New customization options for blood elves and void elves

And you joined the Helf crowd? So I suppose no?

Anyway, you do realise you and the gang got an inch and ask for more and more, I mean you get that’s already going on right? I wonder if Blizzard isn’t looking at some of this and instantly thinking…oh shett…what did we start up here…
The Void Elf was already a fan service, people accepted that, even if it was a complete joke, just to give the Alliance their version of Blood Elf…and now they pandered further by giving you more skincolors and eye colors -While they distinctly said they would focus on the core races first- and now you want the Blood Elf haircuts, the hair colors, the Paladin class(pls stop claiming it’s about Lore now, it clearly isn’t) etc. It’s litterally ‘you give a finger and now you’re trying to take the whole arm’ in progress.

You claim to care about lore, but you use Alleria as your example everytime, who went about her ‘Voidification’ completely different then your playable Void Elf.

You also realise any ‘High Elves’ suddenly turning to the Void is a massive lorelol and hypocritical, right? Since they turned away from their kin because they used techniques to drain mana from other creatures.
So draining some critters to sustain yourself is a big NO to these ‘High Elves’, but going all in Void is acceptable? That’s some pretty rank hypocrisy right there.
I mean they were actually killing their own because of that and their ties to the Horde, but Void…sure why not, some ‘High’ Elves you got there.

It completly cheapens the Sin’dorei storyline even more, because the supposed ‘High Elves’ did that anyway.
I mean, face it, why did the Blood Elves have to go through all those trials if they could just keep sitting on their ars and ‘meditate’ it off, like the ‘High Elves’ did, it’s makes No sense whatsover, especially since the people that answered Kael’thas’ call to reclaim Quel’Thalas and went through the Dark portal were supposed to be the strongest amongst them, but apparantly they couldn’t figure out how to and weren’t as disciplined as a housewife like Vereesa was.

yeah, No.

What is this… kindergarten.
Sounds like a communist training ground.

Many years ago when I was in kindergarten, we fought each other with sticks and rubber balls, and we destroyed reach other on the playground for the right to be the awesomnest jedi the playground had ever seen.

Until those damned Imperials from the town’s other kindergarten came to visit… I tell you, we never did let them invade and take over, we always fought and we always won! For the republic, for freedom!

Like it or not, you cannot stop it.


Got a source for that?

I mean it was a lot, like a -lot- lower than that, Where is this 60% jump coming from?

As a Caveat, I can see where this Blood Elf annoyance is coming from, this is exactly what I predicted when the idea was “High Elves, but, if we can have this as well, and this, and this, and everything Blood Elves can have!”

That is a very dangerous situation to indulge.

Void Elf/High Elves are a thing. It went less than a day before people started going “And we wants Paladins, oh, and the Blood Elf Hair Colours, oh, and the Blood Elf customisations”

At which point, you have one, one allied race, who would have equal customisation as a Core Race. As well as being class unbalanced. Any other Allied Races getting this?


None of them.

This is exactly what I predicted. People want Blood Elf stuff on Alliance.

That’s not OK. That is about as far from OK as the original thread meant!

People seem to want everything that a Core race has, despite -No- other Allied Race getting the same demands, or any demands for that matter.

This is starting to turn ugly. People got the High Elf Model, which is what they said they wanted, It turns out they now want more…

How about this.

For every request for a High/Void Elf thing you want from the Core race, you propose an equal benefit to the Core race that the High Elves are based of. If you can, open for discussion, if it is just “And I want X, and we should have Y” then it can get in the sea. You are asking for one singular Allied Race to have everything that a Core race has. That’s not Ok my dudes, not at all.


Well that’s not true anymore…

She studied the Void under Locus-Walker.
These “normal” skinned Void Elves will most likely be the High Elves and Blood Elves who went to the Telogrus Rift in order to study under Alleria, Umbric and Locus-Walker.

The only difference will be that these new guys didn’t eat a darkened Naaru like Alleria did.
And I imagine taking in a huge power source of Void Energy would change your appearance more not less.

So it makes sense (in lore) that they get the same hair colors and hairstyles.

BUT… I can understand not giving Hair Styles from Belf to Velf and Velf to Belf, and explaining it through the Void Elves adopting new hair styles just to differentiate themselves from Blood Elves. Whether they are of the blue variety or not.

But hair colors shouldn’t be an issue, as we can clearly see on Alleria that any Elf who just studies the Void and takes in Void powers don’t automatically get a hair color change.

BUTagain I personally wouldn’t mind if Void Elves didn’t get all the hair colors.
I just want one pitch black one and one white one. Like the black from Humans and white from Night Elves :slight_smile:
But I’ve wanted that ever since Void Elves became a thing.

Jeez, people are acting as if the sky is falling.
High elves were always there, just not playable. But if you ask nicely, I’m sure the Alliance would give you both Kul Tirans and Mechagnomes for free. xD
Seriously, play both factions and you will be happy. I promise.

