Nerf the honor grind

Well then u can stay with not the best gear in the game, kinda simple.

i can so i wont enjoy being handicapped so i will complain

People just want gear without any effort these days.

the effort was on getting the rating not on farming the honor to upgrade it dear

I doubt so as doing 2v2 or 3v3 arena is a faster honor gain.

This is so inaccurate I am actually quite surprised you even wrote such a sentence.

U need to do a little bit of both, u can’t just sit arena.

a little is not 3hours of arena to get my rating and 21 hours of pve brawl to upgrade it

So 24 hours for best gear in the game, i say that’s little.

you’re nuts if you believe so

Maybe i am but i still think 24 hours for best gear in the game is a joke.

Yes should have to play 500 hours to gear a character

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Rookie numbers. Make it 1000

ok we get it, you enjoy the grind but many and for sure most of the people don’t. Get along with it.

Is your attention span so hilariously bad or you intentionally ignored everything else I’ve said? You make zero sense.

how is that wrong?
You proved it yourself, you are in almost full conquest gear

full conquest gear =/= fully upgraded conquest gear

conquest gear is like 233 ilvl (?) and so is fully upgraded honor gear
in full honor gear (not upgraded) you are like what? ilvl 174?
so tell me where exactly I am wrong lol

If you think being ‘fully geared’ is the equivalent to having full unranked gear, then idk what to say to you. Would you say that a pve player is ‘fully geared’ if they were in full Korthia gear? No, of course you wouldn’t.

‘Fully geared’ in PvP or any other content means fully upgraded, aka max geared. Sign up to a group with your low ilvl and tell them you’re ‘fully geared’, they will laugh at you.

You’re not fully geared, you’re not even close. You ‘people’ argue over anything.

I was never talking about fully geared (upgraded) though?
I am talking about getting base conquest gear or fully upped honor gear is a pain.
Upgrading the gear isn’t nearly as bad because at least you will not got insta clapped like you are in greens when you have to farm the low gear.

what again is the point of having to run around hours and hours in bgs when you can literally go just afk because you are a waste of space?
How could anyone justify this system is beyond my imagination

you said

‘most of your gear is conquest = fact’. ‘full upgraded honor’ - absolutely false.

idk why you would talk about upgrading honor gear when absolutely nobody uses it anymore.

I think you have a brainerror or something

fully upgraded HONOR GEAR which is the same ilvl as conquest gear.

not once did anybody mention honor gear though, the discussion is about honor costs for upgrading conquest gear. so please take your irrelevant ‘points’ elsewhere.