New customization options for blood elves and void elves

that’s not holy in a sense what ''paladins ‘’ are since wc rts genre started. and if they made zandalari paladins they should have kept their loa alive to draw power from. and called them prelates ofc

We all know Tauren and Zandalari aren’t “Paladins” in the traditional sense…

They’re just paladins for gameplay purposes… Giving them all kinds of wacky names would only cause confusion among new players I think.

Edit: Though of course it would be cool with unique spell effects to reflect which “religion” they are a “holy warrior” for…

im sure a multibilion $ company can hire a few more interns on min. wage to do that

Yeah, when the game world was tiny and they had not even met trolls yet, back when it all started, All a Paladin is, is a Holy Warrior, The source of the Religion seems to be secondary, but it does need to be a defined source, so Loa, the Light, An’she, Elune even, it doesn’t matter. Just because we start off in WCI playing Humans and Orcs, doesn’t mean that the rest of the whole game world was in stagnation waiting for us to discover it. It was doing its own thing before we did. Kinda same as the real world. Europe was getting its freak on, waging war every few weekends out of boredom, spite, or in one case, a kettle, then we discovered new continents, where they had been doing the same, in some cases for longer than us. Certainly the concept of a Holy Warrior, a Paladin, as we would call it, predates just about every European nation in existence.

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Since Alliance got Helf skins on Velf can Horde get Taunka skins for Highmontain now?

Its only fair.

Took the words out of my mouth x)

give us an option to turn undead back to their human form

Well, they are giving us the option to be a “fresher” sort of undead that doesn’t look like it has been gnawed on by the local wildlife…

Sure its called a DK you can even make them look very much alive.

I love the new UD customisations, I’ve seen the hairstyle and features I want to use :slight_smile:

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Mwahahaha, horde players are going crazy because of this, we’ve been waiting to see this for a looong time…

You know what they say, karma is a witch :smirk: Let me read those rage posts and enjoy now :kissing_cat:


Actually most of the outrage I have seen, has been from Alliance players infuriated at what they see as a waste of resources, and of course the Pro-High Elf crowd how are now insisting that this is not Over, and that they will still campaign for Alliance High Elves as a separate Allied Race.

So, uh, enjoy those tears, but they’re mostly blue flavour right now…


Nah the new thing they’re screeching about is Paladins and hair colors.

It’ll be new racials and a new name tag after that.

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Now all I want is perhaps a few more hair colours and 2 eye colours, glowy dark purple and navy blue eyes. Then I’ll be satisfied. I don’t want blue eyes.

Raging people are mostly US players :smirk:

This sounds extremely ridicilous :smile_cat:

I was genuinely under the impression that High Elves had them post exile. Thank you for the correction.

Thank you, beyond cool and very exciting! I was worried that Shadowlands was going to be all about character customization and that those of us that chose to main allied races would be forgotten altogether.
Not only am I lucky enough to main a void elf, but this also gives everyone hope that the other allied races will likely get some love too. I’m glad they’re also working smart, by using some of the work on allied races for the base races, and vice versa. For example, many of the new goblin ears look a lot like they’re inherited from the vulpera, their “skeleton counterpart”. Very cool! c:

Thank you Blizzard <3 I have a feeling anything you give void elves isn’t wasted development time at all, and I’m glad you seem to feel that way too. ^-^ There are so many of us actually in-game, it’s so cool that we don’t have to switch races just to get new customizations, after working to unlock allied races. c:

We are gonna be the most popular Alliance race soon, so they better take good care of this race. Void Elf needs a core race treatment therefore.

Those creeps will never be as popular as Night Elves and Humans given that they’re unable to be Paladins, Druids or Demon Hunters.

Back of the line pal. Nightborne are the next allied race that needs updating.


LFM silvermoon pvp raid only non void skinned void elves allowed

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I’m sure we’ll get extra class options in the future. Preferably Paladin :smirk: