Nerf retri paladins for pvp in phase 4 please!

Can we please just agree that both shamans and paladins are disgustingly overpowered in PvP.

As a warrior I literally die in 5 seconds to a paladin with zero possible counterplay, it’s hilarious, and this is a class that has two bubbles, I can’t even force the first bubble before I’m dead. It’s a zero hope situation no matter what.

This is better.

And against shamans you get kited, outhealed by their instants and die.

Paladins don’t have +15 movement speed. This is still based on vanilla.
They have 8% movement speed just like everyone else that has the boots enchant (and no, paladin talent does not stack with anything else)

The only real gap closer we have we recently got and that is divine steed. It’s awesome but personally I would have been happy even with just the 15%

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Slowing the enemy does shorten the distance between you tho

As a warrior you die to any other class in sod since phase1 right? Paladins bubble is kind of a hard counter to the warrior without any self healing also. Funny thing is a shaman doesn’t even need bubble to beat a warrior, a shaman doesn’t even lose 50% hp against a warrior.

A slow isn’t considered a gap closer. Rogue poisons, frostbolt, hamstrings etc. are NOT gap closers.
Gap closers are sprint, charges, blink etc. Paladin has no slow (except avenger’s shield on a 30 sec cd) and one gap closer (Divine Steed on a 45 sec cd).
What we have is a system of immunity to slow, that’s the class mechanic but as long as you have arathi boots or minor speed enchant on boots a paladin cannot catch up to you unless you are slowed.

Avenger’s shield has like 30% uptime bruh don’t pretend it’s some 3 second slow.

When we nerfing paladins then?

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It’s a 5 seconds daze which is a -50% debuff. You can drink a free action potion to get rid of this effect.

There are ways to get around all of the paladins effects you just need to think.

To keep context. It’s a 15 second CD now and the snare effect is reduced from 10s to 5s.

Still it’s not an ability that needs to be nerfed. It’s balanced

If we’re bringing gold into it, you as a Paladin could pay 2 Rogues to camp whoever you want to kill

What can only paladins pay rogues to camp people? Anyway it doesn’t have to involve gold… You could like make it yourself, have someone else make it for you.

That’s still gold you’re missing out by not selling the mats. Bringing up consumables in BG pvp is dumb.

I’m sorry but I think you’re not made for classic or SoD if you think that way.


Homie plays a hunter and is talking about busted classes :skull:

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just like they removed the ice trap launcher just remove the capicity to attack while in bubble.

it was okay previous phase when paladin didn’t have much damage but atm it’s truly pathetic.

No kiting needed, warriors need some more survival tools. They are just severely bad in pvp, buffs needed.

Also paladins laugh at warriors too.

who isnt .

I dont regret benching my warrior in phase3 at all. Wont even lvl him to 60 this time

And also move, cast and every second 10 gold is removed.