Nerf retri paladins for pvp in phase 4 please!

Nerf paladins in some way or make them do ATLEAST 50%, if not 100% reduced dmg while bubbled, would help alot. They bubble, kill 2-3 people easily. Cant get away, they PONY up your face and press another button to finish the last 20% hp, or just throw the spam-ability-hammer at your head from distance, if you managed to trinket the HoJ to run 3 steps that is…

horde whining about paladins is literally peak content, when they hold all the advantages.

Most of them are shamans using other accounts to post aswell. They must really suck at pvp, clinging so damn hard to their broken class. Scared of balanced pvp :rofl:

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Hunters 10times worse mr paladin

nerf shamans first then we talk about anything else.

I don’t play paladin, i did play some holy paladin in phase 2, its lvl 40. I do however crush paladins with my shaman in both phase 3 and phase 4. Shaman>Paladin in both 1v1 and in group scenarios.

shamans were always able to crush paladins.
this isn’t new to SOD.

you retail andies don’t know :poop: about classic.

like of course the class with a spammable offensive dispel is going to win against a class that relies on his DISPELABLE buffs to function,

this has been happening the past 20 years, but i guess you are new to the game.

why do you think the majority of the posters on the forums complaining about shamans are paladins?
because they are directly countered by shaman.

Paladins 100% need a HUGE nerf to their bubble playstyle. Make them do 100% less damage while bubbled, its not supposed to be an IWIN button vs anyone…Lay on hands, PONY, freedom, dispels and all that ontop just makes it a complete joke. Anyone playing a paladin and think they are good, just need to wake up and stop riding on the bubble. ANY paladin you meet press bubble first second you engage, into 2-3hits you.

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Try play a shaman Mr wave and see how it is, you are clueless. Only class you cannot faceroll as Paladin is a Shaman, guess that’s why you crying on forums about shamans 24/7. (Paladins actually need skills to win that fight, dispels etc) Not just HOHO BUBBLE 3global BYE.
MAKE PALADINS DO 100% LESS DMG WHILE BUBBLED; its supposed to be a “lifesave” button, not a “Grim reaper” button. BLIZZARD DO SOMETHING

I did on Crusader Strike, realized it is braindead to play in PvE and PvP compared to paladin, rogue, hunter, SP and druid. Literal toddlers are defending that class and claim it’s balanced, it hasn’t been balanced since P2 and has been exceptionally good in any content.

Most classes can’t faceroll a shaman, literally overtuned in all aspects. It is literally the most complete class in terms of their toolkit. Other classes have to make hard choices, shamans quite literally ignore any hard choice.

The only classes that just 3 shot you are mostly ranged anyways to begin with, melee get screwed over by new runes that hinder their effectiveness. Paladin hardly does that.

Your talent is to whine about paladins when you roll a beta faction and have a faction specific class that literally gives you training wheelies for any content or role. Peak delusional horde players are just bad PvPers.

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Just shh. Noone can bother argue with your wall of texts.
Just nerf paladins bubble make them do 100% less damage BLIZZARD. Its NOT ok as it is now.
BLIZZARD!? any GM!? Try log in the game yourself, play ANY class vs a paladin, take your trainee that never played wow play the paladin and try beat him. You wont. Make paladins do 100% less damage while bubbled. End of story.

All this on buffing paladins… Get another hobby mr forumtroll.

Unfortunately for you, people do, if you had generous interest of what I post, then you would see shaman/horde trolls trying to defend their broken class at every turn when there’s no denying that it is peak broken without any changes.
You can’t even argue, you whine like a spoiled brat about paladins being “OP”.

Says the one trying to ask for paladin nerfs LOL, you sit in a glass house and throw with stones. Go play the game and stop suffering from a skill issue, like the rest of your kind.

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Nerf paladins bubble make them do 100% less dmg while active, end of story.

So what, should we decrease dmg done when priests put a shield on someone? Should Mages dmg be reduced when they put on mana shield? Should every defensive ability also reduce the dmg they put out?

It’s a good idea but you’re not thinking about the reaction as it’d be seen as unfair. Also you mentioned before that in bubble they can kill 2-3 people? Show us this please it’d be interested what he’s doing and what gear he’s using. He must have rank 14 gear surely


Ok paladins balanced.

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Priests and mages are not completely IMMUNE to dmg while they have bubble up, they absorb like 1hit, they cant heal to full you sitting beside waiting or kill you while you cant do ANYTHING, try run he sprint 100% speed up your back, or call his minion to follow you and hit you out of stealth… As a paladin you pretty much only need a slow weapon, craftable Axe 4.0 speed, Pig mace AV, there’s plenty and 2 buttons. its totally broken.

My eyes must be decieving me but a paladin complaining about someone having a “swiss-army knife toolkit”? Now that’s rich coming from a paladin of all classes.

anyone who actually makes credible and well structured arguments against you that you can’t refute you just ignore, move on and repeat yourself in the exact same manner in the next thread that has the misfortune of catching your attention.

you literally prey on those with bad grammar to make yourself feel big, like some weirdo kindergarten bully, hence why you’ve been ignoring my replies to you for the past week or so, because you’re afraid of me.

ever since i caught you being hypocritical about “integrity of abilities from other expansions” when i pointed out that i.e shaman maelstrom weapon and mental dexterity was nerfed and thus not working as they do in other expansions you haven’t said a peep because it conflicted directly with your own philosophy when it comes to YOUR class.

rules for thee but not for me.

that is how i would describe your posts.

and now you’re literally acting like you never read it.
that’s the level of intellectual honesty people can expect out of you.

face it, you are known as the local forum noobret who can’t play the game and haven’t the faintest clue how class balance works in classic wow.
your entire post history is just whining about shaman (a class that counters yours) and your crusade to change what has been working the same way for 20 years is omega levels of cringe.

paladin will never be able to beat shaman in a 1v1 if the shaman knows what he is doing, at least not in classic (unless the shaman is resto, and even then you’re probably going to get a run for your money) and the sooner you come to terms with this fundamental truth, the sooner you’ll learn how to develop that paladin brain of yours and play around the fact that shaman counters paladin by design.

another paladin mega brain take.

paladin bubble provides complete damage immunity to all damage and it cannot be dispelled.
once it is used it will stay up for its full duration 100% of the time.

the one and only exception to this rule in the entire game is balefire bolt, which is a rune (and it competes with actual bracer pvp runes like displacement, rewind time and molten armor) and does pathetic amounts of damage until it is ramped up to the point where using it becomes suicidal (cast it more than 10 times and you die).

same can’t be said for the abilities you had the audacity to compare it to.

priest and mage shields (note: NOT bubbles) have a certain amount of hit points, and in mage’s case any damage done to them while the shield is up drains their mana by a factor of 2 mana per 1 damage point, and it can only absorb a certain amount of damage before breaking.

ice barrier works the same way, except for the mana drain aspect and has a 1 minute cooldown and is a 31 point deep frost talent.

priest’s shield leaves a forbearance debuff on the target so they can’t be shielded again for a certain period of time (around 15 seconds if i am not mistaken) and also has a set amount of hit points before it breaks (very little at that, its basically a single hit, if even that, and that’s fully talented and runed).

oh, and all three of these are dispellable

can you maybe keep the ball in the same park if you’re going to make comparisons between abilities?

like jesus, imagine unironically comparing divine shield to mana shield, oh ehm gee bro.