I do, I always have, that’s how I can see the problem happening. Don’t you think this is a bit of a crass move, one Allied Race gets a big thing, then demands more,whereas the other Allied races get nothing?

Also, just saying, Ogres were always there in the Horde, just not playable. Guess what, they still aren’t.

Come on, you can see the disparity here surely?

well, races from diferent faction can speak same langue, lore / story wise.
But most of the time both faction rather want to punch each other then have a conversation.

Also: Elixir of Tongues

All races can speak common, that’s a lore fact, otherwise the whole game setting falls over. No Elves speaking Common=No Human Mages, =No Aegwynn, no Medivh, No Dark Portal, no WCI…

There is no certainly they wont get anything, we still in the beta build - data mining to still do.

Many possebilites, hope is there.

I hope personaly we get dragonmaw and the old blackrock skin.

The Horde now has night elves with a different pose. The Alliance high elves… after 14 years.
The Horde has a new race, Vulpera, highly requested and popular af. The Alliance… they got more gnomes.
No, being an overweight and huge human doesen’t make it a new race. It’s still a human.
Seriously get over it. During bfa the Alliance is the one, who got the short end of the stick. There are less druids, less shamans and now even less new races. The Alliance still need a new race to make up for Vulpera.

“But Vulpera are just goblins with fur!!” No, it’s a new race.
“But Kul Tirans have a brand new model. So it’s a new race!!” No, they are still human.

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As someone who’s very much into the lore Brig… Answer this for me…

If an elf studies the Void (like Alleria did, minus absorbing the Void Energy from a Darkened Naaru), and learns to harness the Void from tutelage under Alleria, Umbric and Locus-Walker.

Would the color of their skin change? The hair?

Not asking for one thing or the other here, just wondering what you think based on the lore itself.

This is exactly what I cautioned against, whilst advocating that the Alliance should get a High Elf model. That it somehow wouldn’t be enough.

Which other Allied Races are getting this level of attention then? And no, don’t turn this into an Alliance Pity thread, we’ve had rather enough of those.

That would be good.

As a matter of facts, it would be awesome if both factions had a pool of distinctive haircuts shared between their races.


It is a no.

Even Alleria was injected with a supposedly small amount of void in that story, A thousand years of war.

It was then that she was given visions and ended up being fascinated by the void and it all spiralled out of control there. She eventually learned how to do void cake, blah blah blah and all that jazz.

I am wondering whether one can cast void spells without being injected by it at some point. Alleria did not have her void form and all that jazz before she absorbed that void thingy in that dungeon thingy. But she also did not turn blueverry as a result.

Nothing factual is stated in why her appearance was not changed following that. But the manner in which the other Void Elves learned about the void differs from Alleria’s far more controlled route, several hundreds of years controlled that is.

The ethereal Durzaan also intended to turn Umbric and his followers into void creatures, which is probably why Alleria points out that Umbric and his followers have the potential of gaining even more power than herself.

But it seems their power is linked to the amount of void they have somehow exposed themselves to or been exposed to.

Could the more glowy purple void form be out of reach for the not-as-exposed void elves? Aka, not blueberry void elves, possibly, don’t really know though.

Honestly blood elves with blue eyes aren’t High elves! They are still blood elves. Eye color doesn’t make a race or a group. It’s their history with each other that sets them apart. Void elves are also still void elves that were once blood or high elves but they were infused with the void. Blood,High and Void elves biologically they are the same race, the only thing that sets them apart are their allegiances and their history with each other like I said. All three are individual groups of elves who choose different ways to live, sustain their magic addiction or save/protect the universe from evil. But technically both are high elves biologically. (And I’m a full high elf fan and wanted to have them since the beginning as an allied race, but I’m kk with void elves getting their options)


Wait a minute… Are you and Brig the same person? :thinking:

Anyway, if it’s a no. Why is it a problem that Void Elves get Blood Elf hair colors?
Personally I wouldn’t use blondes, browns or reds even if they were supplied.
I just want one black one, (real black like your human there) and one white one, like the Night Elf white one.

I think the only reason they didn’t change her appearance is that the writers wanted her to remain “pretty”, just for the sake of it.

As for her powers, I dunno. This line is from the 'pedia.

Their first lesson was about maintaining Alleria’s sanity while using the Void’s power.

It’s talking about her lessons under Locus-Walker, and it seems to point to her having some Void powers before eating the Naaru at least. Though maybe not as many or as powerful ones as she has now.

But these new “normal skinned” Void Elves will still have the same amount of power the “blue” ones, at least for gameplay purposes.
So that at least points to Void Elves being able to gain power without being “transformed”… Though whether the blue ones have a greater “potential” I don’t know?

Indeed they may have same eyes, but there idealogy (or wat people call it these days), believes still remains different.

Omg blue eyes yay… :smiley:

I really hope Velfs will get the blood elf hairstyles and colour too, or else this will look silly af

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