that rio a bit harder to convince pug-lords. :confused:

Bring an AoE stun or something then to your group. This just sounds like bad group making if you can’t somehow slow or CC them all.

Gyessing someone already told you, but learn how the mechanic works and it won’t bother you anymore.

The ghosts lose health over time(so in theory you do not need to kill them at all), and the one chasing you get glowing red and give you eyes over your head. If possible just CC the ghost and move on. It dies on it’s own while CC’ed or from splash damage.

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Yeah their melee range needs to be adjusted, they have the longest arms it seems :laughing:

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kk ill ask a very noob question

cant you just dispel them ?

or am i missing something

You do have time. As a healer last night I stood next to a few spawns in ToP a few times, as I was getting really tired and unfocused. I still got away from the ghosts that picked me as target when I basicly stood in their face. I screamed out of “oh crap I forgot to pay attention” on voice, but I got away :joy:

No? Not that i know of. But they can be cc’d so just use the groups utility and run to next pack, no need to kill them since they die on their own.

Dunno how since if you were Standing at their face they would have hit you. they have range to hit you even if you are little bit further away from them so i dont believe you stood right in front of its face. I have gotten hit multiple times while running away even though i wasnt next to it.

Well, you know exactly when they spawn (when mobs die), you know where they spawn, you get focused before they become active, they last for 9 seconds tops and they are ccable (roots/snares work wonders). :man_shrugging:

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U can also get weak aura that plays a sound if u are targeted, if you are one of those that sometimes loose track of these things in big packs :slight_smile:

It is mostly punishable for melee healers, since we have to stop healing when we get focussed. And of course there are some terrible small places in some dungeons where you can not get away. It is a bit worse week than the previous weeks. But overall doable :slight_smile:

They don’t hit you imediatly on spawn.

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No but they hurt like hell if higher keys.

That doesn’t matter if you get away, which you should be able to, even if you are face to face with yours when it spawn.

You cannot sheep a spiteful fyi.

I do get away from them but im saying this is just another melee hating affix in this season. Ranged dont suffer from this as much.

The weak aura suggested on WoWhead is great for knowing if you have been targeted and as others have said the range is sort of iffy. Sometimes they seem to hit you from massive distances and I can swear on Sanguine depths the other night they hit through walls (others in the party thought that as well) . If they fix the range,wall issue I actually think it is a good addition, easily played with some care and tactics. However I am scrub and have only done 7+8’s. so my opinion is probably worthless.

I’d appreciate it if they shortened their arms a bit. Their reach is a bit ridiculous and very hard to gauge.

I also wish they would be more noticeable, as when one chasing me gets CCed I’ll usually disregard it as taken care of just to find it has just taken 90% of my health because someone broke the CC.

In fact I feel Shadowlands very much has a proble with visual clarity. Tons ofeffects blocking each other, red on red, purple on purple, spell effects covering everything… I couldn’t tell you the times I’ve been hit by volcanic because I just didn’t notice it on top of my orangely combusting, orangely shielded, orangely casting mage. My covenant ability, as much as I love it utility wise and visually, just blocks vision of a huge area.

I agree totally, but there are ways to reduce the visual clutter through options.

However, still the choices for colors seem very bad in shadowlands, it’s always too much of something, mists comes to mind and it hurts my eyes ALOT when I’m in there.