New customization options for blood elves and void elves

Sure you can!
But pack some lunch
It took a decade (actually more) for the High Elf supporters/fans to recive what should been in the game from day 1

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This is stupid.
some crybabies want high elves and blizzard simply copies blood elves and gives it to them. this ruins the uniqueness of blood elves. then what ? you want orcs and trolls on the alliance side ? this ruins the rp for horde as well. i want a dwarf on the horde side can i have one now plz ? since blizzard doesn’t care anymore, how about a gnome? yes i always wanted a gnome on the horde side :)))))
Blood elves are part of the horde , and this is the most stupid thing i have seen in a while.
I don’t care what used to be in the past because it’s not true anymore. don’t even start with the lore. the lore is clear. humans betrayed the high elves and they became blood elves … end of the story. and oh of course alleria is a traitor and this whole “Quel’dorei” that everyone is asking for is nonsense based on a traitor… nice.
If you want to play as “High elves”, play as Horde.
oh i also forgot , where’s my ogre on horde side LOL.


Hey Blizzard,
are you ever going to fix the green glow around the eyelids for blood elves that persists with golden eyes and now obviously even with blue eyes?

Sorry, but why?
To be a Blood Elf is an ideology/philosophy not a genetical or biological thing… it just a path most of the Quel’dorei/High Elves took, to be a “Blood Elf” is not ruined nor retconed
It always was and will be just a name with strong belives behind it - similarly strong as the oppinion of the Quel’dorei who choose to remain “pure” of Fel or devoruing the soul/mana of other creatures and decided they honor and respect their fallen brothers and sisters by staying what they were… they died like a Quel’dorei so they honoring their death by staying a Quel’dorei with all the High Elven ideals (and arrogance. And smuggnes. And hypocrisy) while the majority took the name Blood Elves and became a bit edgier and pragmatic

No hunnie that’s their alt. Their main is blood elf

i know that , Quel’dorei are still there and they are part of the horde.
that’s how it is and how it should be.
i don’t want to see another “quel’dorei” who is part of the alliance. because then they’d be neutral race like pandabears.
are you satisfied now ? this is as ridiculous as me saying i want a dwarf or a gnome on the horde.


Now give horde humans, gnomes, worgen, draeanei, dwarves , and night elves too. i want them so much so blizzard should do it i guess ?

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Before you start banging your chest yelling “muh immersion” like a good orc, please consider how ridiculous for them to be part of the Horde and shaking hands with the Trolls (i really doubt they see any difference of the Troll tribes) after their several millenia feude with the Amani, the orcs who dragged them in to a war where they were forced to work with humans, because the humans called in some old debts - wich existence was a shame to them in the first place - or the undead that ravaged their land… not only tolerating them but leting them in to their city and territory; while the Alliance/humans wronged them on one occasion when Garithos went ballistic…
So please, don’t come with such things like “we sould be part of the horde foreveeeeer” especially when Theron toyed with an idea and started the diplomacy to find the way back to the Alliance, and only Garrosh’s medling ruined that (used the blood elves, Jaine want ballistic, yadda yadda, history)

Stupid decision after stupid decision. Carnival stupid.

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Incorrect.If anything the use of magic and the addiction component makes it a genetical and biological thing.
But i have no clue on why Dreadbringer is so but hurt.I as someone who is playing Belfs for 12 years/versed in lore am perfectly fine with the new customizations.If anything i am happy we finally are geting blue eyes option.

Nah, then it wouldn’t be possible for them to revert back; the Fel could be eventually washed out of their system, but Elves are adatpatble and tend to soak up magic
They are like the cross between a cockroach and a sponge

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Nah, best decision.

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Now an even more obscure Elf race will be requested and cried for since the moaners got what they want now. :upside_down_face:

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But that just points even more that its not an idealogy/philosophy.No clue what you are on about.

there’s no amani trolls in horde, just dark spear who never fought the elves.
the so called undead were led by the “Human Prince” who decimated the high elves and commited genocide.
the “undead” are former elves and humans of lorderan which means like half of them used to live in quel’thalas.
the whole orc story you’re talking about is irrelevant because they were controlled by demon’s blood , are we also going to talk about night elves executing any high elf who used arcane magic or they banishing them from thousands of years ago? cuz it feels that’s the path you’re taking with your logic.
Blood elves, high elves, quel’dorei whatever you call them are part of the horde for many reasons but the most important one is because blizzard decided that years ago and people have gotten used to it and made alot of memories with it(me for example) and to see some pathetic void elf copying me because they’re so childish and don’t want to play as horde to play their fantasy blood elf, disgusts me.


My point is, you could follow the High Elven ideals and still be green eyed thanks to the proximity to the Fel crystals
And you could be a “Blood Elves” with blue eyes, who never went that far to use Fel for a quick fix, yet remained loyal to the ideals and ways of Kael and the rest

Well then get on with the lore and gameplay mechanics…its like you are stuck in 2007.Things progress in story telling.

Can you explain it to me,the whole rundown what the fel cristal in your headcannon mean?

Both factions got high elf so why still fight over and and even talking about lore? This is world of warcraft where in many cases lore does not make sence. If you take lore so seriously in game then why demon hunters can run black temple and kick their own leaders butt and steel his weapons for transmog? Both factions got what they wanted and end of story.


“They needed the non creepy femme race for Asian customers”
The Retributor told us all about it :smiling_face:

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