New customization options for blood elves and void elves

Yeah totally. Right after Forsaken paladins.

Love that itā€™s becoming optional with more eye/skin colours. This basically puts the player Void Elves in the same visual category as Alleria Windrunner, which is justā€¦ miles and miles better than not even having that option for the race.

Plus the entropic embrace proc is going to be so much more obvious and cool looking on characters not already blueish violet.

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Are the void elves getting none tentacle hair options? from the pictures it would appear so but confirmation would be great.

There is already 1 or 2 hair styles that do not have tentacles.

Goodā€¦ There should be some limitations when it comes to class/race combos.

6 for males.
4 for females.

If we were given new hair, Iā€™d just like one that was essentially a long braid that moved around a bit. Like the long one Night Elven males have.
But Iā€™d like more braids for all races so thatā€™s nothing newā€¦

If thereā€™s one thing Iā€™d like now to be 110% happy, itā€™s real black and white hair for Void Elves.
Just a plain black hair option, and a plain white hair option.

I mean black and white do fit, unlike blonde. I know why Blizzard did it, but I am not a fan of copy skin colors from belfs either. Some fairer skins would have been OK, but not the copies.

I liked there to be some level of distinguishing features. Although putting a helmet on generally removes that anyway so meh.

You can keep your blondes, browns and reds, donā€™t want them and wouldnā€™t use them anyway :slight_smile:
I want just a plain black and plain white. But Iā€™ve wanted that since the Void Elves were introduced.

I like these skin colors, but I wouldnā€™t mind if they were of a ā€œpalerā€ variety for example. Instead of the ā€œsun tannedā€ Blood Elf variety.
But having ā€œnormalā€ skin fits the idea that Void Elves can look somewhat ā€œnormalā€ judging by Alleriaā€™s appearance.

Looks like we win. Sweet.

How does blonde not fit Void Elves? Alleria is blonde and always has been, even when sheā€™s Voidformed itā€™s a bright white.

I think the more they make Void Elves able to look like High Elves the better. For Roleplaying purposes theyā€™d be the same, the only thing that would disrupt the feeling is the VElf racial proc, and in my opinion thatā€™s quite minor.

Iā€™d have liked High Elves as their own thing with their own customization options too, especially since I donā€™t see Void Elves getting Paladins, but this is okay too.

Big agree. At least High Elves have gotten attention from Blizzard with model updates, characters and storylines after WotLK. Taunka get nothing, and thatā€™s franklyā€¦ disappointing.

Didnā€™t say it didnā€™t fitā€¦ Said I donā€™t want them and wouldnā€™t use them.

Sure, I wouldnā€™t mind if they did. But personally it would be enough with the white and black hair optionsā€¦

I donā€™t see why High Elves would look any different from Blood Elves though. They are biologically the same race.

But thatā€™s another discussion I guessā€¦

Kul Tiran Humans tho.

True, but in-lore thereā€™s no reason for them to look different.
Thereā€™s no reason Stormwind humans canā€™t look big and burly beyond gameplay reasons.

After Blizz shot down the ā€œDrust / Human breedingā€ theory to their size and bulk, they are just humans that are big.
Which can happen anywhere I guess.

If you suddenly made High Elves drastically different, one would wonder ā€œwhyā€.

They should have made Kul Tiran humans something between a Vrykul and a Human and explained it with interbreeding with the Drust Vrykul.

Hey guys, Iā€™d like to request for a human tone skin for orcs, because itā€™s base colour is really too greenish and it doesnā€™t fit my imagination of how orcs should look.
Also you could give Nightborne a selection of Night Elf skin :heart_eyes:, just to make sure that the wide variety of options is there. Need to satisfy everyone, aye?

Eyes are ok though.

Brown orcs say helloā€¦

Daymn, finally, good call

Uh-oh spaghettios.

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Now we can start asking red skin chaos orcs? There is neutral chaos orcs infront of dark portal with horde :wink:

Of course you can!
Just dont get delusions you will get some wierd low demand fetish if something gamebreaking for so many alliance players was finally fixed.

Ofc not. I donā€™t care if alliance gets high elf. If they want to be like that then so be it. Red skin for orcs have always had something that catches my eyes. Well it might never happens and iā€™m happy with my green orc and good for those player who have dreamed of having high elf in game. :+1:

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